Организацию противопожарной безопасности it is recommended to begin by studying the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation. This includes the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390, Technical Regulations No. 123, Fire Safety Standards. One of the main activities that is mandatory for organizations of all forms of ownership and with any number of employees is fire fighting. Also, in each company, instructions for the evacuation of people from a burning building must be developed and approved.
In safety arrangementsemployees are required to include training related to actions in case of fire and fire detection. The goal is to develop the ability of the staff to identify the event in terms of danger, to make sure that the fire alarm systems are ready, to teach the staff how to eliminate the fire, and to assist the injured.
The results of the training allow you to plan further activities for training people and adjusting the work of the fire alarm system.
At the beginning of this year, company managementa schedule with deadlines is developed, this document is strictly confidential and is not subject to disclosure. Preliminary engineers and technicians are obliged to audit the health of the doors of emergency exits, make sure that the public evacuation warning and control system is in working condition, the evacuation routes are cleared of foreign objects, to instruct employees with explanations of evacuation rules and actions when signs of burning are detected.
Responsible persons on the appointed day and timecontrol point manually start the alert system. Fire imitation is preliminarily created with the help of red flags (model burning center), smoke bombs (room smoke imitation). It is forbidden to imitate combustion with the help of tools and materials that can trigger emergency situations.
Evacuation of people in case of fire (simulated) shouldtake no more than 3-4 minutes - this is the time for a local fire to go to a volume fire stage, during which there are no harmful and dangerous fire factors (release of toxic combustion products into the air, air temperature increase to 400 degrees Celsius, reduction of oxygen concentration in the air from regulatory 23% to 16%). At the same time, some employees must take measures to extinguish the simulated flame (take fire extinguishers, water), and also make a call to the fire brigade.
At the design and construction stage of anybuildings and structures are used to calculate the location of escape routes, walkways and exits, determine the storage locations of primary fire extinguishing agents (fire extinguishers, sand, fire hydrants). For a comprehensive reflection of this information is developing a plan for evacuating people from each division of the organization.
Evacuation scheme is the most effective teach the employee to navigate when a fire occurs, to adjust their actions to eliminate the burning or rescue. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 390, all organizations, in buildings and structures of which at the same time there are 10 people or more, are obliged to place evacuation plans.
Have an evacuation plan should be visibleplaces (near main exits and aisles). It is developed by specialized organizations that have a license for this type of work, as well as the necessary materials (in particular, photoluminescent film, devices for its knurling on a plastic base). Specialists of such companies know what the text instructions for evacuating people on the plan should look like.
On the scheme itself, it is important to reflect all constructivefeatures of the building, indicate the shortest evacuation routes from the burning building and the location of fire extinguishing equipment, first-aid kits, emergency phone numbers, decipher all designations and abbreviations, colors and signs.
Approved at the enterprise instruction for the evacuation of people must duplicate information from the plan, but in text format.