/ / Aerobics at home: for beginners

Aerobics at home: for beginners

Aerobics at home is not only an excellent alternativesports complexes, but also the opportunity to independently regulate their training and focus on those muscle groups that require attention. In addition to burning fat and reducing body weight, this type of exercise has a positive effect on the body as a whole.

General concepts

Aerobics is based on rhythmic movements,peculiar to gymnastics. The complex of exercises is performed under musical accompaniment in combination with proper breathing. Physical load allows you to work out several muscle groups at the same time.

Moreover, aerobic loads are energized, have a positive effect on health and are an excellent training for the heart.

Dance aerobics

The basis of the exercises is jumping,rhythmic walking and running on the spot. The complex is strictly in the starting position. It has been proved for a while that such loads have a positive effect on improving the figure and reducing body weight.

Aerobics home slimming for beginnersmust necessarily include an active set of exercises lasting at least 60 minutes. Conduct sessions preferably at least 3-4 times a week. Regular training and proper nutrition will help you see the results in a short time!

Principles of aerobics

The main princes of this sport are:

  • active swings hands and feet;
  • steps in different directions;
  • jumps and rhythmic jumps on the socks;
  • lifts of hands and feet in opposite directions;
  • running on the spot;
  • slopes of the trunk to the sides, forward, backward and circular turns.

Exercise that activatesalmost all muscle groups, is capable of burning about 400 calories per hour. A big plus is that the aerobics at home for beginners is available to all comers. It is enough to choose a certain approach and exercise program, which at any time can be adjusted and supplemented independently.

Stick to the basic rule!In order for the fat burning process to be more effective, start exercising no earlier than 2-3 hours after eating. Otherwise, the blood will flow to the internal organs, and not to the muscles.

Popular Destinations

Fitness aerobics for losing weight at home hasa variety of forms. The main thing is to purchase the appropriate inventory, then you can start choosing the priority type of load. Consider the most popular types:

  1. Classical aerobics at home. Rhythmic movements that are carried out under the appropriate music. It is classified as cardio training and positively affects the cardiovascular system.
  2. With the help of the step you can perform jumps, jumps and other exercises. Especially good work on the muscles of the legs. Prevents the occurrence of arthritis and is suitable for athletes after severe injuries.
    Effective training
  3. Power aerobics for losing weight at home is conducted withusing additional sports equipment: weights, dumbbells, weighting for legs and hands. A beautiful silhouette, a muscle pattern, a weight loss occurs.
  4. Fitball is a big rubber ballwith an average diameter of 65 to 85 centimeters. Positively affects the posture, helps to get rid of problem areas and create an elegant silhouette. You can choose a complex of exercises with the ball for people who are trained, physically weak or beginners.
  5. Exercise bike and bicycle also belong to the aerobic direction. When alternating strengthened and weakened loads, an excellent weight loss effect is achieved.

Aerobics Slimming Home for Beginners -An excellent alternative to heavy sports. Choose a type of load in accordance with their preferences, because in training regularity is important. And it can be achieved only if you are doing your favorite sport.


Dance aerobics at home is not only convenient, but it is certainly pleasant and useful. Today, for weight loss uses several directions in the dance.

  1. In the style of rock and roll. The most active direction that promotes effective lifting of the legs and gluteal muscles.
  2. Indian dances based on very energetic movements. Help maximally burn fat in the abdomen and waist.
  3. Funk, which uses sharp and plastic mahi legs and hands. Quite complex style and suitable for those who previously engaged in similar aerobic loads.
  4. Jazz does not particularly affect the fat reduction, but helps to eliminate the clamps in the vertebral column.
  5. Latin dances. It is based on energetic spring movements. The main burden falls on the hips and abdomen.

Classes of dance aerobics can be conducted with the use of various sports equipment. This will enhance the effect of training and contribute to faster weight loss.

Efficiency of home training

Cardio-positive effects on combustionfat cells. Aerobics allows you to keep yourself in shape and tone, does not allow to accumulate deposits on problem areas. Particular attention should be given to the metabolism, which is accelerated at an accelerated pace. In addition, aerobic exercise can reduce fatigue caused by mental labor.

classes at any time

Especially good classes reflect on the statehealth Therefore, most often such training is appointed to maintain the body in good shape, to obtain positive emotions, mood and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Benefits of weight loss aerobics

Aerobics at home - an excellent alternative to training in sports complexes. To effectively lose weight and improve the shape of your body, it is enough to conduct regular classes in your home environment.

Increase the load

Main advantages:

  1. Training at any time.
  2. Classes at an optimal or moderate pace.
  3. You independently select music for the occupations. That additionally has a positive effect on your mood.
  4. You can download the video training course you like and study according to the program given there.

So that monotonous exercises do not bother you, you can change the direction of training or alternate the load on different muscles of the body and add weighting.

Properly organized approach to sports loads will always raise your spirits and tune in a positive way. And the process of losing weight will be incredibly useful, enjoyable and exciting.


Dance aerobics at home for weight loss for beginners not only has a positive effect on weight loss and body shaping, but also has the following list of advantages:

  1. Improving the endocrine system.
  2. Charge of cheerfulness, energy, a huge surge of strength and the development of endurance.
  3. Gives a great mood and well-being for the whole day.
  4. Strengthens the respiratory system with additional oxygen saturation.
  5. Reducing the risk of heart disease and strengthening the cardiovascular system.


Unfortunately, home aerobics for beginnersnot recommended for everyone. People who have problems with the cardiovascular system, it is better to give preference to walking. Rhythmic movements can only harm.

People with high blood pressure alsoshould avoid dynamic sports. Rhythmic movements, as well as dance aerobics for weight loss at home with the use of a step can have a negative impact if a person has varicose veins.


In any case, if in doubt, is it worthyou prefer this sport, you can always consult with a competent doctor! And on the basis of the conclusion to make a choice in favor of a particular type of physical activity.

Avoid aerobics for people with knee pain and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Important rules

Aerobics at home will be an excellent ally in losing weight and body shaping, if you adhere to the following rules:

  1. One workout should last at least 60 minutes,otherwise the result will not be good enough. The frequency of training should be adjusted in accordance with the preparedness of the body. To start will be enough classes at least 3 times a week.
  2. Drink throughout the workoutclean non-carbonated water in small sips, as in the process of rhythmic movements the body releases a large amount of liquid, which must be filled.
  3. After the end of the workout, do not fall on the sofa,to relax. The body continues to work on the process of burning fat, so the occupation of cleaning, active cleaning of floors will only enhance the activation of metabolic processes aimed at reducing excess weight.
  4. Make a training schedule and strictly follow it.
  5. Do not take breaks during classes, extrarecess to rest slows down the process of burning fat, and for effective sports, the body must work non-stop all the time. Thus, our pulse is within the limits aimed at losing weight.
    Orientation to a positive result

With a regular and correct approach to aerobics formonth you can lose about 5 pounds. But with proper nutrition! Although some reviews confirm the information that you can still eat and lose weight. Although you are overweight or not, the tone you get from regular exercise will only improve your figure.

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