/ / Types of constitutions

Types of constitutions

In each country, for objective reasons,The constitution may differ from the basic laws of another state. The theory of constitutionalism allocates types of constitutions according to the form of their expression, subjects and taking orders, as well as the effectiveness of their theses.

Types of constitutions, depending on their formexpressions, are written and unwritten. The written constitution is the NAP, which regulates constitutional issues. This type of constitution can consist of several acts that complement each other in content, and which are proclaimed as constituent parts of a single whole constitution. For example, the Constitution of the French Republic consists of the Constitution of 1958, the Declaration of 1789 and the preamble of the Constitution of 1946.

An unwritten constitution is a collectionordinary laws, acts and customs. A striking example of this kind is the Constitution of Great Britain. Those sources that make up the unwritten constitution, each individually can not give a holistic model of public and state life in their country. Formally, they are not combined into a comprehensive legal act or an official set of acts. They do not differ from other legal sources, since they do not have a special advantage in relation to others.

Types of constitutions on the entities that receive themthere are granted (they are also called otroirovannye), as well as people's constitutions. The authorized constitution is enforced by the head of state, on the basis of the act signed by him. An example of this is the Constitution of the State of Qatar.

Also from a number of granted constitutions one can single out the code of laws of the Russian Empire of 1906. This Constitution was put into effect in accordance with the decree of the Russian Emperor.

Unlike the previous species, folkThe constitution can be adopted by a popular referendum or by the parliament of the country. There are cases when for the adoption of the constitution a supreme authority is created, called a constituent or constitutional assembly.

In terms of the adoption of the constitution or the introduction of changes and amendments into it, the types of constitutions are: flexible and rigid.

The concept of a flexible constitution implies a basic law of the state, which is adopted and changed in the same way as other ordinary state laws.

The procedure for making and amending rigidthe constitution is more complicated. In some countries, this is due to the fact that groups interested in constancy of the constitution wish to ensure the stability of the constitution in the form in which it exists. And in some countries, this stiffness is explained by the need for sustainable development of society without all kinds of shocks and splits in it.

Thus, there is a certain concept andtypes of constitutions. To the types of constitutions, it is still possible to add legal and factual ones, and from the point of view of the effectiveness of laws that have found place in them, there are also real and fictitious constitutions.

The real constitution can be called in the event that all its prescriptions take place to be in practice. And as for the fictitious constitution, its features can be understood by its name.

By the way, for today it is very difficult to findat least one state whose constitution would be completely real or completely fictitious. Therefore, in order to assess the constitution, it will be much more effective to assess its individual norms and institutions.

In conclusion, let us consider the types of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.First of all, it is popular, as it was adopted as a result of the referendum held in 1993. And besides this, it is, like most constitutions, written. As for making amendments, it is possible, but with the exception of several of its chapters, in which it is prohibited to make changes. From this point of view, the basic law of the Russian state is combined.

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