/ Shooting bullet. Target for shooting. Sports rifle shooting

Shooting bullet. Target for shooting. Sports rifle shooting

Sports shooting has long been part of the program.Olympic Games. However, it is different. In addition, for different weapons have their own standards. Let's try to understand the varieties and features of this sport.

What is "sports shooting"?

sports shooting
This is an Olympic view of the test participants ataccuracy That is, each athlete shows the level of possession of weapons (fire or pneumatic), as well as their skill. Such shooting has its own standards and ratings, by which the best participant is determined.

Naturally, she requires regular training.Their location depends on the type of shooting: indoors or outdoors. In addition, during class, you must strictly observe all safety rules so as not to hurt yourself or others.

Varieties of the sport presented

Now you can figure out what types of shooting are, as well as what weapon is used. So, this lesson can be classified as follows:

- shooting bullet (rifle);

- poster (in the open area with the use of targets-plates);

- crossbow;

- archery;

- practical (shotgun, carbine or pistol), as well as high-precision (sniping).

Each of these types of shooting has its own characteristics. That is what we consider.

Bullet shooting features

bullet shooting
In this case, the participant uses the rifledfirearms and pneumatic weapons. The athlete must as accurately as possible get into all the targets given to him. And they can be static or move. It should also be noted that bullet shooting is characterized by a clear algorithm of actions, which remains stable for all, regardless of experience.

Shooting bullet requires some morefixed pose during a shot. The main thing for an athlete is to feel good about his weapon. Only in this case, he can hit right on target. Also, the shooter must have a good reaction and be attentive.

All necessary qualities must be developed.equally good, since the absence of one of them can significantly affect the result. During the shot, the person must be fully grouped and passionate about his work. It should also be said that people with a stable psyche should engage in this kind of sport. That is, a person should not be distracted by extraneous stimuli.

Features pistol shooting

sports pistol shooting
Now we will understand in more detail how necessaryuse weapons. Shooting from a pistol is conducted from a weapon whose caliber is 7.62-9.65 mm. However, it can be pneumatic. Often used small-caliber and large-caliber (revolver) weapons.

A participant can only fire a pistol.static targets. At the same time, he remains in one position: standing, with his arm extended forward. The gun can be standard, pneumatic or arbitrary. And shoot can both women and men. The distance to the target can be from 10 to 50 meters. Each participant must make from 20 shots and more. In addition, each round lasts a certain amount of time.

Features rifle shooting

sports rifle shooting
Everything is a little more complicated here.The fact is that sporting rifle shooting involves several positions from which a shot is fired. The distance to the target is from 10 to 300 m. Most often, this type of shooting uses stationary targets that do not move.

As for the provisions of the participant, there are several of them:

- Standing.In this case, the rifle is held with two hands. The main emphasis is on the shoulder and part of the chest. The belt on which the weapon usually hangs is not needed in this case. In addition, the shooter in no case should not use lenses or optical sights.

- From the knee. Here the rifle is also held with both hands. In this case, one elbow rests on the knee.

- Lying down. In this case, the emphasis is on the elbows. And the athlete uses a special mat. This position is the most comfortable and stable.

Naturally, during the shooting party must be focused, purposeful and attentive. The closer to the center of the target he gets, the higher the score will work.

What is bench shooting and what are its types?

Its main feature is thatit is held in the open. In this case, the target does not stand still, but moves and has an unusual plate shape. As a weapon most often used a gun. It is charged shotgun chuck.

Shooting bullet provides several types of stands:

- Round.Its feature is that the participant can feel like a real hunter. The stand is a small round platform on which there are 7 places for shooting. Near the first and seventh there are two turrets, on which there are cars, throwing targets. A feature of this shooting is that the participant must gradually move from the 1st to the 7th position. At the same time he must hit 25 targets.

- Trench.Such a platform has a large width and length. There are throwing machines and a place for the judge. In this position for shooting are located in a semicircle on one line. It should also be noted that it is advisable to use such a stand only if the throwing machines are at least 15 pieces.

- Double trap. A feature of this stand is that the participant must shoot down two targets that fly out of the machine at the same time.

- Sporting.This type of trap shooting differs by different trajectories of the flight of the plates, unequal distances. In addition, you can additionally target targets that move along the ground. Therefore, this type of shooting is the most difficult.

Features of target for trap shooting

targets for trap shooting
It is small in diameter.plate, which is made from natural materials: lime powder and melt pitch. It has a bright orange color so that it can be seen on the street. In addition, you can check how well the target is. To do this, simply strike it with a small metal bar. If the plate rings, then everything is in order.

Targets for trap shooting have a smallmass, which should not exceed 105 g. It should be noted that in the final competitions special plates are used, covered with luminous powder (fluorescent). The fact is that in this case the shooting becomes very beautiful and spectacular.

Qualitative target should fly out of the machine.whole. The diameter of the plate should not exceed 11 cm. I must say that one target is used only once. It does not matter at all whether the shooter got into it. In the competition, the participant gives the command, after which the plate flies out of the machine. Next - a matter of technology and skill.

Bullet Shooting Target Types

target for shooting
Now you need to figure out what you need to aim at if you use a rifle or a pistol. Target for shooting may be different:

- Electronic.This type of product is used only in high-level competitions: championships, Olympic Games. In this case, the target itself does not penetrate through. The quality and position of the holes are determined acoustically or optically. Sometimes both methods are used at the same time.

- Printed.This type of target is the most common. It is used during training. Such a target is made of durable material, on which a clear hole remains. Naturally, after training, such a product is no longer suitable for use.

- Mechanical. This type of targets is used both in training and in competitions.

Features shooting in the dash

shooting in the dash
The weapon was never a safe product, evenif you will not use live ammunition. Shooting in the dash is a special process. Here you should be as careful as you are indoors. Its advantage is that you can not be distracted by external stimuli, because in the shooting range all the conditions for quiet shooting are created.

However, during training you must becalm and balanced. In addition, all shots are made under the control of a more experienced person. In this case, in no case can not be in the zone where the targets are hanging. In addition, it is not allowed to send weapons to people or to any other side of the target. The weapons you have taken cannot be transferred to anyone.

After shooting ends, you need tocarefully check the weapon for the presence of ammunition in the store and the barrel. Recharging is done only at the firing line. After training, the weapon is given to the instructor or the person responsible for it.

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