/ / Stepper simulator: types, advantages, disadvantages and contraindications

Stepper simulator: types, advantages, disadvantages and contraindications

All people want to support themselves in goodphysical form, but not everyone has the opportunity to attend the gym. In this case, invented various simulators for self-study at home. And the most popular among them is the stepper simulator, which simulates a climb up the stairs.

simulator stepper reviews

There are 2 main types of steppers - withindependent and dependent mode of pedals. Dependent fastening is poorly functional, as it does not give a significant load to the muscles, but it heavily loads the joints. On models with independent fastening it is possible to regulate the load, thereby including auxiliary muscle groups and making the training more efficient and non-injurious.


Now find out what impact on our bodyprovides a stepper simulator. The use of this simulator is very significant, especially in terms of training cardiovascular system, which stimulates the work of the heart, breathes and develops lungs. Blood circulation is also increased, dispersing blood along blood vessels and delivering oxygen even to such hard-to-reach parts of the body as hips and buttocks. As a result, the skin becomes smooth and even. In this case, the appearance of cellulite is reduced to a minimum. A stepper simulator will help not only to pump the muscles of the legs, but also to get rid of excess weight. Regular loads will burn fats and calories. A thirty-minute training session on a stepper is similar to a half-hour run that you will do without leaving home. When practicing on a model without handles, your hands are free, which gives you the opportunity to read a magazine or a book in the course of classes. Also thanks to the horizontal position of the body you can watch TV or communicate by phone. So training will go more fun and faster. Well, in comparison with other simulators, the stepper is very compact and takes up very little space. By the way, on the Internet a lot of people express their opinion about how effective the stepper is. Reviews, for the most part, are positive.

stepper simulator


Despite its effectiveness, the stepper simulatorhas a number of drawbacks. The most important thing is the monotony of the body movements. Over a long period of time you will have to perform the same movements, which can be very annoying even if there is a distracting factor (reading, TV, etc.). In addition, the stepper is more suitable for beginners, because it does not provide the right level of work to well-trained people. Another significant drawback is that during the training, the top of the body is not involved. Some manufacturers equip steppers with rubber expanders or movable handles, but to use them requires a good skill to coordinate the work of the feet and hands. Yes, and the choice of exercises on the top of the body is quite small.

simulator stepper benefit


The stepper simulator was designedso as not to strain the knee joints. But, despite this, it is not allowed to deal with people with joint and spinal diseases, as well as those who have serious problems with the heart and lungs. If you have at least one of the above restrictions, then before starting classes, be sure to consult an experienced doctor.

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