/ / Budassi self-evaluation methodology

Methodology for self-assessment of Budassi

Modern psychology does not provide a singleformulations of such a phenomenon as a self-relationship of a person. Various psychological categories are used to describe the phenomenon of attitudes toward oneself. These include the concept of generalized self-esteem, self-acceptance, self-esteem, self-esteem, an emotional value attitude toward oneself, self-confidence, self-worth, etc. The content of these concepts is revealed with the help of psychological categories, which include "installation", "attitude", "personal meaning", as well as "feeling."

The methodology of research of self-relation most often operates with such concepts as "self-esteem", "general self-esteem", actually "self-relationship", as well as "emotional-value attitude toward oneself."

Currently dominant in domestic psychology is a category such as "emotional-value self-relationship."

Methodology for the study of self-esteem personalityinvolves considering the structure of the self-relationship, consisting of two components. The first is to treat yourself as a socially active subject, and the second is an emotional-value attitude to yourself.

The methodology of researching self-esteem by S.А.Budassi is one of the most popular in psychology, and provides an opportunity to conduct a quantitative study of self-esteem. The basis of this method is the principle of ranking, and the level and adequacy are determined by the ratio of the ideal and the real.

The person's ideas about himself always seem to himconvincing, regardless of whether they are based on objective facts or on subjective opinion. Therefore, the qualities attributed to a person by far do not always correspond to reality.

Budasi's research methodology suggestsself-evaluation of a person, which can occur in two ways. The first is the comparison of their claims with real, objective indicators of their activities. The second way is to compare yourself with other people.

But in any case, a person's self-esteem will beto be exclusively subjective, regardless of what lies at its basis: their own judgments about themselves, the interpretation of judgments about themselves of other people, personal ideals or given cultural ideals.

Self-esteem of a person is always connected with histhe need for self-assertion, with a desire to find a niche, to establish itself as a member of the society in the eyes of others, says Budaschi's research methodology. Any personality under the influence of external evaluations develops its own attitude to itself, as well as self-esteem of the individual as a whole and in some forms of his activity: activity, communication, experiences, behavior.

Self-esteem rights can be suboptimal and optimal. In the first case, the research methodology considers the assessment as too overstated, or too understated.

In case a person belongs to himselfcritically, sees his real shortcomings and dignities, correctly tries to relate capabilities and abilities, sets realistic goals before himself, his self-esteem is approaching the optimal one. In this case, assessing what has been achieved, the subject approaches this with consideration not only of his measurements, but also trying to foresee how others will react to this: close people, colleagues, etc.

In other words, trying to adequately assess yourself,a person is in constant search for a real measure, that is, without overestimating his abilities, but also without excessive criticism. And it is this self-assessment that is most correct and best in specific situations and conditions. Self-assessments "high level", as well as "level above average" are the optimal self-esteem when a person respects himself, deserves to appreciate and, in the main, is satisfied with himself.

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