/ / What is the book of complaints and suggestions. How to make a complaint book?

What is the book of complaints and suggestions. How to make a complaint book?

Since Soviet times, it is believed thatcomplaining low, shameful and indecent. However, when the rights of consumers are directly violated, there are complaints about the quality of service, or you just want to suggest something to improve the service, you cannot do without reviews. The book of complaints and suggestions is the ideal tool that allows the seller of services to hear their customers.

Which businesses should have a complaint book?

The book for reviews and suggestions is needed in order to protect the rights of their clients. According to the Consumer Rights Act, a book of complaints and proposals must necessarily be present:

  • in retail stores;
  • in cafes and restaurants (catering places);
  • in car services (consumer services);
  • in pharmacies;
  • in hospitals and clinics;
  • in hairdressing and beauty salons;
  • in museums;
  • in the district police stations;
  • at train stations and airports;
  • in utilities;
  • at the post office;
  • in banks;
  • in sanatoriums and children's camps.

complaint book

That is, wherever some people provide services to others, there must be a book of complaints and suggestions. Anyone can write reviews in it, regardless of gender and social status.

Consumer rights

Buyer must understand that substandardservice, rudeness of the seller, sale of damaged goods should not go unpunished. In this case, write a positive or negative feedback to anyone. The book of complaint is issued at the first request of the consumer. In this case, the seller has no right to ask for the documents of the complainant. The reason for the requirement of the book reviews the buyer is also not obliged to pronounce.

On the other hand, the employee must provide not only the book itself, but also:

  • handle;
  • table;
  • chair.

complaint book

The administration should respond to the complaintfor 14 days. It is worth considering that if the seller assures that there is no such book (they have lost it, they have not yet brought it) - this is a serious violation for which the company may receive a large fine. The notebook for proposals may look like anything: in the form of a notebook, a large notebook, a common notebook, the main thing is that it contains a special wax seal and numbered pages. Otherwise, there is a possibility that the management will not see the claim.

What should a manager know?

It's good when consumers know their rights.It is even better when managers know their responsibilities. So that there were fewer unpleasant situations with disgruntled customers, and there was no general law with Russian legislation, every director at his company needs a book of complaints and suggestions. Instructions showing how to correctly start a notebook for reviews are presented below:

  • It is better to purchase a ready-made book in a special store. This is a fairly serious document, the appearance of which directly affects the image of the company.
  • On each page you need to put down the number (in the lower or upper right corner).
  • Книжку обязательно следует прошнуровать, а саму lacing seal. At the junction of the seal and the book you need to put a seal (if it is not, you can put your signature). This is done so that it is impossible to unnoticeably open the seal.

sample complaint and suggestion book

Currently to certify the book reviews andoffers are not necessary. However, it should be borne in mind that you need to execute a document according to local laws. If in the region there are no adopted regulations on complaints books, it is recommended to use the order of the Ministry of Commerce No. 346 of 1973.

What are customers writing about?

Of course, not always the administration and management read only negative reviews. Sometimes customers are happy to share pleasant impressions in a notebook. In general, the book of complaints and suggestions fixes:

  • Violations in the service sector. For example, rudeness, refusal to accept low-quality goods back.
  • Abuse of authority may include selling "from under the counter" or over-pricing in their own interests.
  • Positive feedback on workers and products. When the service fully satisfied the customer.
  • Suggestions for improving the quality of work.

It gives the manager the opportunity to look at his business from the outside, to improve it. For customers, this is a chance to be heard.

How should the proposal book be framed?

Despite the fact that the "otzovikom" can be anynotebook, the legislation of the Russian Federation requires managers to comply with the correct design. The book of complaints and proposals, according to the Government Decree №55, should:

  • have a number on each page (so that it is impossible to unnoticeably tear out the page with unfavorable remarks);
  • be laced up;
  • the book must have a seal and signature of the head;
  • The first page must contain legal or physical data of the company;
  • the presence of clear instructions for its completion is obligatory in the book (one sheet is intended for recall, and the second is for answering it);
  • the consumer must find in the notebook addresses and telephone numbers of regulatory bodies (for example, Rospotrebnadzor).

Complaints and Suggestions Book Reviews

It is important not to miss any of these points, especially when designing a book yourself.

What should alert?

Culture and art could not pass by suchbright phenomenon, like a mournful book. Chekhov has a short humorous story on this subject, ridiculing ignorant consumers. In Soviet times, often funny extracts from the book were published in the Crocodile magazine. Then they shot a famous film: "Give a plaintive book."

That's just the offended consumer is often not laughing, especially when he is refused a book of reviews. What should alert the client:

  • refusal to give out for far-fetched reasons (“we are already closing”, “you don’t see, we have lunch”, “the book is being checked by the director”);
  • providing an empty notebook or a copy of the complaints and suggestions book.

Both of these examples are administrative violations.In the second case, we are talking about the deliberate deception of the consumer. Responsibility, most likely, will be borne by the seller under Art. 14.15 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. The manager or administrator should closely monitor subsequent reviews after complaints. Often workers themselves write praise after claims to “neutralize the negative.” It is unacceptable.

Where can I find a review book?

In general, the book of complaints and suggestions shouldbe freely available. For example, in the trading floor. So that the client himself could find her. If this is a store for several departments, then the otzovik should be in each of them. Again, if it is a cafe or restaurant that has two or more rooms, then each of them should have its own book of offers.

execution of a book of complaints and suggestions

Most often, a consumer can find a document in“Buyer's corner”, not far from the exit. If the client himself cannot find the notebook for notes, the employee must provide it. As mentioned above, in addition to the book, the consumer needs to be given a chair, a writing surface and writing materials themselves.

How to complain?

So, an ambiguous situation has occurred, on handbook of complaints and suggestions. Sellers cannot give a sample for filling (it simply does not exist). How to properly complain so that the claim is heard and taken action?

Algorithm of actions:

  • on the first clean page after the entries you need to put the current date;
  • a complaint should be written on its own behalf;
  • you must leave your contact details and sign (the administration is not obliged to respond to anonymous complaints).

Despite the fact that claims are written in free form, it is worth observing the unwritten rules for their execution. Experts recommend:

  • Adhere to a formal business style.
  • Avoid insults and profanity at sellers.
  • You should not leave the topic in lengthy reasoning, drag out the text of the complaint, and, on the contrary, write too short reviews (“poor-quality goods”, “rude seller”).
  • It is advisable to know which law the employee of the enterprise violated.

complaints and suggestions book instruction

If you follow this instruction, it is likely that the problem will be solved by the administration, which will help the book of complaints and suggestions. Example A claim may look like this:

“November 10, 2016.

When buying dairy products, I discovered the presence of expired goods on the shelves. Including spoiled cottage cheese, the expiration date of which expired on November 5, 2016. Please take action.

Anton Ivanov, signature, phone, address (electronic, actual). ”

You can also indicate in the recall that if the administration does not answer it, then you will contact the higher authorities.

How are claims considered?

After drawing up the claim, the employee mustReport the incident to the company’s administration. It is best to immediately provide an explanatory for its part. The complaint is considered by the director exclusively in the presence of the employee to whom it was written.

Within two days, the manager mustto understand the situation, take measures and not later than five days later send a written response to the applicant. Also, a response from the administration should appear in the proposal book itself. Copies of the written replies must be kept by the company during the calendar year. If five days is objectively not enough to solve the problem, the review period may be extended to 14. However, the applicant must be warned in writing.

A response to a claim is required, howevercurrently his absence is not considered an administrative violation. And punishments, respectively, are not provided. However, problems may arise with higher authorities.

Competent control

If the consumer comes in two weeks andHe sees that nothing was answered to his review, it makes no sense to write a new claim. Most likely, the book of complaints and suggestions did not reach the leadership. A photo of the statement with the date and signature can serve as indirect evidence of inaction for higher authorities.

Where can the consumer turn in this case:

  • in Rospotrebnadzor;
  • to the Department of Consumption and Services;
  • to the State Trade Inspectorate.

It is better to write at once to several instances. For a quick response, it is recommended to send a registered letter or send in person. You need to write a complaint in duplicate (keep one).

complaints and suggestions book example

Of course, you can’t react in any way to rudeness,expired goods, overpriced and other violations, but then no one will protect the rights of consumers. And the buyer will remain right only in his head.

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