/ / Refrigerator design and features of some models

The device of a refrigerator and distinctive features of some models

The device of the refrigerator can be viewed withdifferent "angles", given the technical characteristics, various consumer requests and other positions. One and two-chamber models are now being produced, with conventional and “weeping” evaporators, equipment equipped with a unique No Frost system and so-called “zero” zones.

Refrigerator unit

Modern designers of household units forCooling develops a technique that can seamlessly fit into the interior of any kitchen or, conversely, attract attention to itself with its bright color or unusual shape.

And yet the refrigerator unit, whetherstandard or original model, includes almost identical components: compressor - engine and the “heart” of any system; the evaporator, which is a plate inside the refrigerator or a shelf in the freezer compartment; the condenser is the heated grate behind the unit. Cooling occurs due to the circulation of the refrigerant - freon, which is pumped into the system and has a low boiling point. It is due to this property that the substance boiling in the evaporator is able to actively absorb heat, thereby cooling the space around it. The standard device of the refrigerator also presupposes the presence of a filter drier, a system of tubes, a thermal relay (control unit), and a housing - the cabinet itself.

В недавнем прошлом большое распространение имели single chamber units, in which the freezer was located in the upper part of the cabinet. As a rule, the evaporator in such equipment was the camera body.

Refrigerator unit STINOL

The device of the Atlas refrigerator, which has two separate chambers - refrigerating and freezing, has an important design feature - the presence in each of the compartments of its own evaporator.

Modern equipment installedTwo compressors, independent of each other, allow the temperature to be set and controlled separately in both the refrigeration and freezer compartments. The system also assumes the presence of valves that alternately block the flow of refrigerant directly into the evaporators of the equipment chambers. In addition, the device of this type of refrigerator includes special sensors and electronic control units.

Manufacturing companies seek to attract the attention of sophisticated consumers to their product in various ways. An important factor when choosing becomes usability.

Device refrigerator atlas

The system "No Frost", it is also "Frost Free", and speakingRussian language - automatic defrosting system, eliminates the owner from the need for a defrosting procedure. In addition, such a device refrigerator "Stinol" and similar equipment of other well-known brands involves a more uniform distribution of the volume of cold air throughout the chamber space.

Another advantage is fast recovery.temperature after loading inside a large number of products. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. First, there is an insufficient level of humidity in the chambers themselves, which leads to faster drying of the products. In addition, the useful volume of refrigeration space is “eaten up” by additional built-in equipment. Higher price - one more minus. However, in this case, it is fully justified by the complex design and usability of such equipment.

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