Most organizations are interested incareer growth of their employees. This stimulates the production process and creates conditions for healthy competition. In the future, employees are better performing their duties. Competent documentation of transfer to another position is necessary in order to avoid possible legal misunderstandings. Personnel staff should know all the steps of this procedure.
Before you start processing a transfer to anotherposition or in another unit, you need to understand the terminology. Employees of the company very rarely work in one place throughout their working career. Even if a person does not change the place, then most likely he will change his post.
Change of duties, name of workerplace, locality or other other characteristics related to work activity, is called a translation. This is an official procedure, accompanied by the registration of a number of documents and the introduction of appropriate entries in the work book and personal card.
The transfer of an employee from one position to another must be carried out only with the consent of the employee, and in accordance with the current regulations.
Personnel, faced with the question of how to formalize the transfer of an employee to another position, must deal with its variety.
These are the main types of translations.All of them should be made out correctly, with the obligatory consent of the worker and with entering all necessary records. Next, we will discuss in detail how to arrange the transfer of an employee to another position step by step.
Begin the procedure for transfer of personnel withjustification for such a need. Most often this is a document, for example, an official or official note from the head of the unit. There may be a request from the employee himself, or an advertiser's announcement of vacancies.
Solving the question of how to formalize the transfer of an employee toanother post or to another unit, voluntary consent must be taken into account. Even if the procedure prescribed by law is being carried out, the employee must write an application.
Then an order is issued for the transfer, heUnified, however, private organizations can use their forms. But at this the registration of the transfer to another position does not end. It is necessary to make entries in accounting records, attach copies to the file and sign a supplement to the employment contract.
Consent is one of the most importantstages. It does not matter whether external or internal translations are made correctly so as not to get problems with the inspection bodies. The employee must in one way or another express his consent, and necessarily in writing.
In practice, most often this is:
Written consent is the basis for issuing an appropriate order.
The grounds for transfer to another position or inanother subdivision is an order. It is published under the signature of the head. With him, the chief accountant, heads of departments and the employee himself are obliged to get acquainted. A copy of the order is filed in a private file.
This document specifies all the necessary data:
The employment contract is mandatory for the employerdocument. But it is important not only to conclude it at the beginning of cooperation, but also to keep it up to date. When the staff is transferred to other positions or to other units, they are supplemented or amended to the current contract. It is important to remember that these two documents do not exclude, but complement each other.
Additions, like the main contract, are issued intwo copies. Both are signed by the employee and the employer's representative. One is given to the employee's hands, the second is kept by the employer. If the transfer is temporary, then the term of the contract is limited by the period of change in the labor function.
All data about the employee are entered in his personalcard. Its establishment is compulsory, even if it is not customary for an enterprise to file personal files. Information about the transfer is entered in the relevant section on the day of issuing the order. It is also the basis for writing.
Employees of the personnel service should monitor the relevance of the information in this document and update it regularly. If the section is empty, you can print it out and sew it.
In the work record record of all permanent transfers, as well as temporary, if they are the basis for calculating the preferential length of service. This entry is strictly required.
In the record indicate the basis of the transfer, and completely, without any abbreviations, prescribe both the name of the post and the name of the division where the employee is transferred.
In addition, it should be noted that the translationformally is the change in the name of the organization or subdivision. In this case, a massive transfer is made, with the issuance of a single order and general consent.
When formalizing the transfer of employees, do not release key milestones. This will help avoid many problems with inspection bodies.