/ / Visuals, audials, kinesthetics - types of perception

Visuals, audials, kinesthetics - types of perception

To determine the leading type of perception:visual, auditory or kinesthetic - the diagnosis of Efremtsov's dominant perceptive modality is used. With its help you can determine what kind of people you and your relatives are. What organs do you perceive the world surrounding you: by hearing, visually or by touch? The technique for determining the channel of perception is necessary in order to better understand oneself and others.

Visuals, audials, kinesthetics

Visuals, audials, kinesthetics are personality types.Each person has a leading sense organ, which responds more often and faster to external stimuli and signals. If you belong to similar types with a person close to you, this will contribute to your mutual understanding, mismatches can cause misunderstandings and conflict situations.

Types of personality: visual, audial, kinesthetic

Visual perception is inherent in people,belonging to the visual type of perception. Tactile perception characterizes kinesthetics. Auditory - audial. There is another type - digital, people related to it, perceive the world around them, listening to their own logic. It remains to determine who you are - visual, audial, kinesthetic, digital. Efremtsov S. developed the test for the diagnosis of perception.

Visual perception

Visual, audial, kinesthetic, digital test

Visuals are characterized by facial expressions, their look, whenthey are trying to remember something, directed up and to the right. When they reflect on something or imagine the images of the future, they look up and to the right. A defocused look directed to the distance is the first sign that visuals are in front of you. Audials, kineshetics do not react so much to the visible part of the world.

Общаясь с визуалами, старайтесь описывать образы, use facial expressions and gestures. Visuals primarily pay attention to the person's face, and only then to the intonation. It is very important for the visual to be looked at during a conversation, otherwise it seems to him that they do not listen to him.

Audience perception

Visuals, audials, kinesthetics in different waysperceive the world around them. Audials basically describe their feelings with sounds. They are characterized by strong communication skills, and the dominant organ of perception is hearing. Audials do not like silence, they constantly hear music, a TV works. The person of an auditory type, for better memorization, pronounces the information out loud, trying to better understand and remember it. Such people do not need to know many details, they are only interested in facts.

Types of personality: visual, audial, kinesthetic

Kinesthetic perception

Kinestetics react to the world, relying on their ownsensual experience, on their emotions. They remember movements, sensations, smells. In communication, kinesthetics prefer to feel the physical intimacy of the interlocutor. Such people find it difficult to stay in place for a long time and listen carefully. They like to touch their interlocutor, to put a hand on their shoulder. Many people with kinesthetic perception often twist something in their hands, teasing or stroking.


For a person with a digital type of perceptioncharacterized by such qualities as the propensity for analysis, logic, rationality and non-standard thinking. For digital, logical conclusions and facts are in the first place, so in conversation with him, you do not need to think out anything and build hypotheses. He is close to signs, symbols and numbers, not auditory and visual images. Such people like everything to be logical, clear and without unnecessary details.

Thus, knowing what visuals, audiales, kinesthetics, and digitalals are like, you can make the communication process more comfortable.

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