/ / Step-aerobics for beginners: general information

Step-aerobics for beginners: general information

Step aerobics classes are very popularToday. The fact that this area of ​​fitness is considered very useful for the body as a whole. First of all, it has an excellent effect on health, raises mood, strengthens the tread forces, and also helps to keep the body in shape. And also this is communication with like-minded people and the opportunity to find new friends.

aerobics step
Presented sports equipment mayengage in even children and the elderly. All exercises are conducted under rhythmic music. Almost every step requires a special platform support. Step aerobics for beginners is a kind of sport, combined with dancing. The step height is determined by the level of physical training of a person. If you first visited such a lesson, then your step will be minimal.

For an untrained beginner, the durationcomplex exercises should not be more than 20 minutes. After some time, the exercise increases to an hour. The standard lesson for the person who first came to the gym is several exercises with different intensity. In this case, the force load must be replaced by a cardiac load.

Step aerobics for beginners
Step-aerobics for beginners is a great methodto eliminate excess kilograms, strengthen the muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, accelerate the metabolism. However, it is undesirable to deal with people with angina, arthritis of the joints of the legs, diseases of the spine, hypertension, varicose veins.

It should be noted that this type of fitness usesonly natural human movements. Therefore, you can do step-aerobics even at home steps. For more effective training, you can use additional projectiles, namely dumbbells. Basic step aerobics for beginners allows you to learn the basic movements that will help you move on to more difficult combinations of exercises.

aerobics step for beginners
If you have never done this kind ofsport, then you need to start in the gym with an instructor. Naturally, go there only with the permission of the doctor. You can do it separately with the coach or in a special group. Step-aerobics for beginners is held several times a week. The maximum duration of one lesson does not exceed 45 minutes in the first stage. For physically stronger people, classes can be held up to 5 times a week.

It should be noted that the lessons of step-aerobics forbeginners can easily be repeated even at home. To do this, you just need to visit several master classes and memorize the basic movements. Periodically, you can add new exercises. However, you should do this only after you have learned the previous movements well. At home, you can use ordinary stairs, a bench or even a small sturdy drawer. However, for more serious activities it is better to purchase a step-platform that can change the height and is designed specifically for fitness.

That's all the basic provisions of this technique. Now it remains only to enroll in the gym and enjoy aerobics lessons with pleasure.

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