/ Lithuania (Lithuania) - a country in Northern Europe. Description, climate, features

Lithuania (Lithuania) is a country in Northern Europe. Description, climate, features

Lithuania (Lithuania) - a country that is locatedon the mainland Eurasia, in the northern part of Europe. It is one of the three Baltic states and borders on the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation, Latvia, Poland and Belarus. In the west it is washed by the Baltic Sea. The capital of the state is Vilnius.

lithuania country

Short description

Lithuania (Lithuania) is the largest countryamong the Baltic states. Its area is more than 65 thousand square meters. km By the size of the territory, it occupies the 123rd place in the world. There are three main cities: Vilnius (the capital), Kaunas (the temporary capital and the second most important city in the state) and Klaipeda (the largest port).

In administrative and territorial termsThe country is divided into 10 counties with local government. The USSR format railways were laid here (the track gauge is 1,520 mm), there are 4 airports and a seaport. In the cities runs public transport, including trolley buses.

Согласно государственному устройству, Литва (Lithuania) is a country that is officially called the Republic of Lithuania and is a parliamentary government. The head of the named state is a president elected by popular vote for 5 years. Parliament - the Sejm, consists of 141 officials. Lithuania is a member of the United Nations, the European Union, NATO, moreover, it is included in the Schengen zone. Since 2015, the national currency of the country has become the euro.

lithuania country capital

Historical background

The current territory of Lithuania was settled in Xcentury BC e. Long since people who lived on these lands, engaged in cattle breeding, fishing and agriculture. During the Neolithic period, Indo-European tribes came to these places - the Balts.

As a state, Lithuania was born in the 13th century.The formation of statehood occurred during the existence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Cities and population began to grow, significantly expanding the territory of the principality.

In the middle of the XVI century, Lithuania, united withPoland, forms the largest state in Eastern Europe - Rzeczpospolita. After the First World War, for several years, Lithuania was an independent kingdom, and before the beginning of the Second World War, it became part of the USSR, in which it remained until its collapse.

Vilnius - the capital of Lithuania

Из бывших республик СССР одной из первых вышла на European level is Lithuania (eng. Lithuania). The country, the capital of which since 1939 - Vilnius, is characterized by low inflation - only 1.2%. And the standard of living of its population can be called high.

By the way, this can be immediately noticed by visiting Vilnius.It is the largest city of Lithuania and the second in the Baltic States, behind Riga. It is located in the south-eastern part of the state. Previously called Vilna, Vilna and until 1939 belonged to Poland. Currently occupies an area of ​​more than 40 square meters. km It is the main economic, cultural, transport and financial center of the state. The main industry is tourism. The city has more than 50 thousand enterprises, 7 commercial banks and 10 foreign branches.

lithuania it

Features of the relief

Рельеф Литвы – равнинный, с заметными следами ancient icing. Almost 60% of the territory is in fields and meadows, 30% of the land is overgrown with forests. In the south-eastern region of the state is the highest point - Aukshtoyas hill (294 m). There are many rivers and swamps in the state.

Литва (Lithuania) – страна, где находится почти 3 000 lakes, the largest of which is Drisvyaty. This reservoir, an area of ​​45 square meters. km, located in the south-east of the country, on the territory of Zarasai district. The largest river is the Neman, which in its lower course serves as a conditional border between Lithuania and the Kaliningrad region.

As for natural resources, on the territoryvirtually no state. Here only there are large deposits of building materials - limestone, clay and gypsum. There are also underground sources of mineral water. In the 50s. Oil fields have been explored, but to this day they are only under development.


The climate in Lithuania is temperate continental, inseaside region - marine. The average January temperature is from -1 to -3 ° С, July - from +17 to + 19 ° С. There are no sharp fluctuations in this area. The average annual rainfall is from 500 to 700 mm. Very often, at any time of the year, a drizzling rain is inherent in Lithuania. These days are accompanied by fog.

Great influence on climateair masses from the Atlantic and Baltic Sea. Full warm summer lasts two months - July and August. This period is favorable for rest and recuperation with the help of sea air.

lithuania is where


Lithuania (Lithuania) - a country where about 3million people, 550 thousand of them - in the capital. According to the national composition, 85% are Lithuanians, 6.5% are Poles, 6% are Russians, as well as Belarusians, Ukrainians, Jews and others. Religiously, about 70% of the country's population are Catholics, only 5% are Orthodox, the rest are themselves atheists.

The official language of the country is Lithuanian. It is native to the vast majority of residents, but many citizens understand and speak good Russian.


Литовцы очень гордятся своей культурой, traditions and originality. They managed to maintain a strong connection with the past, and this is seen in the sights of the country. The history of the state dates back several centuries, during which time a large number of churches, temples, castles, monasteries and other architectural monuments were erected in Lithuania.

sights of Lithuania

The most popular tourist sitesconsidered: St. Anne’s Church, Gediminas' Tower, Kaunas Castle, Artillery Bastion. Natural attractions include the Aukštaitija National Park, the Curonian Spit, the Kaunas Botanical Garden.

Here is a unique Lithuania (Lithuania). This is where else you will meet such ancient structures, if not in this Baltic state?

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