/ / All about fishing in Aktobe

All about fishing in Aktobe

Fishing is a holiday. And fishing in Aktobe is also a pleasure.

features of fishing in the act

A little about fishing in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a state on the borderEurope and Asia. Fishing is very popular here, you can fish everywhere, except for private ponds and reserves where there are some restrictions, and where fishing can be paid.

Catch in the reservoirs of the republic can be as familiarzander, bream and pike, as well as many other fish unfamiliar to Russians, such as the Caspian lamprey, thorn, taimen, etc. Fishing is conducted on spinning. Spoon-baits and other artificial baits are used. On the banks of water bodies, especially large ones, there are many fishing bases, where lovers of both summer and winter fishing gather.

In the West of Kazakhstan, just wherethere are the rivers Kargala and Ilek, the city of Aktobe (in Kazakh, White Hill) is located. This is the third year in a row that the Fisherman's Day is celebrated and a fishing championship is held, which attracts many lovers of underwater hunting and fishing. In Aktobe and in its environs there are three artificial reservoirs:

  • Aktobe.
  • Sazdinskoe.
  • The Kargalinsky.

The Sazdinskoe reservoir is located along the channelthe Sazd River and is located 8 km from Aktobe. It was launched in 1967 and is the oldest of all. The last few years because of the arid weather this small water, the local residents have already begun to sound the alarm. For fishermen of special interest this reservoir does not represent, therefore we will stop in more detail on two others: on Aktyubinsk and Kargalinsky.

Aktyubinsk Reservoir

fishing in the act

Aktobe - this is a large volumeThe reservoir, located along the Ilek river bed. It was created in 1988. The reservoir is excellent for outdoor recreation, there is a well-developed tourist infrastructure. Most of the visitors - this, of course, lovers of fishing. To their services on the coast are provided fishing bases, rented accommodation, parking for cars, and also you can stay in tents. The banks on the Aktyubinsk reservoir are clean, the water is transparent - all this contributes to a good rest.

In the pond constantly produce fry of variousspecies of fish. Currently, the Aktobe reservoir is inhabited by river perch, carp, bream, ide, roach, ripus, crucian carp, carp, bleach, cheese, white cupid, carp, and others.

Kargalinsky Reservoir

hunting and fishing in the act

60 km from Aktobe, along the channel of the Kargaly river,Kargalinsky Reservoir. It is in a depression between the mountains, unlike Aktyubinsk, which is located on the plain. The average depth of the Kargalinsky reservoir is about 10 meters, but there are places where the depth reaches up to 30 meters.

It was created in 1975 for water supplythe city of Aktobe and for irrigation of agricultural land. Since its inception, the Kargalinsky reservoir has been immediately stocked, and now it has 36 species. Here is found the whitefish, many pike, perch, fishing for the crucian carp. In Aktobe, on the Kargalinsky water reservoir, fishing is paid. The cost of the tour is 300 tenge. It is not advisable to save on small things, in Kazakhstan it is very strict with illegal fishing.

Near the reservoir is the highway Aktyubinsk-Orsk, which provides easy access to the reservoir.

Fishing for sturgeon and carp

Kargalinsky district is one of the most ecologicallyclean in the Aktobe region. Here is a unique flora and fauna, and it is here, in Kargalinsky district, for more than 10 years there is the only sturgeon farm "Ardagum" in the republic, consisting of 15 artificial lakes. All of them are inhabited by sturgeon fry: sturgeon, beluga, Siberian sturgeon, Russian, American and Caspian. Here you can feel all the delights of fishing. But pleasure is paid. Fishing in Aktobe for sturgeon costs 5000 tenge per kilogram of caught fish.

In the vicinity of the sturgeon farm there areartificial carp ponds with ordinary, Japanese and mirror carp. On the territory of reservoirs there are built houses where you can live both during the summer and during the winter fishing. There is also a sauna and a cafe. Fishing here is also paid, but cheaper than in the sturgeon economy, and they say that women and children do not take money for fishing.

In the future, as the sturgeon and carp farms expand and when they get their offspring safely from the fish eggs of their own bodies of water, a decrease in the prices of fishing services is planned.

fishing in the act of crucian carp

Features of fishing in Aktobe

Since April, fish inhabiting the reservoirs of the region are spawning, in this connection, step-by-step temporary restrictions on fishing are introduced.

So, every year from the middle of April for a monthit is forbidden to catch pike, asp, pike perch, perch, roach, bersh, ide, chub, podust. The spawning period of these fish lasts on average until mid-May. After that, from mid-May to mid-June, fishing in Aktobe is prohibited for crucian carp, carp, tench, rudd, bream, bug, white-eyed.

In addition, you can not catch crayfish until the end of June.

Also, a ban on fishing until the middle of June is introducedin the mouths of rivers flowing into the Kargalinsky and Aktyubinsk reservoirs and adjacent to the mouths of river areas 15 km upstream. Violators are fined.

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