/ / Diet on green tea - how to lose weight without harm to health?

Diet on green tea - how to lose weight without harm to health?

Любая девушка стремится к совершенству, которое most often lies in a beautiful, slender and fit figure. That's only to achieve the desired result is always hampered by our food. Sweets, flour and fried - to give up this completely is very difficult, because ladies often resort to various restrictions in the diet.

There are hundreds of different diets, starting withhard cutting their food, ending with hunger. But is it worth to rush into such extremes? Let's talk about such a universal thing, like a diet on green tea.

What is true, and what is not?

diet on green tea

There are many myths about the phenomenalfast weight loss by 5-10 kg per week. Alas, this result is almost impossible to obtain. And if it is achieved, even for a couple of weeks, then with great losses for health.

Can I drink green tea on a diet? You can not, but you must!

Green tea was consumed in ancient China.Of course, this drink did not exclude the rest of the food. But it's still about replacing only the fluids you consume during the day with green tea. Such a diet will help to lose about 5 kg per month. Not fast, but notice - you keep your diet, only by introducing an additional product into it.

Of course, if every day to use harmfulfood, then no tea will not help lose weight. If a person eats properly, the use of such an ordinary, but miraculous drink, will help him get rid of the hated kilograms.

What is included in the drink?

green tea is a good and harmful for a woman

Before you start to drink green tea, it is worth studying its composition:

  • The drink contains caffeine, which we are used toreceive from coffee. Many know the negative side of this drink. But caffeine in green tea is contained in smaller amounts and has a more sparing effect on the body.
  • In addition, tea contains zinc - a microelement that prevents cancer.
  • Fluoride is an excellent tool for dental health. For example, in Japan, residents use tea grounds for cleaning their teeth, which helps to strengthen them.
  • Tea is rich in vitamins and trace elements.First of all, it is B1, B2, PP, as well as iodine, copper and potassium, which contribute to the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels. Moreover, these substances have an antibacterial effect.

Amazing? Yes. Just a couple of cups of green tea a day can give the whole body of these substances to the body.

What is the usefulness of tea?

Diet on green tea is unique due to its properties:

  1. First of all, the drink contains antioxidants, which are responsible for slowing the aging of the body.
  2. Due to the diuretic effect, tea promotes the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body, and also releases it from excess water. This, by the way, eliminates leg swelling.
  3. Polyphenols, which are full of this drink, contribute to the acceleration of heat exchange. It is noticed: if you drink 3-6 cups of drink a day, then a diet on green tea will help burn fat by 45% faster.
  4. Tea can reduce blood sugar.This means that people's hunger will be much lower. If you drink a cup of tea half an hour before a meal, the amount of foods that you will be saturated with will be significantly less.
  5. The substances that make up the drink contribute to the normalization of blood pressure.

Can you call this drink a panacea? Certainly, such a simple tool can not only help to reduce weight, but also cope with a lot of problems in the body.

How to drink tea?

diet milk green tea

Following a few tips, you not only accelerate the process of losing weight, but also increase the positive effect on the body, which has a green tea. Benefit and harm for women depend on what?

To achieve the desired effect, the drink should be consumed completely without sugar. This also applies to sugar substitutes that contain aspartame - an extremely harmful chemical for the body.

Green tea should not be taken before bedtime,because the next morning you will find bags under your eyes. It is necessary to drink 3-6 cups during daylight hours. If thirst before bed is very strong, then it is better to eat an apple.

Also, if you want to enhance the taste effect, then you can add a sprig of mint, dried berries or cinnamon in the drink.

The diet "milk + green tea" is known to many. The fact is that when a small amount of skim milk is added, the diuretic effect of the drink increases, and this contributes to weight loss.

It is best to drink tea chilled. So the body will expend more energy to warm the drink. The cost per cup is approximately 50 calories.

Benefit and harm

green tea diet reviews

It should abandon the use of cheapdrink, because low-quality composition may have an undesirable effect on the body instead of the beneficial effect that gives green tea. The benefits and harms for a woman when taking a poor-quality product in this case are almost the same. What else is worth paying attention to?

Diet on green tea, reviews of which are enoughvaried, not always effective. The main secret lies in the process of brewing. The main rule - the water you use should not contain an excessive amount of chlorine.

can I drink green tea on a diet

Also important is the temperature of the water.When brewing, it should not exceed 80 degrees. If it reaches a higher mark, then many of the useful substances of tea are destroyed. Therefore, after boiling the kettle, it is necessary to wait about 5 minutes for the water to cool slightly.


When taking a drink should be careful to people with the presence of renal diseases. First you need to consult with a specialist.

Now you know that a diet on green tea can be extremely effective if used correctly this magic drink.

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