/ / Dukan: a diet for all time

Dukan: a diet for all time

One of the most effective for those who wishTo lose weight the techniques developed by Dr. Pierre Duccan, whose diet was created in 1975. Medic was written a whole book called "I do not know how to lose weight." The circulation of the book was more than 10 million copies. Dyukan's method allows not only to reduce weight, but also to consolidate the achieved results.

"Dukan diet" includes 4 phases, two of which are aimed at reducing weight, and the other two, in order not to gain weight again. After the 2 phases are passed, the weight is normalized.

The first phase of "Attack" is short in time andtakes only 2 to 7 days, depending on how much you need to "throw off", explained during the interview, Pierre Duacan. Recipes of dishes that can be used in cooking, should include only 72 products, provided by diet and rich in protein.

These include:

  • any fish;
  • lean veal, beef or rabbit. You can cook in any form, but in the case of frying, the use of oil and sauces is unacceptable;
  • various seafood;
  • eggs, the amount of yolks is not more than 2 per day;
  • bird (turkey or chicken without skin). Do not eat ducks and geese, since they are very fatty;
  • milk fat-free products;
  • sugar substitutes, salt in small quantities, onions, garlic, gherkins, seasonings and spices, lemon juice, mustard.

It is also recommended to eat a half tablespoons of bran (which are rich in proteins and carbohydrates, give a feeling of satiety) per day and walk daily for 20 minutes.

As a result, people lose from one and a half to four kilograms.

In the second phase of "Cruise" 28 vegetables are added,which can be eaten raw, cooked and baked. They are: tomatoes, artichokes, cucumbers, eggplants, celery, cabbage, zucchini, chicory, spinach, sorrel, turnip, pumpkin, radish, mushrooms, onions, dill, beans, peppers, lettuce, broccoli, asparagus, etc .

The "Ducan diet" does not contain any restrictions inamount of food. The secret is that all the recommended products do not contain sugar and fats, and products containing starch, while observing the diet in the initial stages are prohibited (rice, potatoes, peas, cereals, lentils, beans, avocados).

In the second phase, protein days alternate with days,when vegetables are added and depend on the number of kilograms that need to be discarded. You need to eat 2 tablespoons of bran, drink 2 liters of water every day and increase your walking distance to 30 minutes.

"In the second phase of the week the weight will decreaseper kilogram, "explained Pierre Duccan. Calculate the weight, or rather the optimal (ideal) weight for each can be a complex formula, which is based on individual indicators. Are taken into account the sex, weight, maximum and minimum weight, which was earlier, the number of children and other indicators. Based on this, you can determine how many days will be needed for phase 2.

The third phase of "Consolidation" consolidates the achieved results. Duration depends on the amount of weight lost, for each kilogram - 10 days.

The diet adds berries and fruits, except for bananas, cherries, grapes and dried fruits. A day allowed to eat 40 grams of hard cheese and 2 slices of rye bread.

Twice a week you can eat foods,containing starch, but they need to be cooked without oil. The list of meat that can be eaten is expanding. One of the days a week, the conditions of phase 1 are maintained, that is, you can eat only foods high in protein. Once a week, you can arrange a feast, when you are allowed to eat any food.

Phase 4 is called "Stabilization".You can consume protein products without restrictions, and all the rest - only once a day. Once a week, a protein day is still declared, that is, the original 72 products are allowed. The amount of bran consumed per day increases - 3 tablespoons. It is necessary to continue to drink 2 liters of water a day and make walks for 20 minutes.

Despite many advantages, "Dyukan-diet" has a number of drawbacks. In particular, they include a lack of vitamins, bad smell from the mouth, constipation, fatigue and headaches.

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