/ / Decisive direction in a fire: 5 principles. Fire extinguishing plan

The decisive direction in the fire: 5 principles. Fire Fighting Plan

Success of fire fighting missionsis determined by several factors, among which are the level of team preparation, technical equipment and the conditions for carrying out the operation. But the importance of these factors will be minimized if the wrong tactic of actions is initially chosen. In this sense, the success of the events determines the decisive direction in the fire - 5 principles, aimed at minimizing damage and increasing the effectiveness of the fight against fire, will help to choose the best course of action.

decisive direction in the fire 5 principles

The concept of firefighting plan

There are two concepts for defining a plan.fire extinguishing. The first relates directly to the owner of the facility for which it is planned to provide protection against fire. He orders a fire extinguishing plan, according to which measures will be taken and actions taken to fight fire and minimize damage.

The second concept involves a plan review.as a tactical scheme of the operational team in the fight against the realized fire. That is, it is claimed already at the time of fixing the fact of the fire and receiving primary information about it. It is during the development of this plan that the decisive direction in a fire is chosen - the 5 principles that will be discussed below act as the basis for deciding on the most appropriate fire fighting tactics and conducting rescue operations.

Principle One - saving people

fire extinguishing plan

Основной принцип заключается в предприятии усилий to prevent threats to people's lives. It is relevant in cases where self-evacuation is impossible and outside assistance is required. In this case, different methods of rescuing people in a fire can be used:

  • Providing protection from direct exposure to flame.
  • Moving to a fire protected area.
  • Elimination of obstacles that prevent self-evacuation.

In the process of using each of these methodsDifferent tactics can also be used. For example, the movement of people is possible with the provision of individual means of protection, through the artificial creation of paths, as well as with the connection of special equipment. In most cases, it is the saving of lives that is chosen as the decisive direction in a fire - 5 principles, respectively, obey one, but in the process of performing the task, this configuration may change.

Principle Two - Preventing Explosion Threat

fire localization

The second most dangerous situation is caused byexplosion hazard. Increased thermal exposure or direct contact with fire can lead to an explosion of gas cylinders, chemicals in an industrial enterprise, etc. From a safety point of view, it is important not so much to prevent an explosion as such than its consequences. The relevance of this principle is due to the fact that an explosion can provoke a collapse of a building or structure, which at least will result in material damage. And this is the case if there are no people in the building or in the surrounding area. The tactics of work in accordance with this principle provides for the creation of barriers to the risk zone - for example, on the way to the same cylinders. Fire is localized using extinguishing agents, both within the operational team’s resources and through stationary fire control systems. Typically, the threat of explosions occur on industrial sites, the equipment of which is not complete without a local fire alarm system.

The third principle is minimization of material damage.

peat fires

In part, this principle is related to the previous one, butthe difference is in the degree of threat. If an entire building can collapse in an explosion at one moment, the loss of strength of structures during the spread of fire still occurs gradually. But in this case, the fire brigade must respond promptly. Tactically, its actions will be aimed at localizing the center of fire in the shortest time, preventing the risk of its spread. As a rule, fire covers a part of the building and, in accordance with the principle, it is necessary to isolate it in the current fire zone. In the case of full fire coverage of the building, tasks of another kind should be set. First, the real risk of collapse is estimated, at which the possibility of evacuation of the firefighters themselves is also considered. Secondly, an operational plan is being developed, according to which fire protection of already and neighboring buildings will be carried out. At this stage, the priority objects are selected to concentrate the efforts of the fire group on them.

Principle Four - Fight With Intense Burning

This principle of choice of fire fighting tacticsIt is preferable in cases where there is neither a threat to people, nor a risk of an explosion, nor the probability of fire spreading to neighboring objects. In such situations, a fire extinguishing plan focuses on the most active source of fire. So, if a separate building is burning, then the site with the most intense burning is selected in it, even if there is no risk of its spread.

Principle Five - Protection of Neighboring Objects

center of ignition

Этот принцип во многом схож с третьим, но он в more focused on ensuring the protection of buildings that are not yet engulfed in fire, but may be affected by the transition of the flame from a burning building. In this case, efforts are directed at the formation of obstacles of various kinds, which will stop the spread of fire. Again, if possible, the local fire infrastructure in the form of alarm systems with water and foam sprays is connected to this task. Thus, a fire is localized with its cut off from areas that are currently not covered by fire. Special attention is paid to neighboring buildings. Here it is also necessary to determine the most valuable object of protection, since the division of efforts into several buildings is ineffective and as a result all buildings in the affected area can be destroyed. Priority is given to residential and industrial facilities.

Decision direction correction

The fire is characterized by dynamics and rapid change.fire conditions, so fireman actions may vary depending on the situation. This is especially true of large-scale events, which in certain periods of extinguishing may involve work in different directions. General recommendations on fire tactics instruct the managers of the units to keep in mind the subsequent task at the time of the installation of the current direction of the fight against fire. For example, after the evacuation of employees of a chemical plant, firefighters must be prepared to localize the source of ignition and prevent its spread to the location of hazardous substances from the point of view of explosion.

main principles of choosing a decisive direction in case of fire

As a rule, each direction controlsa separate leader, evaluating and correcting the current actions of the team. As the situation changes, the chiefs give new introductory, optimally dispersing forces. At the same time, there are also knownly predictable fires, the fight against which is carried out in one direction. These include peat fires, which do not involve the transition to buildings and, in most cases, do not pose a threat to people's lives. Of course, this applies to situations where the supervisory service makes timely efforts to localize glowing areas.

Mistakes in choosing the wrong direction.

Неправильное направление – это тактика действий, which implies a violation in prioritization. For example, consider the same case with peatlands. A group of tourists in the forest was in a closed ring formed by a smoldering fire. Taking into account the fact that peat fires spread slowly, the team leader chooses to deal with the most intense and close to the group center of fire as a priority, believing that people have time. The correct tactic in this case would be to select the weakest part of the burning as the future “bridge” for the exit of tourists.

Often, such errors are made due toexternal distortion of priorities, which seems quite logical. In particular, the basic principles for choosing the decisive direction in case of fire dictate to managers to concentrate efforts on a possible line of fire spreading to the nearest building. In this case, the team is divided into two camps, which, according to the chief, will allow to solve two problems - to extinguish the main burning building and prevent the flame from moving to a house untouched by fire. In some cases, this approach may justify itself, but as a universal rule of action it is obviously losing.

ways to save people on fire


Нормативы определения тактических действий focus not only on saving people and preserving property. Saving a person's life regardless of the situation - of course, the decisive direction in a fire - 5 principles in the aggregate, while not taking into account other installations, which are oriented firefighters. In particular, if there is no threat to life, an explosion or the spread of fire, then the principle of minimizing the resources of the team itself can be chosen as a priority tactic. If there is time to fight a localized hearth, then, for example, cheaper extinguishing consumables, the minimum composition of a group with equipment, etc. can be used.

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