/ Safety in the work with electrical equipment. Electrical safety signs

Safety precautions when working with electrical equipment. Electrical safety signs

Industrial electrical equipment refers tocategory of complex devices. When it functions, a threat to human health and life is created. To avoid accidents, there is a safety precaution when working with electrical equipment.

safety precautions for working with electrical equipment

Electric shock

Such a danger is created ifthe safety of electrical equipment is disrupted. Electric shock is possible with direct contact with the conductive elements of the unit, which are under voltage. Passage of the discharge through the body is accompanied by biological, electrolytic, thermal effects. The latter manifests itself in the form of burns in certain parts of the body, heating the blood vessels and blood. The biological effect is accompanied by irritation of the body tissues, which, in turn, can lead to the termination of the functioning of vital systems. The electrolytic effect is manifested in the decomposition of blood.

Consequences of defeat

The result of the action of the current depends on its voltageand the magnitude, duration and frequency of the path, as well as the general state of the organism. According to the conducted studies, a perceptible (threshold) is 1 mA. When the current increases, painful muscle contractions appear. When a current of 12-15 mA passes, a person loses the ability to control his muscles and can not tear himself away from the damaging source himself. Such discharges are called non-releasing. With a subsequent increase in the current, the probability of cardiac fibrillation (convulsive contraction) is high. A discharge of 100 mA is considered fatal.

Safety precautions for working with electrical equipment: general information

Access to the devices can get trainedspecialists. A mechanic or electrician for the repair and maintenance of electrical equipment must pass an appropriate test of the knowledge of PTE and PTB in the qualification commission. Other specialists get access to the units only under the supervision of responsible persons. Regardless of the qualifications, employees must distinguish between electrical safety signs.

Inspection of the installation

safety during installation of electrical equipment

Repair and maintenance electricianelectrical equipment must not perform any actions involving contact with conductive parts, before the unit is switched off. When an emergency condition is detected, it is necessary to immediately de-energize the elements and report the situation to the responsible person. During the inspection, special attention should be paid to the presence and serviceability of the protective zeroing (earthing) of casings, casings, frames and other things. In the event that when the hand touches non-conductive elements (for example, to determine the heating level), the current is detected, there is a violation of insulation and a ground fault. In such situations, you must immediately disconnect the installation.

Changing the fuse links

Safety at work withelectrical equipment contains a requirement, in accordance with which the replacement of burnt elements is carried out with the voltage removed. If it is impossible to enforce this condition in exceptional situations, it is permissible to perform actions with the load switched off. The danger in this case is that during the replacement, the fuse insert can burn out (especially with a short circuit). In this case, there is a threat of electric arc blowout. This operation is performed using insulating ticks. At the same time, the hands should have dielectric gloves, and the eyes are protected with special glasses.

Special cases

Safety during repairelectrical equipment prescribes to carry out the mandatory release of tension before committing any action. However, there are some exceptions to the rules. In some cases, it is allowed to perform small-scale remedial work for unsettled voltages. Certain conditions must be met with aggregates up to 380 V. Access to them is obtained by specialists who have 3 group of electrical safety tolerance. At the same time, there must be another person who has the 4th or 5th group.

Prevention of fire

Safety at work withElectrical equipment provides requirements for the tools used. In particular, it is forbidden to use steel hacksaws, rulers and other devices, with which you can accidentally cause a short circuit. The handles of the tools must be securely insulated. The fault-finding specialist must stand on a non-conductive base. Similar requirements foresee safety precautions for the installation of electrical equipment.

Providing protection

All activities, including testselectrical equipment, are conducted in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sanitary rules and norms, approved by the deputy. chief medical officer and GOST. According to these standards, the intensity of the magnetic field should not be greater:

  • by electric component in the frequency range 100 kHz-30 MHz - 20 V / m, 30-300 MHz - 5 V / m;
  • on the magnetic component in the range of 100 kHz-1.5 MHz - 5 A / m.

Measurement of electromagnetic field intensityis carried out by the device IEMP-1. Functioning generators should be placed in special rooms. It is permissible to place HF units intended for heating dielectrics and metals in general production shops. It is necessary to observe certain conditions. In particular, maximum permissible levels of radiation should be provided at workplaces and irradiation of persons who do not serve these units is excluded. In the process of heat treatment of dielectrics and metals, it is necessary to equip exhaust ventilation. Air receivers should be made of non-magnetic materials to prevent their heating by RF currents.

safety in the repair of electrical equipment

Protection of personnel

It is achieved by:

  1. Decrease in intensity of radiation of a source of a magnetic field.
  2. The use of means for individual protection, as well as automatic warning alarm.
  3. Screening or removing workplaces from radiation sources, using remote control.
  4. Creation of rational modes for the functioning of equipment and personnel activities.

In units for induction heating, bothrule, use the general screening. In this case, the quenching inductor and the control panel are taken out for the screen or a block screening is created. In the latter case, the capacitor element is made in the form of a metal mesh or chamber. The screen of the transformer is made as a steel casing. The element of the melting or heating inductor is made in the form of a metal moving chamber. During heating, it descends and rises at the end of the operation. The screen can also be made in the form of a stationary camera equipped with a door. It opens only for the period of replacement of the heating element.

Operative maintenance of electrical equipment

This activity includes:

  • control over the mode of operation and the state of the instruments;
  • transmission of information about the operation of equipment.

In case of detection of malfunctions of devicesOperational personnel should take measures to eliminate them. To ensure the stable functioning of the equipment, preventive and repair work should be carried out. All listed and other activities that are organized in operating units must be performed in safe conditions. They are determined in accordance with the PTB, approved by the Ministry of Electrification and Energy.

safety in the operation of electrical equipment


They define the requirements for staff, whichwork is carried out (repair of electrical equipment and other activities). Employees should have a clear idea of ​​the likely threat in contact with the units, know and be able to apply TB rules in an amount commensurate with the task being performed. Personnel should know how to install electrical equipment, setup, use, and understand its device. Specialists should be able to provide first aid to the victims, namely: indirect cardiac muscle massage and artificial respiration. At training and training activities, among other things, electrical safety signs are studied. The PTB provides additional provisions. They relate to the operation of a variety of electrical installations, which include switching devices, electric motors, generators, air and cable lines, storage batteries and so on. The PTB also includes applications, including instructions for the provision of first aid to persons affected by electric shock, and in other cases. Execution of the rules is mandatory for all employees, regardless of their position.

industrial electrical equipment


Specialists study the rules and hand them over toaccording to the position held, after which they are assigned a certain group of admission. In total there are 5 of them. The first is received by persons who are not related to electrical personnel. These employees must be instructed accordingly. The fifth group is assigned to the operative-repair, duty and repair personnel. Specialists under 18 years are allowed to assign the 1 st or 2 nd group, not higher. Practitioners of institutes and technical schools are allowed to receive the 2nd group after the length of their work is at least a month. After the expiration of three months of activity in the specialty, they may be assigned a 3-group electrical safety permit. The qualification obtained is indicated in the certificate. This document is necessary to have in the performance of work. Additional information is also included in the certificate if it is available. For example, if a specialist is allowed to perform other work (steeple, test, under stress and so on), this should be indicated in the document. Employees who have a special secondary or technical higher education? The second group can be assigned without experience, the third group after 3 months of activity with the 2nd group, the 4th group in 3 months from the 3rd, and the 5th group in six months from the 4th. In addition to this period of work, to obtain the fourth and fifth groups, it is necessary to know the layout of electrical installations, to be able to organize the production of works with safety. To obtain the 5th group also requires an understanding of what is caused by the requirements established in each point of the PTB.

Important point

Instructions on TB, developed at theenterprises, should not contradict the above rules. They must be approved by the organization in agreement with the trade union committee. It is strictly forbidden to perform tasks, orders and orders that contradict the established requirements. The activities that are provided for in the rules, to some extent, insure each other and are not duplicating. In this regard, failure to complete certain items can lead to accidents.

A responsibility

Rules are mandatory for execution at allenterprises in which electrical equipment is operated. For their violation, the persons responsible for this will be brought to administrative, criminal or disciplinary responsibility. Work related to the category of increased danger is allowed for persons over 18 years of age. This activity requires special knowledge, experience, attention. Such activities include, for example, live activities: cable (associated with hot bitumen, lead, troubleshooting and welding of cables in polyvinylchloride and polyethylene casings), soldering using lead and alloys containing it, activities with explosive compounds, earthing work that is carried out continuously and systematically, and so on.

job electrical equipment repair

Electrical safety signs

They warn of the threat posed bycloser to the units under voltage. They can also point to places where there is no possibility of electric shock. Electrical safety signs are classified as follows:

  • Pointing.
  • Prohibition.They indicate the inadmissibility of making equipment on or off. This prevents erroneous supply of voltage during operation. Such signs include: "Do not include, work is underway"; "Danger: do not enter without protective equipment!"; Do not re-enable! Work under tension! ".
  • Warning. They indicate that a person is approaching a dangerous distance to the conducting elements: "Stop! High voltage!"; "Do not get in! Kill!".
  • Prescriptive. These signs are used to indicate the working areas in the installations and the safe path to them.

Signs can be portable or stationary.

electrical safety signs


The rules set out the procedure for admission toelectrical installations of persons who do not carry out their maintenance. These employees are allowed to carry out certain activities only in the presence of personnel with appropriate qualifications. In this case, the person accompanying the employee is obliged to monitor the safety of the latter, to warn about the prohibition to approach the current-conducting elements. For the seconded employees, a personal identification certificate is filled in which information about the verification of knowledge of the rules is entered. The certificate also specifies the tolerance group. At the first arrival the seconded employees should be instructed. In the classroom, they learn safety techniques, taking into account the electrical equipment they will work with.

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