/ / Aerobics - what is it? Basic concepts, exercises for beginners

Aerobics - what is it? Basic concepts, exercises for beginners

The word "aerobics" means "with oxygen."These exercises, energetic enough and vigorous, last long enough and are performed regularly to keep the heart and lungs in good health. It is usually performed in groups with an instructor and background music. In this article, the concept of "aerobics" (what is, varieties, what is the use of the lessons) and brief historical information is given.

Interest in aerobics is growing at a lightning speed withthe first days of its inception. The audience, interested in strong health and a beautiful body, realizes all its benefits. Such activities burn fat faster than any other type of exercise.

aerobics what is

Aerobics: what is it?

The term "aerobics" is the concept of moreeffective oxygen saturation that occurs during exercise. They must work on the body in such a way as to raise the level of oxygen consumption to them. Consequently, they must be continuous and at the same time rhythmic, so that all the larger muscle groups are involved.

Доктор Кеннет Купер (врач и бывший участник competitions in running) in 1968 changed the world of fitness by publishing a book called "Aerobics". Exercises are simple and do not require any preliminary physical training, so all that is needed is the desire to follow the instructor on the path to health and a good figure. The publication of this eloquent speaker and magnificent motivator launched a new craze in the process that spread to the masses.

A bit of history: life and movement

Aerobics is a system of exercises,aimed at preventing the development of coronary artery disease, which was first nominated by Dr. Cooper in 1968 at the Texas Air Force Hospital. After the publication of the book, Jackie Sorenson developed a series of dances known as aerobic, the purpose of which is to strengthen the cardiovascular system. This is how dance aerobics and other forms of exercise originated, which became very popular not only in the USA, but also in many other countries in a very short period of time (about two decades).

sports aerobics

Serious sport

In 1983, Howard and Karen Schwartz developedan entirely new and competitive sport called sport aerobics. Already in 1984, their organization receives permission to hold the first national championship. In the beginning in sports aerobics competitions were organized in four categories: among men, among women, mixed pairs and mixed trios. Since 2002, changes have been made, and now groups of six athletes could compete. In 1996 sports aerobics was officially accepted as one of the gymnastic disciplines.

Aerobic exercise loads the heart andthe circulatory system of the body. This voltage requires the body to adapt, resulting in many changes that bring positive results. The health benefits that can be gained from exercise are vital because they are not only exercises that help regulate weight, but also the ability to prevent the development of many common diseases. The following benefits can be highlighted, which are provided by regular aerobic exercises:

  • Weight control.
  • Reducing the risk of diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
  • Reducing the level of "bad" cholesterol.
  • Increased endorphins.
  • Increase the effectiveness of the body in the absorption of oxygen.
  • Reduced subcutaneous fat.
  • The increase in muscle tissue and its elasticity.
  • Improving the quality of sleep, a feeling of cheerfulness in the morning.
  • Reducing the severity of chronic diseases such as heart disease or hypertension.
  • A burst of energy, getting rid of fatigue.
  • Maintain a good mood.
  • Relieving depression, stress and anxiety.
  • Prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Reduced blood pressure.

Regular exercise increases blood flow.accordingly, the heart drives away its large volumes. As a result, aerobic exercises gradually strengthen the heart, which allows to prolong the time of their implementation.

music for aerobics

Beginner Aerobics Guide

There are several types of aerobics. Beginners can start with the varieties described below.

Step aerobics

The oldest form of aerobic exercise, however, is one of the most recognized and effective. It can be held both in groups and at home, where rhythmic music for aerobics sets the pace for activities.

Bicycle aerobics

Since 1989, the opportunity to trainon a bicycle indoors. To this day, it is one of the most practiced activities in gyms. Bicycle aerobics does not require any special skills, gives you a chance to burn 500 calories in 45 minutes and is suitable for people of all ages. Another advantage of this type of aerobics is the psychological aspect. Classes are equipped with video projectors for a virtual trip with fantastic landscapes and soothing music.

Exercises with a skipping rope

Скакалка – это приспособление, которое может быть used almost anywhere and at any time. To perform the exercises you do not need to spend a lot of time on training, and the equipment costs a penny. For rhythm, fast music is used (for aerobics with a skipping rope, the duration of the tracks can be used as a guide in time).

aerobics lessons

Jazz aerobics

Popular aerobic training in the group fromseveral people to dozens. Aerobics lessons are conducted by certified instructors who teach specific dance moves and follow the technique during the class.

Yoga and aerobics

Существует огромное заблуждение по поводу йоги.It is believed that yoga, above all, involves stretching. However, this practice involves much more - yoga helps the respiratory system to develop. The respiratory system includes organs that supply the body with oxygen.

aerobics exercise

Aqua aerobics

Not only for weight problemsaerobics is irreplaceable. What is this and what benefits does aqua aerobics, practically everyone who has problems with joints, back pain, brittle bones due to illness, as well as the elderly people knows.

Tai Chi and other mind and body exercises in a mix with rhythmic loads

Along with the desire to look and feelwell physically, many of us want to stabilize also the mental and spiritual aspects. The ancient Eastern practices give the latter a lot of attention, but it is impossible to achieve harmony with oneself without working on the physical shell and saturating the body with oxygen.

aerobic exercise


Здоровье, подтянутое тело и аэробика...What is and how these three concepts are connected, today everyone who is engaged in strengthening his body and wants to live as long as possible knows. Aerobics is a type of exercise that combines rhythmic exercises with stretching and strength training in order to improve all health indicators (such as flexibility, muscle strength, and cardiovascular health). Today, the reality is that everyone must find at least half an hour among his busy schedule to work on himself.

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