/ / Foam adhesive and its main characteristics

Foam adhesive and its main characteristics

The first mention of foam rubber was recorded inGermany in 1941, where he received a random foaming of polyurethane foam. Figuratively speaking, foam rubber is a material with a porous structure filled with air. The scope of application of this material is quite wide, it lends itself well to compression due to its elasticity, has excellent breathability and keeps its original shape. Most often used for the manufacture of furniture, sporting goods, car seats, materials for sound insulation and soft toys. Also in everyday life it has multiple uses, it produces a variety of rollers for painting, sponges for washing dishes and cleaning. In Europe, this material is usually used as packaging for the goods.

glue for foam rubber

Glue use

Foam adhesive is quite easy to use.For its application it is best to purchase a special spray gun, for which you need to use a nozzle - nozzles up to 1.8 mm in diameter. The prepared composition can be sprayed into one layer, and if necessary, then in two. Atmospheric pressure on the gun should be from three to six bar. After applying foam onto the surface, a small film appears.

After the composition is sprayed, it is necessarywait for solvent evaporation. Duration may depend on many factors, such as air temperature, the number of layers applied and the speed of the wind, if it happens outside. The period for which it is necessary to connect the two surfaces should not exceed 3 minutes, since during this period the composition will completely dry. It is necessary to dock the two parts at once correctly, since after the interaction of the prepared materials, it will be impossible to correct the error. Before you apply the adhesive for bonding foam rubber, its temperature must be brought to +20 C, and then mix well. Such compositions are great for spring mattresses and upholstered furniture, are also used to connect foams with wood, cardboard and textiles. In the manufacture of this substance is called furniture glue for foam rubber, as it is very often used in this industry.

Composition of the glue

furniture glue for foam rubber

For a very long time, the basis of paste wasstyrene butadiene, polyurethane and polychloroprene. Thanks to the development of technology, rubber and fuel components have been significantly reduced. To date, the new composition has the smallest negative impact on those who work with it, as well as users in the future, and causes minimal damage to the environment.

Water-based glue for foam rubberis the safest compared to those with solvents in the composition. Since he has no smell, it is comfortable to work with him, he also does not emit toxins. The main advantage of this material is fire safety. The advantages can be attributed to the fact that a smaller amount of raw materials are consumed for the ultimate goal.

To apply the adhesive, you can use a brush or an aerosol gun. When applying it, be sure to follow the instructions and adhere to safety precautions.

How to choose a quality glue?

glue for unscented foam

The time has passed when they were part offlammable and toxic solvents, they are now more harmless. Such components are characterized by instant setting and good elasticity of the seam. The main advantages of modern adhesives include:
- absence of flammable solvents;
- excellent dispersibility from the gun;
- soft and elastic seams;
- high content of dry residue.

The main characteristics of a quality product

In order to not get lost from the abundance of choice after coming to the store, you need to know which foam glue is considered to be of high quality:
- it is very important that it provides a strong connection;
- you need to pay attention to the fact that this composition could glue not only pieces of foam rubber to each other, but also to fabric, leather, wood, synthetic fiber, plastic and metal;
- it should not ignite;
- safe when applied, as well as in further use;
- it is also important that it is waterproof;
- at the end will make an elastic seam.

glue spray foam

Features good glue

The following differences can be distinguished, which are used in adhesive compositions for working with foam rubber:
- glue for foam rubber should not contain toluene, as well as all its analogues;
- after applying the composition should remain for several minutes sticky and viscous, as it is necessary for working with large areas;
- after opening the container, the material must be fully prepared for use, it does not need to be mixed and shaken.

Safety regulations

glue for bonding foam rubber

Experts say it is best to applythe composition of a gun or buy glue spray foam. Although no one forbids using a roller or brush, but this method will be accompanied by a significant consumption of raw materials. The composition has almost no smell, but it is best to use it in rooms with good ventilation, so as not to get poisoned by toxins.

Before gluing several surfaces, you need to follow some rules:
- the surface is initially cleaned of grease, dust and dirt;
- glue for foam rubber should be applied with a thin layer and wait for the solvent vapor to evaporate;
- if one-sided application occurs, then a more rigid surface is coated with the compound;
- all procedures must be carried out only at room temperature. Otherwise, the glue may thicken and lose all its properties, which ultimately will greatly affect the finished product.

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