/ How much does a visa for Finland for Russians?

How much does a visa for Finland for Russians?

Many Russians prefer to spend theirthe weekend in the territory of the Finnish state, in particular it is peculiar to the inhabitants of the northern capital of our vast homeland. But just like that and go to Finland, unfortunately, it is impossible. On the territory of this state, as in the rest of the European Union, there are a number of rules concerning the crossing of the international border.

The capital of Finland

As you have already guessed, Finland is part of thethe composition of the 28 countries that are members of the European Union. Every Russian at the crossing of the border of this state is obliged to provide the customs police officer with a relevant document confirming the permission to stay on the territory of Finland and other EU countries. This document is proudly called "visa". About how to get it to a citizen of the Russian Federation, as well as its cost and other important nuances will be discussed in today's article.

What is the European Union?

All countries that have signed the relevant documentto join the European Union, have state sovereignty and independence. Each of the countries speaks their own language, but all of them are united by a set of rules, which they must adhere to. Also in the EU there are their own governing bodies, such as the European Parliament, the European Court and the European Commission.

European Union

Types of visas

At the moment, there are several options for Finnish visas depending on the purpose of the trip. This rule applies not only to Finland, but also to other countries that are part of the European Union.

Visas are divided into:

  • tourist;
  • guest;
  • workers;
  • transit;
  • students.

Also each of the visas has its own unique termThe action that the consul establishes, depending on the status of the applicant. The status is assigned in accordance with the characteristics of the tourist: all violations in the EU territory, financial solvency, purpose of the trip and other trifles are taken into account.

  • single entry;
  • double entry;
  • multiple (180 days, 1 year or 2 years).
Foreign passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

The most common option isa multiple entry visa for 180 days, less often - for 1 year and the most unlikely - for 2 years. By the way, Schengen countries often practice multivisa, which provide for the possibility of visiting the territory of other countries that are members of the European Union. The most generous states for the provision of multivisa are Italy, Finland and Spain.

How much does a visa for Finland cost?

In this section we will talk about the approximatethe cost of issuing a Finnish visa in Moscow and St. Petersburg and the main documents required before applying for a visa. Many Russians often ask: How much does a visa cost to Finland? Unfortunately, it will not be possible to answer it unambiguously. The fact is that such a factor depends at least on the category of the visa.

The cost of a Schengen visa to Finland is alsodepends on the place where you plan to make out the documents. The simplest option is to apply to the visa center, where you can go through all the necessary procedures: fill out an application, pay a consular fee, make a transfer of biometric data. The answer to the question about how much a visa costs to Finland for Russians is presented in the table below.

Fees The cost in rubles
Consular fee 2 500
Children from 6 years old 2 500
Children under 6 years old is free
Urgent visa 4 700
Service Fee 1 845

Biometric data are submitted once per period,equal to five years. Payment for the whole operation must be made directly at the ticket offices of the visa center. It is worth noting the fact that in case of refusal of the consulate to issue a Schengen visa of this country, the fees are not returned.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account bothadditional expense registration of insurance, which is a mandatory document for entry into the country of the Schengen agreement. You can buy it both within the visa center and in outside organizations. The cheapest way is to submit a form for insurance online in the insurance company website. Now we have figured out the question of how much it costs to make a visa to Finland. Let's go further!

Moscow or St. Petersburg?

How much does a visa for Finland in St. Petersburg?Is there a difference between getting a visa in Moscow or St. Petersburg? Of course not. The consulate of the country where you plan to enter establishes a fixed price for each of the services regardless of where you are staying. A complete list of all fees was given in the table above.

How much does a working visa for Finland cost?

The process of obtaining a work visa is more labor-intensive, in contrast to the design of a tourist visa. To obtain a working Schengen visa, the applicant must provide an extended list of documents.

Visa Application Center in St. Petersburg

The price of a working visa varies from 2 500 to 35000 euros, depending on the consulting services. For example, if the applicant has used the services of translators, the cost may take an individual character. A list of the main documents can be found on the official website of the visa center.

How long does the visa take?

The average rate of registration of a Finnish visa is 12-15 days. If your application falls on one of the holidays, then there may be delays due to a large flow of tourists.


You can get a refusal to issue a Finnish visaquite randomly, but such situations are rare. You may not even suspect that you have violated one of the points of the Schengen agreement, while the consulate does not put you before the fact.

Passport control at the border

A list of the main reasons why you can be denied:

  • Violation of the duration of stay.
  • Lack of clear travel goals that do not satisfy the consul.
  • Violation of the law of the state during the previous trip.
  • Stay most of the time in the territory of another Schengen country.

There are cases when the visa is canceled directly onborder, because the purposes of the tourist are different from those that he indicated when it was received. Sometimes you may be required to provide hotel reservations or other documents confirming the purpose of your visit.

Rollback of the visa

For residents of St. Petersburg likethe phrase is painfully familiar. To whom, if not to them, engage in similar business with neighboring Finland? This procedure involves the crossing of the Finnish border with the aim of affixing a corresponding stamp in the passport so that it can move freely throughout the EU.

Sample of the Finnish visa

Important!At the moment, the number of days of stay in the open spaces of another country does not count, the Finnish consulate takes into account the number of entries made by a tourist to the territory of a particular state and compares with the total number of entries across the border of Finland.

How do I know if my visa is ready?

Along with the question of how much it costs to issuevisa to Finland, many tourists have another, no less important: how do you know that your visa is ready and long awaits the applicant on the spot? After completing the submission of documents for visa processing, the visa center consultant must issue an ICR-check to the visitor, indicating his registration number and a link to the relevant site, with the possibility of further monitoring the document's readiness. Thus, you can save the visa center employees from receiving numerous calls on this issue.


Visa processing is always sufficientA difficult question, over which one has to shake his head. Without any initial knowledge in the field of documenting travel, your planned trip can result in full-fledged paperwork.

Finnish police

Fortunately, our article presentedbasic nuances and common mistakes with which the novice tourist meets. We hope that the question of how much a Schengen visa costs to Finland will not cause you any more difficulties. Also worth noting is the fact that with a full list of necessary documents you can at any time to see the official site of the visa center. Enjoy your journey and new discoveries!

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