/ Ecological supervision and control. Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

Ecological supervision and control. Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision

State environmental oversight isactivities of special bodies. It is aimed at checking compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of nature protection. Let's consider in detail how state ecological supervision is carried out.

environmental oversight

General information

The key organization that carries out the auditlegislative regulations in the sphere of nature protection, the Federal Service for Environmental Supervision advocates. At the regional level, this activity falls within the competence of the executive structures of the entities and territorial units. The objects of environmental supervision are approved by a government decree. The list includes, inter alia, energy complexes, especially valuable natural areas, as well as infrastructure that provides defense of the country.

Types of checks

Environmental monitoring is carried out on schedule andunplanned. In the first case, the checks are carried out according to a previously approved schedule. In accordance with the general rule, such environmental monitoring is conducted no more than once in three years. An unscheduled audit is carried out in the presence of specific grounds. For example, it can be a message in the media about a violation in the sphere of nature protection. In addition, in the course of unscheduled activities, authorized persons determine whether environmental safety requirements are being met, as well as regulations obtained from the results of previous inspections.

environmental control

Rights of Inspectors

Direct environmental monitoringcarry out officials who have the appropriate authority. Within their competence, they are given the rights that enable them to fulfill their duties. In particular, inspectors can:

  1. It is unobstructed to visit facilities to conduct inspections of compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation.
  2. Request materials required for inspection.
  3. Draft protocols on administrative violations within their authority.
  4. To bring to justice the subjects who do not comply with the requirements of the law.
  5. To file lawsuits to compensate for damage to the environment.

Industrial and public environmental supervision

Economic entities can conduct inspectionsyourself. To do this, they need to form an appropriate service or department or appoint officials responsible for ensuring compliance with environmental regulations in the enterprise. The results of production inspections should be transferred to the body authorized to conduct environmental monitoring. Public inspections are carried out by citizens and their associations. Thus, the right to a favorable living environment is being realized.

state environmental supervision

Attraction of subjects to responsibility

The following are the grounds for the application of sanctions:

  1. Damage to nature or its components.
  2. Causing damage to the health of citizens due to negative impact on the environment.
  3. Damage to property of organizations and individuals by an environmental offense.

As conditions for bringing people to justice:

  1. Revealing the fact of doing harm.
  2. Establishing the guilt of the person who caused the damage. If the harm is caused by a source of increased danger, this condition is not required.
  3. Determination of the amount of damage caused by the offense.
  4. Establishment of cause-effect relationships between the harm and actions of subjects.

Specificity of violations

A subject that can be attracted toresponsibility in case of establishing his guilt, there may be a citizen aged 16 liters. The object of the offense is public relations arising in the environmental sphere. The subjective side provides careless and willful guilt. Penalties for environmental crimes are established in Ch. 26 of the Criminal Code. In addition, the legislation provides for administrative responsibility. It is defined in Chapters 8 and 10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. Both legal entities and citizens can be brought to administrative responsibility. Acts that fall under the action of the Code of Administrative Offenses include violations:

  1. Legislative provisions on environmental impact assessment.
  2. Rules of protection of water areas, atmospheric air, the order of harvesting of wood, hunting, fishing.
    Federal Service for Environmental Supervision

Specially protected areas

The main types of such territories include:

  1. Natural reserves and zakazniks.
  2. National and dendrological parks.
  3. Monuments of nature.
  4. Botanical gardens.
  5. Health-improving territories and resorts.

Environmental monitoring aims to ensurepreservation of the specified areas, generalization of information about them. In the course of inspections, cases of improper use of natural complexes are identified, and the need for restoration works is established.

Atomic Supervision

It is carried out in accordance with the currentnormative documents approved by the Government. Rostechnadzor acts as an authorized organization. In his competence, among other things, is the inspection of construction. The said body checks the activity of all nuclear and other facilities receiving or using sources of ionizing radiation. In addition, the inspection is responsible for compliance with international standards for the management of radioactive and nuclear materials. As part of its activities, Rostekhnadzor verifies compliance with the rules for the use of atomic energy.

atomic control

Important Conditions

Subjects operating nuclear power plants,are obliged to observe not only the prescriptions of the basic legal acts, but also building norms. The rules should be observed at the design stage. Construction of nuclear facilities is carried out only in coordination with Rostechnadzor. Operators should understand that even a slight deviation from the rules can have serious consequences.


In its activity Rostechnadzor relies onprovisions of the federal legislation, SNiPy and other normative acts. Regular meetings and meetings are regularly organized. They are held both on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad. Supervision of the use of nuclear energy is carried out at all stages of the activities of the inspected entities. The installation infrastructure is thoroughly checked, the availability of appropriate technical documentation is established. Radiation safety is ensured during transportation, storage, use and subsequent disposal, as well as processing and extraction of appropriate ores and materials. Particular attention is paid by the inspection to the process of operation of installations where ionizing radiation sources are used. Each type of supervisory activity is regulated by regulatory documents, orders, laws. Without proper inspection, industrial enterprises engaged in this field could not function without causing damage to nature.

objects of ecological supervision


Currently, environmental problemshave acquired a global scale. In each country, a strategy is being developed to ensure environmental protection. At the legislative level, norms and regulations are created, responsibility is introduced. At the same time, environmental safety requirements are regularly revised and adapted to the conditions of the present. The implementation of prescriptions is mandatory for all economic entities and citizens. At the same time, there is a special inspection in the country that oversees compliance with environmental standards. The powers of this instance are quite wide. At the same time, officials who directly carry out control activities are vested with responsibilities. In particular, they must act strictly according to established rules, without acting beyond their competence. Inspectors are required to promptly identify and prevent violations of environmental legislation.

environmental safety requirements
Checks should be carried out at all levels.Therefore, in the regions, as well as the Ministry of Defense, there are units of the Federal Service for Environmental Supervision. Legislation allows for the conduct of internal inspections at enterprises. Technical and other documentation related to the protection of the environment from harmful emissions or other adverse effects can be reviewed during these processes.

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