/ / Home active sub: connection, setting, features

Home active sub: connection, setting, features

A subwoofer is considered an important part of an acousticsystem. Without it, it's difficult to use a home theater. This element studies low frequencies, with which full-sized stereos can not cope. In some equipment, these settings make the playback clean. The home active sub does not affect the physical organization of the system.

Equipment can be placed anywhere, soas it is compact. This is due to the fact that in whatever location it is, the signal will still be caught. However, you still need to properly configure and connect the active sub. It is necessary to get acquainted with some subtleties of work.


The main difference between active subwoofers and passivethe presence of an integrated power amplifier is considered. Because of this, the equipment removes the low-frequency load from the main amplifier. Also in the device there is an active crossover that filters high frequencies, simplifies the matching of technology with broadband acoustics.

active sub

Some devices have additionalfunction. Active sub, the price of which is within the limits of 30-35 thousand rubles, includes adjustment for different operating conditions. Such equipment is not considered premium, but has a middle class. It has support for adjusting the frequency spectrum, phase rotation, adjusting the positions of crossover points.


Amplifiers often have PCA channels necessary forconnecting active subwoofers. Some devices are equipped with even several inputs, which is why the acoustic capabilities are expanding. The user needs to prepare the RCA cable of the appropriate length, and then connect it to a suitable connector. Most people do not have connection problems.

how to connect an active sub

If you use 2 inputs, you will need a powerfulactive sub, working with a cable-splitter. With this method of interaction, the input sensitivity doubles, but it will not have a special effect on the sound. The subwoofer has a right and left channel.

If you use such acoustics, you shouldselect the appropriate cable. It is best to purchase a copper solid wire that preserves the signal volume. If a budget active sub is used, then an increase in performance does not make sense.

Connection to output terminals

How to connect an active sub in another way?For this, the main output terminals are used. Acoustic systems are attached to high-level outputs on the subwoofer. Before the terminals are high-frequency filters, which provide 6 dB.

The system has a slight pressure on acoustics inlow-frequency range. But when connecting an active sub with the help of output terminals, one should also take into account the minus of such a scheme. If you use the described version of the connection through the direct outputs of the terminal and the filters of the subwoofer, you can get the optimal sound with a little error. But since the connection channels work in parallel, the entire load increases.


The basic configuration of the equipment is performed onbased on the characteristics of acoustics. It is on it should be guided. The setting is corrected in the parameters of the audio crossover and the phase switch. But before calibration, you need to check the quality of the connection. Also, optimization of the connection nodes is required.

connection active saba

There is a home active sub with wireless connection.In this case, conventional cables for connection are not needed, since radio sensors are used for this. It turns out that you need to synchronize the technology with Bluetooth or another wireless connection. Many users believe that the equipment will work properly in the event that all the quality is purchased for the system.


Adjust the crossover to set the frequencyspectra of subwoofer separation. This knob allows you to adjust the equipment over the entire range. Some devices have an extreme value of frequencies, with which the equipment is not perceived by the person's ear.

The classical value is 80 Hz. Depart from this indicator should be only when there is a booming bass. In this case, it is necessary to lower the frequency by the regulator.

Phase switch

A switch is required to compensate for the differencebetween the installation of the system. It is also needed in matching signals from different satellites. The subwoofer should be adjusted when playing fragments with a male low voice. The user should select the mode with which the vocals are heard naturally.

active and passive sub

How are distortions eliminated?

Even in expensive equipment, the sound does notalways absolutely clean. But such problems are eliminated. For example, the buzz appears due to the dispersion in the wires. In this case, the quality of the cable is important. Therefore, you need to purchase a new wire or adjust the volume.

Powerful equipment should be included with thickRCA cables of high quality. They should have a screening function. Among the users you can meet different reviews. Many abolish that there is a loud rumbling. The current filter in the cable will solve the problem.


A qualitative system can have averagecharacteristics. If you connect everything correctly, this will allow the technician to work without interruption. Powerful subwoofers are sold at a price of 50-60 thousand rubles. Such systems cope with their tasks. But you can also buy an economy model, which is similar in parameters to the head unit. It turns out that price is not always the main criterion.

active sub price

When choosing, one must take into account the material.Although plastic is in demand, wooden subwoofers remain popular. According to the feedback of users, it is evident that the system of natural material better suppresses vibration, and evenly distributes the signal. But wood is not as practical as plastic.

For the house can be used active andpassive sub. The latter system has one or more low-frequency speakers. It requires an external amplifier and a sound isolation filter. Both types of equipment serve to get high-quality sound. Active subwoofers are more suitable for this. If you properly connect and configure the equipment, it provides excellent sound quality.

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