/ / Humiliation - what is it?

Humiliation is what?

Humiliation is one of the most powerful stimuli to which the human psyche reacts extremely painfully. Nevertheless, this phenomenon can and must be fought.

humiliation is


Унижение - это поведение индивида, направленное to suppress the sense of dignity as a person, and in the eyes of others. This action can be either unconsciously or deliberately, for the purpose of self-affirmation or in the process of education. It is worth noting that humiliation can cause serious psychological trauma and nervous disorders.

For an object to which suchactivity, humiliation is a serious shock and a blow to well-being. Self-esteem and humiliation is the fourth step in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Thus, a person consciously tries to avoid humiliating situations, which often leads to uncommunicity and sociopathy.

submission and humiliation

Fear of humiliation

Humiliation is definitely an unpleasant feeling.Fear is largely due to the fact that everyone can be in such an unpleasant situation, which is absolutely impossible to foresee. In this case, much depends on personal psychological characteristics. So, if an individual is self-confident and psychologically stable, he will calmly survive an unpleasant situation (it is quite possible that she will not leave a trace). But a weak personality humiliation can break, which sometimes leads to tragic consequences.

Submission and humiliation are undesirablefeelings that are especially painful for adolescents. It is during this period that the character and perception of the world is formed. Having experienced humiliation in adolescence, a person is wary of others and becomes self-contained. Trying to eliminate the likelihood of a repetition of the situation, he becomes unsociable and aggressive, which complicates the process of adaptation in society.

how to humiliate a person

Is it possible to avoid humiliation?

Подчинение и унижение никому не будут приятны.It is quite natural that people try to avoid such situations, even if they have not previously encountered such feelings. As a rule, people are humiliated during a conflict. If you feel that the situation is heating up, you can use these techniques:

  • Try to understand the mood of your interlocutor. If he behaves aggressively, do not try to express your opinion, even if it is the only correct one.
  • Try to defuse the situation by changing the theme. This should be done carefully so as not to offend the interlocutor.
  • If you feel that the humiliation of honor - this is the main purpose of the interlocutor, you should not even try to prove their case. Even if you are overwhelmed with emotions, just turn around and walk away.

humiliation of honor

How to survive the humiliation?

Degrading human dignity is the wayself-affirmation, revenge, etc. However, for a person who has been subjected to such an impact, this is a serious shock that can leave an imprint on the rest of his life. There are cases when a humiliating situation has caused suicide (especially in adolescents). To survive an unpleasant situation without serious consequences for the psyche, you should pay attention to these tips:

  • A common practice is the “strikeout” technique. You have to live and communicate with others as if an unpleasant incident never happened.
  • If you can not erase from memoryhumiliating situation, try to resort to using visual images. Being in a relaxed state, imagine that your memories and feelings associated with them, washes away the water or blows away the wind.
  • Find some unnecessary item (for example, a cracked plate, an old toy, a broken clock) and put all your negatives into it. Next, this thing must be destroyed.
  • If you consider yourself to be strong people, accumulate negative energy and direct it to active actions. Your success will certainly override all the negative emotions caused by humiliation.
  • Do not perceive the experienced situation asa shock as well as a life lesson. Carefully analyze what happened to understand its causes. It is also worth developing a behavior strategy that will help you avoid being humiliated in the future.

humiliation of human dignity

Should I contact a psychologist?

Insult feelings many take frivolously.Nevertheless, it can cause serious psychological trauma. It should be understood that all people are different. Someone will calmly endure the humiliation, someone will come out of the oppressed state on their own, and for someone even the support of loved ones will not become a consolation. In the latter case, it is imperative to contact a psychologist. A specialist will help you to feel like a full-fledged person again. In addition, a qualified psychologist will give you valuable advice for the future, which will allow you to dignify in dignified situations.

Cultural and psychological humiliation

Оскорбление чувств может иметь разную подоплеку.So, most often there is cultural humiliation. It is intended to expose a person in a bad light to others, to provoke ridicule and persecution. Most often it concerns some features of appearance, behavior, personal life and so on.

However, no matter how strong the fearpublic condemnation is much worse than psychological humiliation. It affects the state of mind, painful situations and topics. As a result, a person may fall into deep depression.

insult feelings

How to humiliate a person (not taken as a guide to action)?

People are often careless in communicating with each other.a friend. They do not even suspect that a carelessly spoken word can cause serious psychological trauma. How to humiliate a person? Much easier than it might seem. Such words and situations are derogatory:

  • Демонстративное указание на очевидные вещи.For example: "You need to brush your teeth!", "You need to iron your clothes!", "You can not slunk at the table!" Thus, a person tries to hint at a low level of intellectual, physical and social development of the opponent.
  • Criticism of the personality of an abstract person whoin fact, it is aimed specifically at the interlocutor. For example: "Who smokes tobacco, that fool!" This is the most innocent example. Often, people touch personal feelings or more serious situations.
  • Казалось бы, давать советы - это безобидно и даже nobly. Nevertheless, there may be some hidden implication. Trying to give a useful recommendation, people often put the interlocutor in a harsh light or demonstrate intellectual superiority.
  • Not only the phrase itself, but also the intonation with which it is spoken, can humiliate a person. So, a dismissive or arrogant tone can offend, even if some ordinary thing is said.
  • Неконструктивная критика, затрагивающая увлечения and beliefs of man. For example, claiming that all boxers are mentally retarded, that all artists are alcoholics, and musicians are drug addicts, the person is trying to discredit your lifestyle.
  • In communication with a specialist in a particular area, people often extol his competitors. Nevertheless, this can be regarded as a desire to detract from the professional qualities of the interlocutor.
  • Laughter or jokes during the dialogue. The undoubted laughter that followed a serious and meaningful phrase will certainly offend a person.
  • An unexpected change of topic, when the interlocutor talks about something extremely important to himself. This is a demonstration of neglect and disrespect.
  • Features of appearance - one of the most painful topics. It is very easy to insult a person and cause internal complexes in him, if you point out to him the flaws of the figure or some kind of defects.

moral and physical humiliation


It is not easy to overcome moral and physical humiliation.If you are faced with this situation, you need to properly form your attitude towards it. It should be understood that, trying to offend another, a person first of all humiliates himself. When you understand this, it will be much easier for you to endure an unpleasant situation without plunging into a depressive state.

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