/ / The preparation "Creon", reviews confirm, improves digestion

The preparation "Creon", reviews confirm, improves digestion

The preparation "Creon 10000" is released in the form of capsules,in each of which contains 150 mg of active substance - pancreatin (10,000 units of lipase). The drug belongs to the clinico-pharmacological group of enzyme agents.

Capsule "Creon", reviews confirm, improvedigestion. The substance pancreatin consists of components represented by lipase, amylase, protease. These enzymes are involved in the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, ensuring their complete absorption in the small intestine. The structure of the contents of the capsules allows the active ingredient to distribute evenly in intestinal masses and show enzymatic activity at the desired site of the gastrointestinal tract.

The preparation "Creon 10000" for children and adults appointsas a substitution therapy for conditions characterized by a deficiency of digestive enzymes in the body caused by disorders in the pancreas:

  • in cystic fibrosis;
  • with pancreatitis in chronic form;
  • For rehabilitation after surgery on the pancreas;
  • after a gastrectomy;
  • with oncological diseases of the pancreas;
  • during rehabilitation after partial resection of the stomach;
  • with obstruction of the pancreatic duct;
  • with the syndrome of Shvakhman-Diamond;
  • with obstruction of the bile duct.

Dosage of CREON capsules

The doctors' reviews contain information that the number of capsules in the appointment is determined individually, depending on the composition of the diet, the condition and age of the patient.

The instruction indicates that the capsules should be taken with food, swallowing whole, squeezed with water. You can take the drug after eating immediately, regardless of the amount eaten.

For patients who are not able to swallowcapsule (it can be children or people who have reached the advanced age), the contents are poured into the mashed liquid food, not requiring chewing. It is important that the food where the substance pancreatin is mixed has an acidic environment, so it is recommended to use apple puree or juice, where the pH is <5.5. Do not pour the contents of the capsules into hot food. It must be ensured that the patient uses the resulting mixture of food and preparation immediately, since it can not be stored.

Taking the preparation "Creon", experts' reviews confirm that it is important to consume liquid in sufficient quantities. Lack of fluid in the body against the background of pancreatin treatment can provoke constipation.

When diagnosed as cystic fibrosis, an initialdose of Creon capsule to children under the age of 4, in such a way that the amount of lipase taken is 1 000 units of the baby's weight per 1,000 units. The drug is consumed every time, taking food. Adults and children who have reached the age of 4, pancreatin is prescribed in such a way that for 1 kg of body weight, 500 ED of lipase is required. During the treatment, the doctor can change the dose based on the analysis and the severity of the disease, trying not to exceed the amount of lipase 10,000 units per 1 kg of body weight of the patient.

With other diagnoses complicated by insufficientfunction of the pancreas and a deficiency of digestive enzymes, the preparation "Creon" is prescribed (the doctors' reviews coincide in this matter), depending on the severity of the disease, on how much fat the patient consumes. Therefore, the amount of lipase administered can vary from 25,000 units to 80,000 units during lunchtime meals. Patients are advised to reduce the dose of pancreatin by half when they consume light snacks.

In clinical trials, adverse events,caused by the use of the drug "Creon", were very rare. Their symptoms coincided with the symptoms of the underlying disease. There is evidence of the possibility of diarrhea, abdominal pain. Among allergic reactions mention rash, itching and urticaria.

You can not prescribe Creon capsules:

  • with acute attacks of pancreatitis;
  • with pancreatitis of chronic form in the stage of exacerbation;
  • with individual intolerance to one of the components of the drug.
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