/ / How to prepare energy for training at home?

How to prepare energy for training at home?

During the training process mostPeople often have a question about what to add to their diet in order to have enough energy and strength for training. Get enough carbohydrates with a standard portion of food for a long and "explosive" workout is unlikely to come out if the plans include a shock number of repetitions or an increase in working weight in the gym. Speakers bodybuilders and athletes "with experience" have solved this issue with the help of power engineers for training.

Manufacturers of sports nutrition and foodadditives maximally unfolded in the issue of specialized drinks, the consumer can only choose the brand and have a considerable amount to buy. However, after reading the composition of the majority of sportpit, you can see the familiar components: caffeine, ginseng, glucose, taurine, which are available to purchase yourself. So, it is not difficult to prepare energy for training at home.

energy for training

The advantages of energy cooked at home

Among the strengths of home power engineers,Of course, the cost of production, the naturalness of the components and efficiency, not inferior to specialized dietary supplements. With a simple calculation of all the costs of the components, you can see that they do not cover even a tenth of the cost of a portion of the sportpit of a popular manufacturer. Of course, the energy cooked at home, significantly save the budget, which is good news. Another advantage - naturalness - is a priority for athletes, for whom it is important that they get into their body. The fact is that dyes and additives almost always come into the composition of purchased power engineers, and only the technologist himself or the person who is “chemically savvy” knows about their origin. Therefore, confidence in the ingredients of domestic power engineers is much higher.

Говоря о сравнении эффектов домашних напитков и factory, just look at the label dietary supplements. The first specified ingredients are the same as used in household energy. Accordingly, the effect will be the same, the main thing is to observe the proportions in the preparation. About the most effective and popular recipes and effects on the body further.

Cocktail "Classic"

This recipe knows almost every athlete,who passed the baptism of the "iron" and all sorts of energy. The beauty of such a drink is that there are very few ingredients and every person always has them at home. For the composition will need:

  • still water (0.5 l);
  • long leaf black tea (3 bags);
  • soluble tablets of ascorbic acid (20 pcs.).

energy before training

It is necessary to heat the water to 80-900 С и заварить в ней чай.By the way, it is possible and even desirable to use leaf tea, it has more natural tonic substances. When the tea leaves cool slightly and give a rich brown color, it is necessary to pour the contents into a shaker or bottle. Next, add ascorbic acid, close tightly and shake until it is completely dissolved. You can drink energy before training and throughout the session.

Ingredients of the drink perform the following functions: water participates in water-salt metabolism; tea at the expense of caffeine entering into it tones muscular work and nervous system; Vitamin C boosts immunity.

Drink with VSAA

The following energetic for training is good because it contains BCAA (essential amino acids), which allows you to avoid catabolism in muscle tissue. For cooking will require:

  • still water (0.5 l);
  • long leaf black tea (3 bags);
  • soluble tablets of ascorbic acid (20 pcs.);
  • glucose (10 g);
  • spirit tincture of Eleutherococcus (15 drops);
  • amino acids BCAA in powder (10 g).

you can drink energy before training

The basis must take energy fortraining "Classic". To do this, brew strong tea of ​​0.5 liters. Add ascorbic acid, after cooling the drink, and shake in the bottle to dissolve. Purchased in a pharmacy tincture of Eleutherococcus pour in the amount of 15 drops. Then pour the crushed glucose tablets, which can also be bought at the pharmacy. Stir well. The last to add amino acids purchased in advance in a specialized sports nutrition store. Energetic can be drunk before training and in the process of training. This drink due to two tonic means - tea and tincture of Eleutherococcus - will allow to withstand any supersets, and BCAA will preserve and restore muscle fibers.

Coffee energy

Описанный ниже напиток в основном в почете у Latin Americans, but in Russia they already had time to feel its effect and include them in the list of power engineers for training. It is ideal for people practicing morning sports. It will take:

  • espresso (2 cups);
  • butter (2 tablespoons);
  • sugar to taste.

First you need to cook 2 cups of espresso incoffee machine. When cooking in Turk, be sure to separate the coffee grounds. After that, place the butter in a blender and add coffee, sugar to taste, cinnamon, if desired, and beat until smooth with a foam.

 drink energy before training

What is the principle of non-dietary actionat first glance a drink? The fact is that oil due to fat content envelops the esophagus and stomach and does not allow coffee to be quickly absorbed. And glucose saturates the body with carbohydrates, which are quickly consumed during exercise. It is necessary to drink energetic before training for 20-40 minutes before it starts.

When to refrain from invigorating drinks

To rely on the miracle fuel, expecting from it to increase its own efficiency in the gym, it is not worth it if:

  • there are regular lack of sleep and there is no full-fledged rest regime
  • during the day or before training there is no food intake with a sufficient amount of carbohydrates;
  • there are inflammatory processes in the body;
  • disturbed pressure surges.

energy for training at home

What you need to remember, using energy

Every drink, no matter where it iscooked, in the kitchen or in large-scale production, not only gives strength and vigor, but also actively influences the nervous system. When used systematically, addiction occurs, and the usual dose ceases to act. Lack of control at the reception can disrupt sleep, cause heart rhythm failure. It is important to remember that intake of beverages of toning properties should be done at least 4 hours before bedtime, regularly monitor the pulse not only in the gym, monitor blood pressure. Ideally, you should consult your doctor before taking it. This will help avoid health problems and unplanned absences of workouts.

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