/ / Where to watch a movie in Ulyanovsk? Cinemas of the city: a brief overview

Where to watch a movie in Ulyanovsk? Cinemas of the city: a brief overview

Cinema for a long timeIt remains one of the places where adults and children like to go. The residents of Ulyanovsk are no exception. That is why the city has 15 cinemas, visited daily by thousands of people. Consider the best of Ulyanovsk cinemas in which you can go, once in this city.

cinema ruslan ulyanovsk

"Cinema Park"

One of the best and most advanced cinemas in the city of Ulyanovsk is considered to be Cinema Park, which is located in the building of the Aquamall shopping and entertainment center.

cinema moon ulyanovsk

It consists of nine halls, equipped with comfortable chairs and capable of simultaneously accommodating 1,486 people.

In this cinema in one of the halls instead ofClassic chairs are provided with color soft ottomans, where guests can sit as they please. The latest technology corresponds to the installed modern screens and sound equipment. In this cinema, films in 2D and 3D formats are broadcast.

On the territory of the cinema "Cinema Park" there is a bar and a separate cafe where guests can have a snack before or after a session.

Cinema "Cinema Park" is located at: Ulyanovsk, Moskovskoye Highway 108, which is located in the Zasviyazhsky district of the city.

You can visit the cinema every day from 10 am to 00:30 (from Monday to Wednesday) and until 01:30 (from Thursday to Sunday).

cinema matrix Ulyanovsk


Cinema "Luna" in Ulyanovsk is also one of the favorite places for the pastime of citizens and is also located in the Zasviyazhsky district of the city.

Современные огромные экраны, установленные в halls, good sound equipment will certainly make watching any new cinema more enjoyable and will give the maximum amount of impressions. The films here are broadcast in two formats - 2D and 3D.

Inside the cinema "Luna" (Ulyanovsk) is decoratedbright enough and modern, which sets a cheerful, good tone to the mood of everyone who falls into its walls. In the bar, which is available in the cinema, guests can buy drinks and popcorn.

The cinema "Luna" is located at: Ulyanovsk, ul. Kamyshinsky, 43 a.

cinema moon ulyanovsk


One of the best cinemas in Ulyanovsk is the Matrix. It can be found on the third floor of the shopping center "Pushkarevskoe ring." This cinema has been operating since 2011.

Заведение делится на 4 комфортабельных зала, which, in total, can simultaneously accommodate 665 people. Each of them is equipped with the latest sound and video equipment, which allows visitors to perceive the sound of the film being shown as realistically as possible. As for digital equipment, it is Japanese (NEC) in the Matrix cinema in Ulyanovsk.

The films here are broadcast in the usual format and in 3D, to view the latest viewers here are given modern 3D Dolby glasses (for adults and for children).

The cinema has a bar and restaurant "Hollywood",where guests can spend time in a pleasant atmosphere, on comfortable sofas of red and lilac flowers, before or after watching a movie. In the bar you can buy drinks, popcorn and a few light dishes.

The cinema "Matrix" is located at the address: Ulyanovsk, Moscow highway, 91, building "A".

cinema wings Ulyanovsk


One of the film sites of the company "Ivanoff and Co" -cinema "Wings" in Ulyanovsk. Residents of the outskirts of the city and nearby surroundings spend their time at all times, as the institution is located in Zavolzhsky district.

This cinema is rather small - there is onlyonly one room, designed for 587 seats. Guests who come here can comfortably sit on ergonomic chairs and enjoy the movie show on the big screen and high-quality sound.

Of the additional entertainment in the Krylia cinema, in addition to the bar, there is a separate gaming area, where everyone can play simulators.

It should be noted that this institution is often called differently - the cinema "Ruslan" (Ulyanovsk), which is associated with its location (recreation center with the same name).

Find the cinema "Wings" ("Ruslan") at: Ulyanovsk, ul. 40 years of Victory, 15.

cinema ruslan ulyanovsk


Кинотеатр "Люмьер" был назван в честь основателей cinematography. It was opened in 2005, occupies a tiny area (compared to other cinemas in the city) and is designed for a one-time accommodation of 35 people. The hall is equipped with a screen with a resolution of 4: 1 and Dolby sound equipment, which is a classic of cinema halls and is in all cinemas in Ulyanovsk.

В кинозале "Люмьер" можно просмотреть не только novelties of domestic and foreign cinema, but also any other film, including from a number of domestic classics - according to the collective application. Often here come groups of friends or whole families in order to spend a fun evening watching your favorite movie.

Located cinema "Lumiere" at: Ulyanovsk, st. Radishcheva, 148.

"7D Avatar"

"7D Avatar" is not just a cinema, but the mosta real cinema ride which, over a short period of its existence, has managed to gain popularity among the inhabitants of the city. It is located on the territory of the Akvamoll shopping and entertainment complex, in the Zasviyazhsky district of the city.

While watching a movie in this cinema guestshave the opportunity to experience the real drive, caused by the received sensations and emotions. The cinema hall is equipped with a powerful five-channel panoramic sound, which makes the sensation of what was heard as realistic as possible. As for the screen, it was created on a Siemens super power platform (Siemens) and is capable of transmitting a three-dimensional image with a vertical falling effect, which other Ulyanovsk cinemas are not capable of.

You can find the "7D Avatar" cinema on the second floor of the AquaMoll shopping center, at the address: Ulyanovsk, Moskovskoye Highway, 108th century.

Opening hours: every day, from 10 am to 19 pm.

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