/ / Andel chandelier: description and photo

Andean candelabra: description and photo

All the achievements of mankind in the history of itsexistence, from the invention of the wheel and gunpowder and ending with the splitting of the atom, searching for the Divine particle and flying into space, fade away next to riddles, to which no bright minds of the planet can yet give an answer.

The Andean candelabrum, located in Peru, puts scientists in such an embarrassing situation of the secret of their origin that they can not even come up with tolerable versions about what it can be.

The Planet of the Planet

Giant icons and figures larger than 4meters, applied to the surface of the Earth - this geoglyphs, a kind of writing or cipher, which is seen most often from space or from an airplane. The most popular signs are the symbols of the Nazca desert, which were embossed on its surface in the 5-1 century BC. e.

There are scientists who tried to bring these lines, geometric figures, images of birds, animals and strange creatures at least for some scientific hypothesis.

Andean chandelier

Peru is not the only country where it was foundgeoglyphs. For example, the most repeatable, and therefore beloved, plot of ancient peoples inhabiting the territory of modern Britain was a white horse. But, at least, this is a fully recognizable animal, which for people of that time was sacred or something personified.

The Andean candelabra became an example of whatThe meaning was given to him depending on the thinking or creed of people who saw him. Thus, the Spaniards who conquered Peru, perceived it as the Holy Trinity, depicted in the form of three crosses, and to the sailors it resembled a constellation or an ancient lighthouse. However, the same happens with most geoglyphs on the planet. Not knowing the true purpose of an object or phenomenon, the human mind tries to squeeze it into the framework of its perception of the world.

The location of the mysterious object

For some reason, it so happened that the objects in Peruthey write a lot, they study them and even defend their Ph.D. theses. In fact, there are many geoglyphs on the planet that are much higher than the Peruvian ones by age and number of images.

But apparently, interest is always higher to that over whichthink for a long time and to no avail (for example, an unfinished chess game or an unproved theorem). The Andean candelabra is not an exception. Where this object is located, it is easy to determine - on the Paracas Peninsula, 6 hours drive from Lima. The small mountain of crescent-shaped form rising here became the place of creativity of unknown ancient "graffiti artists". It can be seen from the water, or from a bird's eye view. If you analyze all the geoglyphs found on the planet, you can see that most of them have some similarity in the technique of execution.

For example, the "long man" in Sussex and the drawings in Peru are executed, although in different epochs, but clearly descendants of the same talented artists suffering from gigantomania.

Andean Candelabra Peru

If this is so, then it seems that they either fulfilled someone's task - at a certain time to apply the necessary drawing, or were wandering creative natures, which is unlikely.

People often tend to ascribe objects andproperties that they themselves come up with. For example, some of them believe that the Andean candelabra (Peru) points to Nazca's drawings, although this is not entirely true.


Scientists date this object 200 BC. e., and if everyone agrees more or less with this fact, then his destiny remains a mystery. The giant trident, as its local population calls it, has two branches in the form of candles with spirals, while the third candle grows directly from its base.

Andean Candelabrum Photo

Длина объекта около 180 м, что говорит о том, что for its creation it took a very long time and some special tools, otherwise it would not have been so well preserved to this day. The Andean chandelier, the description of which is proposed in this article, looks attractive, but quite trivial. Little, or what, trident in the world, here Neptune was the same. Ordinary people and scientists are always more worried about the question not "how", but "why"?


When this question is raised, the answers can be hundreds, we offer you the most intelligible, for example:

  • this is a beacon, since it can be seen from the water, but can not be seen from the shore - of course, the version is so-so, because there is no evidence that it was lit by fires;
  • The Andean candelabrum is a navigator for a spaceship, indicating the direction to the cosmodrome in Nazca (there are simply no words, but suddenly it's true!);
  • this lightning rod, since the trident is the symbol of the creator god Viracocha;
  • it is a taboo sign, because on the peninsula there are pyramids and burials with mummies, which were usually buried with jewels;
  • another version that it is a navigator, but according to it under the Nazca plateau there is an Inca gold not found or an entire acropolis full of dead and treasures.

Maria Reiche, who has been studying her whole lifethe Nazca geoglyphs and the Andean chandelier (the photo of the scientist you can see below) was able to only determine that some of the pictures coincide with the constellations, for example, the spider's paws and his head repeat the Orion's location.

 Andean chandelier where is located

Есть версия, что эти рисунки были оставлены не civilization of people. Judging by the fact that humanity itself does not know, neither that it was created for anything, it is possible that such a conclusion is the most correct one. Maybe these images indicate the path that distant space travelers have traveled, and through what constellations they had to come to us. And the figures are clearly not people on the Nazca plateau may well be self-portraits of the newcomers.

Whatever it was, perhaps humanity still has a chance to reveal the cause of the appearance of geoglyphs, which are so clearly visible from outer space.

Geoglyphs of Nazca

Andel chandelier and Nazca drawings differ in terms oftechnique of execution, which suggests that there were at least 2 ancient cultures that created them. In the desert to date, there are 30 drawings and 788 lines and geometric figures.

 Andean chandelier description

The trident on the peninsula is represented ina single specimen, and since a pottery workshop of the same time as the drawing was found nearby, it can be assumed that this is the creation of the hands of the inhabitants of ancient Paracas.

Nasca technique

Geoglyphs of Nazca are characterized by shallow trenches(30 cm) with a width of 50 to 150 cm, while in the candelabra they are deeper and wider. Some scholars believe that the Andean candelabrum, whose history is somewhat younger than that of the figure on the plateau, is the successor of the more ancient brother.

It's amazing how the ancient Incas were able to holdcrust straight lines of 500 km²? After all, even modern equipment allows you to make a flat trench of no more than 10 km without deviations from the course. Many of the drawings are striking in their scale, and again the question involuntarily arises: how was it possible to connect all the lines to make a 285-meter pelican or 188-meter lizard?

Either these artists had a special vision of three-dimensional space, or their tools were more perfect than modern ones.

Object of the Paracas Peninsula

The Andean candelabrum, whose technique is simpler, is made in a different style, although it can be assumed that the performers were familiar with the drawings on the Nazca plateau.

Andean candelabrum story

They did not need precision instruments, since the height of the object is only 180 m, but even it amazes the imagination and makes one guess what it was on the rock.

Mystery is waiting

Well, mankind will have to wait.Either there will be those who know why it was done, or people will find instructions for use. We will wait and hope that either this or the other will happen during our life, but for now scientists create new versions and make films about the secrets of the Earth and the Universe.

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