/ / Psychodiagnostic technique "Complex analogies": description of the test

Psychodiagnostic technique "Complex analogies": description of the test

In the practice of psychodiagnosis, the study of thinkingone of the main roles is assigned. Diagnosis of this mental process is applicable in a variety of cases - in the work of a school psychologist, in professional selection, in medical, judicial practice and many others. The methods of research are divided according to their orientation (which characterization of thinking is studied) and by age of the subjects for whom they are suitable. The methodology "Complex analogies" is one of the most used in the arsenal of practical psychologists, since not only the results of testing are informative, but also the research process itself.

complicated analogy

What is the method used for?

The "Complex analogy" technique is intended fordiagnostics of thinking, its verbal-logical component. It reveals how much a person has the ability to understand complex logical relationships, to abstract abstract connections. This verbal test is designed to work with adolescents, young men and adults, ie. persons over 14 years of age.

The technique "Complex analogies" is able to detectsuch violations of thinking as diffusion, slipping of conclusions, illogicality, spreading. It is also effective for work not only with healthy people, but also with suffering reasoning - a violation of thinking, which manifests itself in a tendency to empty, superficial reasoning, verbosity, and the absence of an integral thought in the utterance.

method of complex analogy interpretation

Description of the stimulus material

The methodology "Complex analogies" has in itsarsenal of stimulus material, consisting of twenty pairs of words, united by a certain logical connection. The subject has to determine it and solve the problems. There are six types in all, they are presented in a cipher-table with samples of logical connections. The work of the person consists in determining the encrypted connection in the samples and correlating with them the proposed 20 pairs of words. For example, in the pair "Cheerful-listless" there is an opposition, these words are antonyms. In the cipher table you need to find the same pair with the contrast of concepts and note in the answer form the corresponding letter of the cipher. In this case, the pair corresponds to the code "Light-darkness".

"Complex analogies", a technique:its form is represented by two columns: in the left are all 20 pairs of words, in the right - letters A, B, B, D, E, corresponding to one of the ciphers. To show the relationship between words in the first column, you need to encircle the letter of the cipher.

  • Cipher A denotes a logical connection "one-set" or "one-a collection of units", for example, "head-romance".
  • In cipher B, the second word indicates to which class of phenomena or objects the former belongs. For example, "singing is an art."
  • Cipher B indicates 2 words belonging to the same class, but the second is larger in scale than the first. For example, "Sea-ocean".
  • Cipher G is represented by opposing concepts, for example, "praise-swearing".
  • In code D, the second word is the consequence of the first, for example, "fright-flight."
  • Cipher E - synonyms, for example, "cry-roar".

complex analogy technique form

Procedure for the study

The "Complex Analogy" technique assumesinstructing the subject before starting the test: "Before you have a table with 20 pairs of words that are logically linked in the left column.In the right there are 6 letters that correspond to the type of logical connection.You need to determine what connection is established between the pair and In the "Cipher" table, find the one that is most suitable for it, then draw a letter from the right column, which corresponds to the type of connection you selected from the table "Cipher." You have 3 minutes for all the work.

In the process of testing, it is important to pay attentionhow the subject reacts to the task, what arguments he says out loud. If necessary, you can prompt the completion of 1 task in order to trace whether the instructions were understood correctly and in what direction the person thinks. Then he performs everything on his own.

Method "Complex analogies": interpretation of results

After the subject has completed testing,you must first calculate the number of correct answers and set a rating. If less than 6 correct answers were given - 0, 5 correct answers - 12-14, 9 hits - 19-20 points.

If a person has given the most correct answers, it can be concluded that he has an understanding of logical connections, he can operate with abstract concepts.

If the subject experiences difficulties at the stageinstructions, it is difficult to argue aloud about how coupled words are connected to each other, perform most tasks only with the help of a specialist, one can draw conclusions about the low level of development of logical thinking, about difficulties in understanding analogies between abstract concepts, about illogical reasoning.

complex analogy technique is designed to diagnose thinking

It is worth noting that even adults can be difficult.handle some pairs of words. The method of "Complicated analogies" is not entirely simple. Therefore, it is worthwhile to approach the explanation of the instructions especially carefully, to make sure that the person has correctly understood the task, and only then proceed to its implementation.

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