/ / Unloading protein days: menu

Unloading protein days: menu

Protein fasting day is the best wayget rid of a couple extra pounds. But their benefit is not only in weight loss, but also in improving the body. Even with the lessons of biology, it is known that protein is a building material, without which the growth of muscles and bones is impossible.

Unloading protein days

Many can say that monodni are harmful forhealth. But this is not about unloading protein days. As during their carrying out there is a splitting of a fatty fabric, instead of muscular. In contrast to carbohydrate and fat free days, during which the muscles go off, and not the hateful fats. Therefore, of all the fasting days, it is safer and more useful than all protein days. What can be a protein-free day? The menu, reviews of nutritionists and much more can be found in this article.

Rules for carrying out unloading days

  • Unloading days on proteins can be carried out once a week. Nutritionists do not recommend doing this more often, as the metabolism is disrupted and the probability of even more weight gain is high.
  • In a day you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water. Juices, tea and coffee are not included in this number, and their consumption should be reduced to a minimum.
  • It is better to reduce physical activity during the day off. It is recommended to replace heavy workouts with a walk in the fresh air.
  • The daily volume of food is divided into 5-6 parts.
  • It is important to arrange meals every three hours.
  • The last meal should be three to four hours before bedtime.


At many girls and men, at a phrase"Unloading days" there is an image of a lean and monotonous menu from the product they do not like. And also such days are associated with harsh hunger strikes, when hunger constantly torments, the head turns and there is no desire to continue losing weight.

But all these thoughts - from lack of information aboutprotein days. In fact, protein-free days are not as painful as they might seem at first glance. Losing weight can choose any product in which the protein content is greater than other elements.

Protein Vegetable Unloading Day

In the unloading protein days, the diet canplease any person. Everyone has a favorite protein product in the world. Someone likes chicken, someone - fish or cottage cheese, squid, eggs, kefir, beef, pork, shrimp and many other things. You just need to find out which product with the highest protein content is the most loved.

Of course, the most effective proteinUnloading days are chicken, meat and cottage cheese. But if a person loves fish, then why not? Pollock, cod, pink salmon, mackerel or salmon - it does not matter. The main thing is there is one kind of fish during the day.

Cottage cheese-free day

When the phrase "cottage cheese days" immediatelythere is a lean and dry curd that is impossible to eat. But this is not so. A lover of spicy and salty can add parsley, dill, green onion or garlic. And this is not to mention the rest of the spices and seasonings. For example, such as curry, black pepper, turmeric and others.

Sweetheads can add a sweetener.And not only. There is a huge variety of syrups without sugar. You can find them in health food stores or hypermarkets. Cherry, chocolate, coconut, strawberry and others will help brighten the unloading protein days.

In the curd days, you can eat one kilogramcottage cheese. Be sure to drink one and a half to two liters of water a day. It is recommended to reduce salt intake. If the unsalted cottage cheese seems too lean, then you can add spices or fresh herbs.

Varieties of cottage cheese-free days

In addition, unloading protein days on curdscan be combined with other products. The most popular option - curd-apple day. Apples contain a lot of fiber. She, getting into the stomach, provides a feeling of satiety for a long time. Iron, whose content is famous for apples, accelerates metabolism, improves blood circulation and helps to lose weight. In the cottage cheese-apple day, it is recommended to eat 2-3 apples and 500 grams of cottage cheese.

Protein Unloading Day Menu

In cottage cheese unloading days, menu options are very diverse. For example:

  1. Cottage cheese and meat. Cottage cheese - 500 g and meat - 200-250 g.
  2. Cottage cheese and berry day. Cottage cheese - 600 g and one glass of berries.
  3. Cottage cheese and milk. Cottage cheese - 500 g and a half liter of milk or kefir.
  4. Cottage cheese and vegetable.Cottage cheese - 500 grams and a kilo of fresh raw vegetables. It is forbidden to use potatoes. You can mix cottage cheese, a small amount of yogurt and fresh herbs. Skip through the blender. It turns out an excellent dressing for vegetable salad.


Unloading protein days on a chicken isA great option for lovers of hot dishes and meat. Chicken meat is included in the category of dietary products, as it is low-calorie and easily assimilated by the body. For unloading protein days, it is recommended to choose a chicken breast. There is the least amount of fat, unlike the ham.

Protein fasting day menu reviews

In the chicken protein day off menu consists ofonly from the chicken. Chicken breast must be boiled or stewed. So the meat will save all the useful trace elements. For the unloading day, 700 grams of chicken meat will be needed. It is divided into six parts and consumed every three to four hours. It is not recommended to salt very much, but when cooking, you can add black pepper, garlic or turmeric. The last spice is especially good at losing weight. It not only gives the dish a pleasant taste, but also speeds up the metabolism several times and helps the body get rid of excess water. You also need to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure still water.

On chicken unloading you can get rid of one or two kilograms of excess weight. Improve the result will help walk a quick step in the fresh air and a hot bath with sea salt before going to bed.

On a protein cocktail

For weight loss is preferable to consumeprotein cocktails of factory production. They contain a huge amount of protein, namely 97 or 100%. Such a protein is already fermented and therefore digested much faster and better than the one found in meat or chicken. Producers add to the mixture vitamins and minerals, which are also necessary for healthy functioning of the body and losing weight.

Relaxing day on a protein cocktail

Белковую смесь разводят кипяченой водой или cold milk and whisk in a blender. The resulting cocktail is drunk three times a day at regular intervals, equal to about three hours. For dinner, it is recommended to eat something light, such as unsweetened yogurt or vegetable salad.

A fasting day on a protein cocktail is veryeffective. For a day you can get rid of two extra pounds. And also to fill the body with useful amino acids, without which muscle building will be impossible, vitamins and minerals.

Protein-vegetable unloading day

Protein is the building material for the body. And vegetables - a fiber that improves digestion, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract and promotes the full absorption of protein.

Unloading days on proteins

In the protein-vegetable unloading day, you canto use protein of any kind. For example, fish, meat, chicken or cottage cheese. Vegetables can also be any, but it is better to exclude potatoes. Preferably they are raw, for example cucumbers, tomatoes, Bulgarian pepper, all kinds of cabbage, green salad and other fresh greens. But you can also extinguish, for example, make a vegetable stew from a vegetable marrow, a tomato, onions and carrots. Such vegetables, like carrots or beets, it is better not to get involved, because they have a lot of sugar. It is strictly forbidden to add oil to salads or to fry on it.

On this unloading day is recommendedUse not more than 500 g of protein products and 1-1.5 kg of vegetables. The whole volume of food is divided into six receptions. Before going to bed it is advisable to limit yourself to a vegetable salad.

Protein: what is it important for the body?

Белок состоит из аминокислот, именно они и делают its so useful. Scientists using numerous studies have found that the protein consists of 22 amino acids, of which 9 are not synthesized by the human body. That is, people can receive them only by consuming products of animal origin. Amino acids have their names: leucine, histidine, isoleucine, glycine, tyrosine, valine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine.

Unloading protein days diet

The amount of protein required per day forhuman is determined by the formula: 1 gram of protein, multiplied by 1 kilogram body weight of a person. That is, if the girl's weight is 60 kg, then it turns out that a day she should consume 60 grams of pure protein. In 100 grams of chicken breast contains 20 grams of protein. So, she needs to eat at least 300 grams of chicken breast a day.

Очень важно не только количество потребляемого protein, but also its ratio with other products, such as fats and carbohydrates. The ideal diet includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a ratio of 1: 1: 4.

Pros of protein products

  • It is established that in people who consume a lot of protein foods, metabolism is much faster than those who prefer carbohydrates.
  • There is no feeling of hunger, as the protein is digested more slowly than fats and carbohydrates.
  • Maintains normal blood sugar levels. This means that the person does not experience sharp outbursts of hunger. Diseases associated with the endocrine system, such as diabetes, are excluded.
  • The cost of protein products. Of course, veal and beef are not the most budget options. But cottage cheese, yogurt and eggs are quite inexpensive.

At the end of the article, it can be said that protein-free days of liberation not only contribute to weight loss, but also saturate the body with useful trace elements, without which its vital activity is impossible.

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