/ / Which is better: "Creon" or "Pancreatin"?

Which is better: "Creon" or "Pancreatin"?

Preparations that promote properdigestion, are prescribed by the attending physician, although it often happens that people, feeling discomfort in the abdominal area after eating, go to the nearest pharmacy and ask the pharmacist to let "Kreon "or" Pancreatin. "These pharmacies help with indigestion, as people say.

Digestive enzymes

The digestive system of the human body is veryis complex. All that is eaten, must be decomposed into certain components that are either absorbed by the body, or are derived as waste of life. It is in the conduct of chemical reactions to digest food and involved digestive enzymes. There are many, each responsible for working with these or other substances obtained with food or produced by the body itself. In principle, each cell of the human body contains enzymes that cause various chemical reactions to occur, at the expense of which the process of vital activity is organized.

Но ферменты, участвующие в процессе пищеварения, is a separate group of protein compounds that break down the basic substances that come with food into the body - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And such drugs as "Creon" or "Pancreatin" contain digestive enzymes, without which the correct assimilation of food is simply impossible.

Creon or pancreatin

What causes a lack of digestive enzymes?

Пищеварение - основной способ организма человека replenish important elements for the whole process of life. Enzymes involved in the processes of metabolism and the splitting of food into the necessary components, including, are produced by certain organs of the human body.

Unfortunately, diseases or certainstates, wrong way of life disrupt the processes of producing enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract. And their lack leads to disruption of the processes of assimilation of important substances obtained with food, which, in turn, negatively affects the general condition of the body and the occurrence of diseases. This kind of vicious circle. But to replenish the amount of enzymes of the gastrointestinal tract, such drugs as "Creon" or "Pancreatin" help.

Creon and pancreatin What is the difference?

Ingredients of enzyme preparations

You can not just go to the pharmacy and buy enzyme-containing drugs. Why? Because, despite the fact that the word "digestiveenzymes "will be present in the annotation of each of them, they all differ from each other.What? The composition, because the enzymes necessary for proper digestion, are produced by different organs, and each of their kind can not be replaced by any other.For example, the pancreas produces a whole complex of protein compounds necessary for digestion - enzymes.

  • Nuclease, splitting the basis of any food - nucleic acids DNA and RNA.
  • Proteases involved in the processing of food protein compounds. The group of these enzymes include elastases, trypsin and chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidases.
  • Amylase. Participates in the process of splitting sugars, starch.
  • Steapsin. Recycles fatty joints.
  • Lipase. Participates in the cleavage of fat triglycerides.

The pharmaceutical industry offersconsumers a lot of drugs that have in their digestive enzymes. Most often, such drugs contain a complex of necessary special compounds, as, for example, in the drugs "Creon" and "Pancreatin". "What's the difference: go to a doctor or choose a tool yourself and take it if necessary?" - Asked the ignorant man in medicine. The difference is that different drugs contain different enzymes. Only the doctor can choose the right medicine after the diagnosis, which affects the digestive deficiency.

What is the difference between Creon and pancreatin

Pancreatic enzymes in preparations

The pharmacy network sells a lot of funds, almost identical to each other, for example, "Creon" or "Pancreatin." Than they are similar and than differ? Let's start with the composition.

In the instructions for the use of the preparation "Creon"it is indicated that active ingredient is ... pancreatin. And the composition of pancreatin is a complex of enzymes produced by the pancreas. Pancreatin contains protease, lipase, amylase, as well as trypsin and chymotrypsin. Thus, it turns out that "Creon" and "Pancreatin" - the same drug that improves the process of digestion due to the content of pancreatic enzymes.

Creon or pancreatin reviews

What is the difference?

Preparations containing digestive enzymes,should work where they work, when everything is in order with the human body. Enzymes of the pancreas, which carry out the cleavage of substances that enter with food into the gastrointestinal tract, work in the small intestine. And it is there that the enzyme preparations should ideally fall in order to adequately help the body digest food and assimilate all the necessary substances. And the opportunity to work exactly at the destination of medicines is obtained depending on the form of release. And it is the ability to "deliver" the active components to the workplace - than "Creon" differs from "Pancreatin".

Creon to replace pancreatin

Tablets, capsules, dragee

Although "Creon" and "Pancreatin", in fact, identical medicines in their composition, they still differ from each other in the form of release, and therefore, effectiveness.

Препарат "Панкреатин" выпускается несколькими pharmaceutical plants of our country in the form of tablets and dragees, which begin to dissolve already in the oral cavity, passing through the esophagus and getting into the stomach. Yes, they have a protective envelope surrounding the enzyme complex, but still it dissolves even before the drug enters the small intestine where, in fact, it must work, which means that some of the enzymes are wasted, and the workplace falls less than their number, than necessary.

The preparation "Creon" is produced by the Germanpharmaceutical corporation Solvay Pharmaceuticals. It has only one form of release - gelatin capsules. And this is its advantage in comparison with analogues, including with "Pancreatin". Gelatine capsule, getting into the gastrointestinal tract, begins to gradually dissolve, passing through the mouth cavity, esophagus, stomach. Only getting into the small intestine, the microspheres of the complex of pancreatic enzymes, which are in the capsule, are released and begin to work. This is the main difference "Creon" from "Pancreatin" - in the form of the release of the drug and the full operation of the pancreatic enzymes in the right place of the gastrointestinal tract.

Creon and pancreatin are the same

What to choose?

Many pharmaceutical products contain enzymes necessary for proper treatment of gastrointestinal insufficiency, including "Creon" or "Pancreatin" drugs. Reviews Those who used these funds fornormalization of digestion, are almost identical about both drugs. The only thing that consumers say is the significant difference in price. Most often people do not think about the form of release of a drug substance, preferring to give preference to a cheaper drug. However, only the doctor can correctly recommend this or that remedy, having conducted a survey, assigning tests and examining their result.

Препарат "Креон" может содержать разное the number of active enzymes in one capsule, which is indicated on the package. This should also be taken into account when prescribing a medicine. It is unlikely that a simple person, not a gastroenterologist, will be able to prescribe the correct dosage of the enzyme drug.

the difference between Creon and pancreatin

Health is the main thing

Having felt problems with health, it is not necessaryto engage in self-medication, even, it would seem, in such "simple" cases as indigestion. In fact the reason of bad state of health is connected with infringements in work of any body. And only the doctor will be able to determine whether the problem was associated with overeating fatty foods, for example, or the problem lies in the onset of a pancreas disease.

Choose what is best to take - "Kreon "or" Pancreatin ", will recommend the treatingdoctor. Digestive problems are serious problems, because the receipt of all the necessary substances that we receive with food, depends on the overall well-being, performance, mood. Do not worsen your condition by self-medication or by contacting the pharmacist at the pharmacy asking whether you can replace Creon with Pancreatin. The drug is prescribed by a doctor, and only he can give advice on the purchase of a medication. In any case, you should know that both Pancreatin and Creon have an equally active complex of pancreatic enzymes. They differ from each other in the form of the release of the drug and, as a consequence, its activity in the place of action.

Take care of yourself and be well!

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