/ / Gto - what is it? TRP norms for men, women and schoolchildren

TRP - what is it? TRP standards for men, women and school children

That this is

Successful development of the country and improvement of qualitylife of its citizens is possible only if the state pays attention to mass sports and health care. In Soviet times, there were many programs that stimulated the participation of ordinary people in various competitions, encouraging them to maintain their physical form and simply lead an active and healthy lifestyle. The TRP complex was very popular. What is it, modern schoolchildren already do not know. Today physical education in educational institutions is held for a tick, many children are released from them for medical reasons. Talking about adult people is not at all worthwhile, few of them in their spare time are ready to jog or work out on a bar. The current situation largely influences demography. Thus, if in the very near future effective measures are not taken to involve all generations without exception, Russia can pass a critical mark, after which it will be impossible to restore lost positions.

Explanation of the abbreviation

Три заглавные буквы ГТО – что это?In fact, this abbreviation stands for "Ready for work and defense." This is a set of physical standards, the name of which already speaks about why he was thinking.

The primary task of introducing the TRP into lifeSoviet people had the attainment of mass interest in sports. At the same time, the complex was used as a universal appraisal mechanism, allowing to single out the most physically developed representatives of each generation, on which all the rest should be equal.

It was considered very prestigious to get a badge ofsuccessful delivery of established standards. Its owner enjoyed a number of official privileges and informal advantages. The abbreviation is firmly established in the everyday language of people, and therefore its interpretation was not required. For many years, the TRP has been a symbol of the sports superiority of the USSR over other states.

complex gto

The appearance of the TRP

The birth of thisMay 24, 1930 is considered to be the sports and recreation movement. It was then that the first articles on this important issue were published in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. In particular, it was intended to develop a single criterion for assessing the physical training of people of each generation. The best in each age group that fulfilled certain physical standards should have received special badges.

Soviet public with great enthusiasmsupported the Komsomol initiative, so in early 1931 the first TRP complex was developed. The program, compiled by the All-Union Physical Education Council, after discussion in the party organizations was adopted with little or no amendment.

The history of the TRP

Первоначально система физических нормативов была Designed for two main categories. The first of them were schoolchildren of grades 1-8, divided into 4 age levels. The rest of the population over the age of 16 fell into the 2nd group, in which there were 3 sublevels.

The passage of the TRP very quickly became an important partthe lives of a large number of people. Therefore, it was necessary to keep the complex up to date. His changes were made many times. The most important of them are dated 1940, 1947, 1955, 1965, and 1972.

rto standards for women

In light of the initiatives of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putinon the revival of mass sports, the last amendment is of the greatest interest. As it became known, the standards of the TRP in 2014 will largely be based on what was gained in this area by 1972.

If we consider this stage of development of the complex,then he was divided into 5 age categories, each of which had its own name. Children aged 10 to 13 years belonged to the 1st stage - "Brave and agile." Then there was the "Sports shift", which included boys and girls 14-15 years old. The program provided for boys and girls who have not yet turned 18, was called "Strength and courage." The standards of the TRP for men from 19 to 39 years and women from 19 to 34 years belonged to the 4th stage - “Physical perfection”. Finally, the 5th category - “Vivacity and Health” - was intended for people of preretirement age who are devoted to sport.

Soviet standards complex TRP

What is it - get the coveted icon?Modern youth, most likely, will not be able to understand this. To achieve this goal it was necessary to make tremendous efforts. This is most eloquent in the numbers.

rto standards for men

A set of standards for boys and girls from 10up to 13 years consisted of 7 categories, mandatory for delivery, and 6 additional, from which one could choose a few at will. Indicative and individual requirements. A 12-year-old boy, for example, had to be able to pull himself up no less than 5 times, and girls of the same age crawled along a 2.8-3.5 meter rope.

When moving from one age category tothe other increased the number and complexity of the standards, only the successful delivery of which brought the gold or silver badge to the applicant. Specialized areas of training such as throwing a training grenade and shooting with a small-caliber rifle attract attention. The TRP standards for women, at their request, also included courses on sandbagging. Therefore, the abbreviation is not in vain called to be ready not only to work, but also to defense.

TRP 20 years later

In 2013, the President of Russia touched on the topicrevival in the country of the TRP course. That it will be useful for physical training and patriotic education, no one will argue, but there are questions about the form in which all this will be implemented.

goto 2014 regulations

At the moment, it is known only thatthe number of age steps will increase to eight. Their names have much in common with 1972: “Play and move” (6-8 years), “Start all” (9-10 years), “Brave and agile” (11-12 years), “Olympic hopes” (13 -15 years), "Strength and Grace" (16-17 years), "Physical perfection" (18-29 years), "Joy in motion" (30-39 years), "Health and longevity" (40 years and older). Thus, absolutely everyone can check their strength.

If we compare the standards themselves, they do notThere were no innovations. Progress does not stand still, and therefore it was decided to replace the small-caliber rifle with an electronic one. The program itself was supplemented by exercises such as jerk weights, testing flexibility, a triple jump from the spot and lifting the body from a prone position in 1 minute.

Physical development of schoolchildren

standards rto for schoolchildren

TRP norms for schoolchildren should contributefirst of all, to improve their health, and only then to develop special sports skills. It is impossible for new realities to reflect on children, who for some reason are lagging behind in physical development. Therefore, the system of encouraging teachers who have more children successfully pass the standards, in any case should not be applied. Additional loads on an under-prepared organism can only lead to negative consequences.

Principle of voluntariness

TRP - what is it? Why is it needed? Approximately such questions are asked by the youth when they first hear about the revival of this complex. Many are also afraid that the initiative will grow into a "binding".

In fact, the new type of TRP will be builtonly on a voluntary basis, that is, only those who want it will pass the regulations. But so that those who wish to have as much as possible, the state will take a number of measures that motivate sports. These include, for example, the award of a special badge, material incentives, the provision of benefits to visit sports facilities and facilities. By decision of the employer, the employee may also be paid a special bonus and additional days of vacation.

Mass sport in production

Если с введением в добровольно-принудительном the order of the TRP complex in educational institutions and budget organizations is clear, then with private companies the situation is somewhat different. How will the state motivate entrepreneurs to compensate part of the costs spent on playing sports during off-hours to their employees? This question is in order of development. It is possible that the state will fully take over the material issue. Especially since the introduction of the updated TRP allocated nearly 2 billion rubles.

Experience of Yaroslavl and Krasnodar

The development of the new TRP complex was entrustedhold the sports committee of the Krasnodar Territory. According to his first report, 60 thousand children were able to pass the established standards for obtaining a bronze, silver or gold badge. This is a very good indicator that only needs to be improved in the future.

One of the first regions in whichon their own initiative, it was decided to revive the Soviet experience of the TRP, became the Yaroslavl region. They note that about 55% of the population expressed a desire to test their strength. The main share of the "pioneers" were schoolchildren, pupils and students. In the 2011-2012 academic year, a kind of record was set: over 9 thousand students received deserved badges.

Tasks and prospects

goto passage
The main goal of the TRP revival ispopularization of sports and an increase in the number of citizens leading active and healthy lifestyles. In the future, by 2020, the share of people who successfully passed the standards will be about 20%. A quarter of the total number of working-age population will be interested in physical education at the place of work. It is planned to equip more than 60% of universities with modern sports facilities and stadiums, on the basis of which clubs, clubs and sections will be created. People with disabilities will not be left without attention. To attract them to active physical education in the future it is supposed to create an analogue of the TRP.

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