/ / Modern heating - coaxial chimney

Modern heating - coaxial chimney

Our life is moving swiftly forward.Scientific and technological progress supplies regularly new technologies, methods and materials to our disposal. This also applies to construction, where more and more technologies are emerging, which distinguish themselves from the ecological, economic and operational convenience.

coaxial chimney
К таким недавним разработкам в области construction became a coaxial chimney. In Latin it means coaxial. It is a pipe system in a pipe (two-circuit). The outer tube to the boiler receives oxygen, which is necessary for the combustion process. On the inner tube of the products of combustion. This chimney is made of high-quality, high-quality stainless steel.

This type of chimney was designed as aan alternative to the usual, which takes up a lot of space, requires a large number of nuances to be taken into account to create a good traction and is adapted mainly for furnaces and boilers for solid fuels. Coaxial chimneys can be used for both conventional furnaces and boilers, as well as for liquid fuel boilers and floor and wall gas boilers.

coaxial chimneys
There is one feature: for the system to work, the boiler must be equipped with a draft fan. If there is a turbo-boiler available, a coaxial chimney for it is an ideal option.

The need for the use of chimneys of this typewas caused by massive gasification and the provision of heating by a quarter. The advantages of using such chimneys are obvious. It is easy to install, you do not need to take out the roof cover to ensure traction, or you can simply pull it through the wall. The performance is much higher than that of conventional chimneys, due to the fact that the intake air is heated already in the chimney itself. It is not necessary to clean the chimney frequently, and this increases the convenience of its use and the level of comfort. Suitable for any type of fuel. Can be displayed both vertically and horizontally. Eliminates the possibility of smoke in the room.

coaxial chimney installation
In order to choose the right coaxial chimney, it is necessary to check the tightness of welded joints, as well as to ask the seller about the availability of a quality certificate.

How is the coaxial chimney installed?Installation does not require special training and labor-intensive operations. In the bearing wall of the house a hole is punched and chimney pipes are inserted into it. During installation, make sure that all connections are tight, especially for connecting the outer chimney pipe and the boiler connection so that no air is sucked from the room, the air flow only comes from the street and warms up during the journey. The connection of the chimney components is done with the help of the socket system. For reliability insert a gasket of heat-resistant rubber. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the construction is not located near the windows of the apartment house, this is completely wrong, since the air will be delivered directly to the living quarters.

Applying new technologies, we bring comfort to our lives and can protect ourselves from many problems. Coaxial chimney will increase the efficiency of any heating system.

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