На разных форумах часто спрашивают:"What protection zone of the power line? Will it not harm people living nearby?". On this account, there are many different opinions. According to the law, the permissible distance from the power line to the building is 20 meters. But some people still feel unwell. Doctors insist that this is a coincidence, since serious studies have been carried out to determine the size of the protective zone of the power lines.
The protection zone of power lines may include landsites under the summer residence. Live in their territory permanently impossible, but you can grow something. As a rule, construction of buildings is prohibited. But if you want to restore the existing structure, you will need to obtain permission from the enterprise that owns the power line. The document must be in writing. This applies not only to construction, but also to any planting of bushes and trees.
Зачем нужен такой контроль?It's all about fire safety rules. Suppose you decide to go against everything and plant a tree. Time passed, it grew, and its branches began to touch the wires. In rainy weather, this will be an excellent conductor for electricity. As a result, you will pay for the leakage of energy. With a strong wind, the tree can break off the poles of the power transmission line, then a zone with a radius of 8 meters will be under tension. And any person can seriously suffer. But you can not cut yourself off. For this you need to get permission from the garden partnership. But do not be discouraged if the power line security zone is included in the territory of your site - you can fully use it.
The construction of a power line has a number of advantages.The structures weigh a little, but they can withstand heavy loads. Metal supports are lighter than wooden and reinforced concrete. They can be installed in cramped conditions. Power line supports can be quickly assembled on the road - all this is due to the manufacturability of the assembly and a high degree of factory readiness.
After the construction is completed, theprotection zone of transmission lines. Its formation and size determination is stipulated in a special resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. The maximum length of the guard zone of the power line is one hundred meters. Such a large distance occurs if the poles of power transmission lines pass through water bodies. Depending on the power of the transmission line, the guard zone also changes. So if it is more than 750 kV, then the radius of the guard zone is 55 meters. If from 500 kV to 750 kV, then 40 meters. With a minimum voltage of 1 kV, the distance of the guard zone is only one meter. It is worth remembering that the guard zone also spreads over the airspace. So think carefully before buying a site in such a place.