Composition of the product
In order to determine the effectiveness of theor other means, you need to look at the list of components from which it consists. "Reduxin" is a combined preparation. It is based on two active ingredients: sibutramine and MCC (microcrystalline cellulose). The effect of this drug is due to the substances in its composition. This will be discussed in the next chapter.
Mechanism of action
The drug "Reduxin", which is losing weight about whichcan be found on specialized resources, is not just a food additive, but a medicinal product. It is indicated to patients suffering from obesity, even when weighed down by the presence of diabetes mellitus. Sibutramine, which is the main active component of the drug, acts at the level of the brain. It strengthens the feeling of saturation. A microcrystalline cellulose, getting into the stomach, significantly increases in volume, which affects the loss of appetite.
Take "Reduxin", reviews of those who lose weight about whichnote the high effectiveness of this drug, it should be once a day. For each person establishes its own, individual dose of taking the drug. At the initial stage it is recommended to take 10 mg per day. You can use this drug, regardless of food intake. Take the capsules with water. A month later, it is recommended to evaluate the result from the application of "Reduxin". If during this period, weight loss was less than 5% of body weight, the dose should be increased to 15 mg per day.
"Reduxin" is primarily a medicine.And take it uncontrollably, increasing the dosage for greater effectiveness, is unacceptable. Also you can not use it if you have the following diseases:
• mental disorders;
Renal and hepatic insufficiency;
• Arrhythmia;
• Hypersensitivity to components;
• thyrotoxicosis;
• high blood pressure.
Also, do not use the drug during pregnancy and breast-feeding.
Reviews thin
Many women to control their weight alreadytried the drug "Reduxin". Reviews of losing weight (2013): the price of medicines in various pharmacies varies from 1100 to 2900 rubles per package. The cost of the product depends on the dosage of the active substance and the number of tablets. The remedy really helps to lose weight, as its use significantly reduces appetite. However, some buyers experienced side effects during the course of the drug, namely: irritability, insomnia, depressive condition, dry mouth.
So, we found out that to control the massbody can successfully use the drug "Reduxin". Reviews of slimming people confirm its high efficiency. But take it only after consultation and under the supervision of a doctor.