/ / Square pop: a set of exercises, features of training and recommendations

Square pop: a set of exercises, features of training and recommendations

Modern young people are not always attracted tosquare priest near the opposite sex. Therefore, girls try to give her as much attention as possible. To date, on the scale of attractiveness for boys, the priest is almost the first. Round and elastic buttocks not only attract men, but also increase self-esteem for women. Even if nature has awarded only a square booty, it makes no sense to get upset, because there is always a way out. The article will help to cope with the problem, will familiarize with the basic rules of training and will offer the best exercises.

square form of priests

Square pop

Few people believe in the fact that the form isan indicator of the health situation, as well as the level of hormones in the female body. So, the square form of priests testifies to strong health and is an indicator of maximum endurance of a person.

Unfortunately, not every ownerthese buttocks like this form. Therefore, girls go to gyms to adjust and give this part of the body soft lines. The complex of exercises is simple, and consequently, it can be easily carried out and at home. More details about them will be described below.

fix a square ass

Feet Day

Girls who regularly attend gyms,even in the day when it is necessary to train exclusively the lower part of the body, they do not always use their square ass. The most common exercises (deadlifts, lunges, and so on) are increased only by quadriceps and hamstrings, but not by powerful buttocks.

The squat

Many believe that fix a square assit will help the squat. For some people this statement is correct, but for someone this exercise will not bring sufficient benefit. Each girl has her own physique and muscle characteristics, intercepting the load on herself, so not every athlete can pump the ass with the help of squats.

The most common situations when this exercise does not help, are:

  • the growth of the hips from almost any load;
  • During exercises aimed at the muscles of the legs, the buttocks work is not felt;
  • for a long time correctly performing the deadlifts and squats the part of the body below the back does not change shape and still remains flat.

exercises for priests of square form

What is better not to do

When people do not know what to do with a squarebooty, they begin to perform wrong actions, and then get injured. For example, the girls believe that the big hips do not look very nice from the side, so they give up weight training and begin to run for quite a long distance. Of course, the volume of the thighs will decrease, but with it the muscles will go away, and if you wish to again take up the iron, you can quickly get a serious injury.


Thinking about how to pump a squareass, some girls do not even guess that you can add to the day of feet and pop-day. Training on this day should be dedicated exclusively to the gluteal muscles, and the load on the quadriceps and hamstrings should be minimal.

square pop


Before you start doing exercises for square priests, you need to pay attention to tips that will help achieve the expected result. Among them:

  1. Intuitive load.The purpose of training is to maximize the use of the buttocks, but not the entire lower body. When there is a feeling that the gluteus muscles have already worked out enough, you should finish the training. If you continue to do the exercises, then the load will again go to the biceps and quadriceps of the hips.
  2. Necessary activation.Pop-day is best to start with bridges performed on the floor or bench. At the highest point, you must make a delay for just a few seconds, while minimizing the gluteal muscles. It is also recommended to experiment with the rhythm of movements. Due to this, you can feel the work of muscles with slow and accelerated lowering. In addition, you should change the setting of the feet.
  3. Absence of numbers.If training is allocated for the development of glutes, then on the records on this day you can not even think. Hypertrophy of certain muscles directly depends on their work, but not on the number of repetitions. It should be used during training to use only that weight, when working with which there is no problem with the control of their own movements.
  4. Training volume.Athletes who are just beginning to give themselves such loads, are convinced that the training should include about 15-20 exercises. This stereotype should be immediately thrown out of your head, because the maximum effective training can be easily carried out in a short time. Even a couple of exercises, when properly performed, may well give the maximum load.
  5. Gluteal muscles should be the first on the day of the legs.The easiest method, which is constantly used by experienced bodybuilders: training begins with a lagging muscle group, after which it will be much more involved in the subsequent exercises. It should be noted that on the day of training the feet is not recommended to give the priest too much attention and overload it, because you just need to pump a little blood. When performing exercises designed to work out the legs, you need to show your buttocks that they will have to work well in multi-joint movements of the legs.
  6. Farewell to fat.As is known, the more intensive the training, the better the circulation of blood and the mobilization of fat in this area. This means that when training priests to solve the problem of a square shape from regular exercises, excess fat will also go away.
  7. Weighing.When working on hypertrophy, the result will be reflected in the mirror much better than on the scales. Therefore, you always need to pay attention to your own reflection or newly made photos than to wait for something good from the scales.

square ass what to do

The main complex

Knowing how to properly train, exercises for priests of a square form you will perform without special difficulties, and the effect of them will become noticeable very soon.

exercises for square priests

The main complex includes such exercises:

  1. Lying on the floor, bending his legs and firmly restingfeet in the floor, you need to raise the pelvis, maximally straining the buttocks, not legs. Hold the upper point for a couple of seconds, you should return to the starting position, but while relaxing the buttocks is prohibited. The exercise is performed in 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
  2. Standing evenly, placing your legs on the width of your shoulders, andhands - behind the head, you need to perform a deep squat, while pulling the pelvis back. The back should be kept evenly, and the main load should be directed to the heels. After the hips become parallel to the floor, you need to slowly return to the starting position. It will be enough to perform 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  3. Standing exactly with widely spaced legs, you needmake a deep squat, drawing your hands and the ass back. Then you should stand up and take one leg up, then make a squat and repeat with the other leg. You should do 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg.
  4. Having placed his hands on his hips, and his feet are shoulder width apart,It is necessary to sit down so that the legs form a right angle. In this position, you should fix, then climb on your toes, again go down and repeat the exercise in 3 sets of 7-10 times.
  5. Leaning back against the wall and laying his hands onhips, should sit down (as if on a chair), then lift one leg, hold on top about 1 second and lower it. With each leg this exercise should be performed in 3 sets of 15 reps.

Additional exercises

When you visit the gym together with the maina few additional exercises can be performed for which special equipment is required. It will be enough to make 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions on the following simulators:

  • traction block between the legs;
  • hyperextension;
  • deadlift;
  • stair training machine;
  • pushing sledges.

how to pump a square ass

If there is at least one of these simulators in the sports club, then you should definitely work on it to fix the result.

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