/ / Lake Ubinskoe (Novosibirsk region): description, features, fishing

Lake Ubinskoe (Novosibirsk region): description, features, fishing

Lake Ubinskoe is freshwater andis located in the Novosibirsk region. It is located not far from the village of the same name. The hydronyms originated from the Tatar word, which in translation into Russian means "quagmire". From here you can understand that in some places the lake is swamped and feeds on marshy waters. Many may wonder why from the Tatar language? There is an explanation for this - there is a local legend saying that the Tatar Khan Kuchum at the end of the 16th century roamed in this region with his family and other nobles. And one day, fleeing from the persecution of the Russian governor, he was forced to drown in the reservoir all his wealth. In confirming this legend, you can see the corresponding emblems on the coat of arms and the flag of the region.

ubinsky lake

a brief description of

Lake Ubinsky is located in a habitable area.On its coast are built some settlements, the largest of which are the Black Cape, Zarechnoubinskaya, Kreschensky. And on the reservoir are located and islets (the largest - Medyakovsky). In the basin of this lake there are several others, the largest of which are, for example, Poloi and Vaskino. A lot of reeds and sedges grow along this large reservoir. And the bottom is dominated by mud and clay.

Lake Ubinskoe is the second largest in the Novosibirsk region, occupying a territory of 436 km2. It is very shallow - in some places about one meter.

Lake Ubyansky Novosibirsk region

World of birds

Along the coasts bushes and reeds grew, inwhich inhabit a variety of birds. Even in these places nests of waterfowl are noticed. Most common are gray geese, cranes, eagles, black-headed gulls. In addition to permanent habitat, some birds fly here for nomadic and wintering.

Inhabitants of the underwater world

Lake Ubinskoe was once the habitat of manyfish - perches, bream, roach, and it was an excellent place for fishing. It is established that some water vertebrates in Siberia were first adapted in this reservoir. Therefore, the main activities of residents of settlements located along the Ubinsk lake, was fishing and subsequent processing. Here, even fish factories operated in which river products were processed, and distributed not only throughout Siberia, but also far beyond its limits. In the largest one, about 140 workers worked, some of them were awarded the title of Honored Workers of Fisheries and Honorary Fishermen. In the Black Cape and Kreschenskom there were special bases, in which there were their fleets with boats and katerki. Fish catching was carried out both in summer and in winter. In the cold season icebreakers and winches were used.

ubin lake photo

But for today the lake Ubinskoe(Novosibirsk region) will not be able to please such a variety of fish. Her in the pond became much smaller, there were only carp. It is assumed that the extinction of the fish fauna is associated with a poor ecological situation leading to oxygen starvation. There is also such a version, according to which the decline in the populations of underwater representatives is associated with a decrease in water in the lake. Many times tried to resume life in this area by launching fish, but attempts, unfortunately, were not successful. However, recently there has been a rise in the water level, and it was hoped that Ubinskoe Lake, the photo of which you see in the article, will once again please the fishermen with the revived fauna. Fisheries on the reservoir left a big mark in the history of this part of the Novosibirsk region. Those workers who have made a significant contribution to the development of the economy are proud to remember the all-Union glory of this lake, its incredible wealth, and strongly regret the current critical situation.


Recently as a place for fishingLake Ubinskoe lost its popularity. Rest in this area still did not become less popular and attractive for fishermen and simply people who prefer to spend vacations in the bosom of nature. Therefore, on its coasts there are bases and lodges for lovers of fishing, in which not only local tourists but also tourists come together.

lake ubinese holidays

Families rest with their children and do not regret it at all.this decision. The lake has warm water, a number of beautiful views, a nice beach. The amount of garbage here is reduced to the minimum mark, this can not but rejoice the holidaymakers. The constant singing of birds, clean air, picturesque nature - what else is needed for a proper rest?

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