/ / Methodology "Simple Analogies": description, application, interpretation

Methodology "Simple Analogies": description, application, interpretation

Schooling involves the assimilation of largethe volume of theoretical material and the application of the knowledge gained in practice. In this case, the child requires maximum attention and the ability to think logically. Of course, these qualities are formed and improved gradually. But before the start of training, teachers need to evaluate the already existing level of their development in order to make a certain correction by the results. Today, one of the most accurate, fast and objective ways to diagnose the thinking of younger schoolchildren is the method “Simple analogies”.

simple analogy technique

about the author

In the middle of the last century, the Americanpsychologist William Gordon proposed the creation of analogies as a way of developing creative thinking. The test was designed for adults. However, teachers and psychologists liked its diagnostic accuracy so much that they decided to adapt the methodology for children. The joint efforts of specialists from several countries have greatly simplified the test, making significant qualitative changes in it.

Currently, Russian schools are activelythe method “Simple analogies” is applied. Its author is not clearly named. However, Russian teachers follow the test execution technique described in detail in the textbook on age psychology for universities I.Yu. Kulaginoy and V.N. Kalyutsky.

Purpose of the technique

Diagnostics thinking of younger students has several orientations:

  • Check how quickly and accurately the child is able to establish cause-effect relationships between objects.
  • Evaluate his critical perception of information and the level of associative links.
  • To establish the degree of work of the child in the new material.
  • Assess sustainability, concentration, distribution and switching attention.

Немаловажной целью, которую преследует методика “Simple analogies,” is also the establishment of the dominant type of thinking, or conceptual connections between the objects that the child uses when solving problems. This may be based on external similarity (visual thinking) or a conclusion from the essence of the concept (logical thinking).

technique simple analogies for younger students


Classically, this test is presented onprinted form with 32 points. Each position includes two words that have a certain logical connection between them. This pair acts as a pattern. Nearby is another word, to which, by way of example, it is necessary to choose an association by analogy. The selection process comes from the auxiliary words below. In this case, the logical connection must be justified by the very analogy given in the sample.

For example: the sun - Panama, the rain - ...?

From the words “water”, “cold”, “puddles”, “umbrella” the last word has a strong logical connection. Since the analogy here is "protection." Man is protected from the sun by Panama, from the rain - by an umbrella.

The method of "simple analogies" for younger students can be conducted individually or in a group. In group testing, children are planted one at a time, thereby preventing cheating from a neighbor.

In terms of time, there are also two options:with restriction (two or three minutes to the question) and without it. The teacher can establish the time frame only with reference to the mental and physiological characteristics of the child.

simple analogy technique author


The method “Simple analogies” has a clear instruction for testing and involves four steps:

  • Training. First, the teacher must be placed on the boardtwo signal samples. Tasks are similar to those in the forms, but not similar. Then the children are given out forms with a comment about the signature of each (last name, first name).
  • Training. Now the attention of the children switches to the board and the task is explained. First, children try to select the association orally.
  • Run the test. After parting instructions of the teacher to attentivereading the sample in the form children begin writing. To clarify the task, you can jointly parse the first position. For example: "bear - bear". The teacher should emphasize that we are talking about animals and their cubs. Hence, the association for the word "horse" by this analogy will be "foal".
  • Counting results. At this stage, the collection and verification of forms. Evaluated work in accordance with the recommended test criteria.

К важным моментам проведения можно отнести the teacher’s explanation of how to fill out the form correctly. Put a tick in front of the correct answer or underline it. It is necessary that the child is not confused and did not waste time on the decision.

If there is a sluggish child in the group, then the teacher should approach him more often during the test, but only to encourage or clarify the question, and not to help answer correctly.

technique simple analogy interpretation


A significant advantage is the accurate, fast calculations, which are provided by the method “Simple analogies”. Interpreting it in a quantitative version looks like this:

  • at 31-32 points, logical thinking in a child is highly developed;
  • at 25-30 points, the quality of thinking is assessed well, but you should work on sustaining attention;
  • with 15-24 points, the logic and attention of the child need regular training;
  • with 5-14 points you can talk about daily skills development classes.

At low rates, correction of attention and logical thinking is required. Such activities will help the child in further education, significantly increasing the level of its development.

Complicated Analogies

For children who have received the maximum score, canbe tested on complex analogies. The principle of installation of communication remains the same, only the task execution system becomes complicated. Now the child must distribute the types of analogies into groups. Selection of associations is not required.

simple and complex analogies

The method of "Simple and complex analogies" is the mostAn effective and fast way today is to test the development of logical thinking and attention among schoolchildren in order to ensure a quality educational process.

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