/ / Become better: how to stop jealous

Becoming better: how to stop jealous

Каждый человек знает, что завидовать – плохо.But not everyone can control this destructive feeling in themselves. Very often, and in many, it takes over the mind, subordinating to itself all the good emotions. There are even such people who have envy - this is the second nature, so strong power it has over other feelings. Sometimes a person understands how harmful the influence of envy, and sometimes not. In a sense, these people are hopeless, because they do not recognize and do not realize in themselves the presence of such negative qualities.

how to stop jealous
And this means that they do not want to change,develop and grow as a person. All the rest - reasonable and adequate people - want to know how to stop envious to defeat their "dragon" and gain inner freedom. This is done not only out of fear of the afterlife (envy - sin), but also in order to improve the quality of life.

Negative qualities of the person poison the existence of the person himself: they do not allow him to move forward, destroy from within, are the causes of depressions, neuroses and, as a result, diseases of the physical body.

How to stop envying: where to start

It is interesting that there are people who are not inherent ina feeling of envy at all. Many of them never suffered from this "illness", and some simply managed to overcome it. It may seem that this can not be done, however, specialists working in the field of personal development and transformation argue that a person can overcome envy and all other unsightly personal qualities. You need only desire, perseverance and a certain strategy.

How to stop jealous?If you seriously intend to disaccustom from this habit (to some extent envy - the same habit as smoking, alcohol, overeating, etc.), then you need to sit down and think about what exactly you envy.

how to stop jealous of others
There are people who envy everything in a row simply because,that they do not have what others have. And others have envy in one thing (material well-being or a beautiful body, career, apartment, personal life). When you figure out what kind of envy you are eating - global or specific - it will be half way to how to stop jealous. You will understand that you are not satisfied with your own life, and also what you can do with it.

How to stop envying others: small tips

Если вы, например, определили, что вас пожирает envy at the sight of someone else's real estate, car or wardrobe, then do everything to get the same or even better. Direct your energy in a constructive way to ultimately improve your own life. If you do not even have such benefits, following this path, you can acquire such qualities as dedication, perseverance, grip and endurance. You are so entranced by this process, that the envy of time and energy will simply not remain.

how to stop envious people
Как перестать завидовать другим иными способами?You can choose a philosophical approach to life. When next time you will be seized with another bout of envy, think that everything in our world is transitory, transitory and not at all eternal. That no one has taken anything to the next world with them, but in this life the main thing is harmony with the surrounding world. Such a strategy is not suitable for everyone, because material goods for a modern person stand in the first place.

Another method is how to stop envying people:you must learn to control these emotions and be aware of them. As soon as you understand that the "attack" begins, do not drown it, do not run away from it, but at the same time do not let it completely master yourself. You must live it, feel it, looking at yourself from the side. This detachment will control the feeling of envy, and in the future generally reduce to "no."

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