/ / One of the main attributes of the capital of Great Britain is the flag of London

One of the main attributes of the capital of Great Britain is the flag of London

St. George the Victorious is the patron saintmany cities and countries. Their list includes Moscow, England, Georgia, Aragon, Barcelona, ​​Genoa. In Britain, he is not only the patron saint of the state (officially recognized in 1344), but his capital is London.

The right of the capital to its state paraphernalia

flag of london

Не все, но большинство столиц, особенно развитых States, have their attributes of power - a flag or emblem, or both together. Very often, the main cities of the countries are a separate territorial unit with their government, law enforcement agencies, with their emblems, which display any dominant of the city. Two characters have the capital of Great Britain London - the emblem and flag. Own power attributes represent the capital at the international level. State symbols can be both symbols of the dominant religion on its territory, or something else that is fundamental to the city itself or its history. Christianity on the attributes of the power of the state or its capital, as a rule, depicts the cross.

The history of the flag

The flag of London is borrowed from the oldHistorical urban area - City, built on the basis of the most ancient (43rd year - the era of the Roman Emperor Claudius) of the city of Londinium. This city was very important then: in the 100th year, it became the capital of Roman Britain. There are allegations that it was built on the foundation of a more ancient civilization.

Britain is a Christian country and the image onHer flag of the cross is natural and symbolic, as on the banner of London. The most revered saints here are St. George the Victorious, who as commander had his banner (all the Crusaders fought under him, it is a symbol of knightly valor): a red cross, the center of which is in the middle of a bright white cloth.

The meaning of the banner

london flag photo

The flag of London repeats the figure of the knightthe banner, except that the edges of the St. George Cross coincide with the edges of the banner, and in the upper left, near the pole, there is a red sword. The banner is very old, the symbolism has not changed for centuries. And it is obvious that the sword, pointed upwards, speaks not only of valor, but also of justice. The fateful importance of the City district (not to mention the fact that it is a world-class financial center) is underlined by the fact that its original flag is presented throughout the world as the flag of London. There is a version that this banner was invented by Pope Urban II especially for knights who set out on the First Crusade in 1096. Military glory flag of St. George and added the Battle of Wales, where in 1275 it was used as a symbolism - the horses of the knights were covered with blankets, repeating the banner.

The main imperious attribute of London

The emblem of the English capital carries the same meaningload as the previous attribute. This is also indicated by the motto inscribed on the ribbon located in the lower part of the heraldic object. Domine dirige nos - the ancient Latin maxim is translated as "Lord, guide us" - the motto of the knights of Britain. The coat of arms was officially approved in 1380, but its symbolic pattern is rooted in the Anglo-Saxon Wars of the 5th-9th centuries, in the early Middle Ages.

Under these St. George flags, the British ships set off in the south in 1179 to conquer Palestine.

london coat of arms and flag

The history of the country, reflected in the coat of arms

The central part of the coat of arms is occupied by the flag of London,completely covering the field of the knight's shield, which is held on both sides by mythological monsters. Dragons in the Western world have always been associated with "universal evil" and cruelty.
The ancient Britons associated them with the Saxoninvaders, victory over which symbolize the St. George crosses of bright red color scattered on the wings of dragons. The color scale of the London coat of arms is strict - a scarlet color on a white or silver background. Hence the national significance of the red color — buses and telephone booths are colored with it, Lord Mayor City’s clothes are also red.

The crown at the top of the main symbol of the capital underlines the monarchical structure of England and the continuity of traditions.

london flag

Daily use of the symbolism of the banner

London flag as emblem used very muchoften because its presence makes a thing popular. It is applied absolutely on everything - clothes, furniture, furniture interiors decorate them, it is a place for him when breaking down parks and squares, floristry and confectionery art also pay him tribute. Such love of the English to their banners (and in the national flag of England in the center there is the same red cross dividing the canvas into four equally large parts) is explained not only by the fact that St. George is the heavenly patron of both England and London. By many allegations, this Great Martyr comes from ancient Britain, and therefore is a compatriot to the British. The flag of London (photo) has an interesting and rich history of its formation as a symbol of valor.

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