Among the problems existing in the housing and utilities sector, citizens are particularly concerned about the issue of duration of the heating period. Many do not know when it begins and ends, who is responsible for the supply of heat. Further in the article we will deal with these issues.
There are several erroneous opinions among citizens:
Another common myth is related to the timing of heat supply. Many believe that heating period begins not earlier than in 5 days, duringwhich air temperature on the street will be below +8 degrees. Accordingly, some citizens believe that if this condition is observed for 4 days, and on the fifth day the temperature becomes above +8, the heat supply will not be carried out.
This document is approved by governmentResolution No. 354 of 2011. The Rules provide explanations on many issues related to the provision of housing and communal services to the population. Explains them and the order of heat.
As established in paragraph 5 of the Rules, if the supply of heat energy for heating is carried out on the internal engineering systems of a centralized supply network, then the beginning and end heating period established by the authorized body.At the same time, it should start no later than and end no earlier than the day following the end of the five-day period, during which the average daily outdoor temperature was below or above 8 degrees. respectively.
The words "no later than" mean that the heating period of the contractor (service provider) may begin before the deadline. In theory, this can happen at any time, but depends on outdoor air. During the heating period t air can be different. However, it is the average per day that matters.
For example, on the street by day +12, and at night +2 degrees. Thus, it turns out that the average value is +7. It is necessary to understand that average temperature of the heating period in different regions is different. Accordingly, it affects the duration of the heat supply period.
Исходя из положений 5 пункта Правил, можно conclude that the performer has the right to turn on the heating at any time. But he has a duty to do this if the average temperature was below +8 for 5 days.
The Rules do not indicate who is responsible for the heating period. With outdoor temperature everything is more or less clear. It is not clear which body should be considered authorized. Referring to the provisions of the Federal Law №131.
In 4 paragraph 1 of part 16 of the article specifiedregulatory document in the number of issues related to the jurisdiction of municipal bodies, includes the organization within the Moscow region of gas, water, heating, sanitation and sewage. On the basis of Article 7 of the same law, on local issues, legal acts are adopted directly by the population or by the structures of territorial self-government (their officials).
Consequently, the organization of heatIncluded in the list of issues that are decided by local authorities. This conclusion is spelled out in the Rules and Regulations for the operation of housing stock. Clause 2.6.9 states that heating period начинается в срок, определенный в правовых актах territorial self-government structures. In the absence of such a decision, neither the Homeowners Association, nor the Criminal Code, nor other organizations can begin to supply heat to the houses, even if within 5 days. average daily temperature below +8.
Based on the above information, we can conclude the following. Authority to decide to start heating period vested in local government. The exception is the city of Fed. values (St. Petersburg, Sevastopol, Moscow). In them, the relevant decisions can be taken by state authorities.
To begin heating period due after five days, during which the average daily temperature was at +8. Simply put, the heat is supplied on the sixth day. With this start heating period before this time, the law does not prohibit. But, in any case, there should be a decision of local authorities.
It is carried out in several ways:
The degree-day is calculated according to the following formula:
GOSOP = (Tvn - Tot.per.) X z, wherein:
The magnitude of the last two parameters is set in SNiP 23-01-99.
These options are different in different cities.This is due to the different duration of the heat supply period and the different temperatures of the outside air. So, for example, in the northern regions the duration of the period may be more than 300 days, and in the south - not to exceed two months.
Heating in the house is served by certainto the rules. If the supply is carried out through the central engineering networks, then heat is supplied through the pipeline. It is connected to the central boiler houses of the respective district and combined heat and power plants. From there he goes to the houses.
In the central boiler rooms as the heat carrierwater is used. The heating systems used make it possible to keep its temperature at the same level. In the heating and power plants, the heat carrier is steam. It first enters the turbines, where it is used to generate electricity, and then enters the pipeline.
Direct supply of steam or watercarried out in an extensive engineering network. It passes above and below ground to the facilities. The network has two pipes. In the first case, the coolant comes to consumers, and in the second, it is already cooled back. Due to the continuous circulation in the apartments, the optimum temperature is maintained.
As a rule, engineering heat networks use pipes with a cross-section of up to 140 cm. They are made of steel sheets and are protected with thermal insulation materials.
Thin pipes pass through the apartments, radiators are installed to increase heating efficiency.
Логично, что в летний период необходимость в heating is missing. Therefore, in the warm season heating is turned off. This happens, as a rule, in the spring, after the temperature on the street is established and holds on at least +8 5 days. Turn on the heat usually in the fall.
Turning off the heating for the summer allows citizenssave on utilities. At the same time, service organizations can check the serviceability of engineering systems, identify and eliminate malfunctions or replace worn-out elements.
Questions concerning the heating season periodAs a rule, it is mainly the population living in the harsh climatic conditions that is concerned. In remote areas of the country, the summer period lasts about 1-2 months. The air temperature drops already in September. In October-November in some regions frosts begin. All this significantly complicates not only the lives of citizens, but also the work of housing and communal services. The heating system is under increased load, and the warm season is sometimes not enough to carry out inspections and eliminate malfunctions.
The easiest way to residents of the southern regions. Here the situation is reversed. Winter in such regions lasts 1-2 months. The rest of the time, the air temperature is above zero.
It should, however, be said that the procedure for filingHeat to the population is valid throughout the country. This means that if in the southern regions the average daily temperature for 5 days will remain at a level below +8, the heating of citizens should be turned on.
Heat can be supplied not only inapartment buildings, but also in private houses. However, not everyone is profitable. Connecting to a centralized network costs more than installing an autonomous system in a home.