/ / What does housing maintenance and maintenance include? List of works. Utilities tariffs

What does housing maintenance and maintenance include? List of works. Utilities tariffs

Every month tenants receive receipts forpayment of utilities. And in each there is a section "Maintenance of housing and maintenance." What is included in it? It is necessary to dwell on this topic in more detail in order to understand what the money is paid for. This is approved by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Legislation determines which utility tariffs will apply. To make sure that the completed receipt is correct, you need to familiarize yourself with each section.

List of services

maintenance of housing and maintenance that is included

If the section "Housing maintenance and maintenance" is paid, what is included in the list of services? Management companies are required to perform the following types of work:

  • inspection of premises for safety compliance: usually fire brigades, rescuers, lifters are sent for this job;
  • cleaning of the territory and premises: a janitor works on the street, and a cleaning woman is in the stairwell;
  • high-quality lighting of premises: this rule is not observed in every house, therefore residents have to take care of it on their own;
  • waste disposal: garbage collection is performed by employees of the management company;
  • repair: can be cosmetic and capital;
  • land works: near the house need landscaping;
  • providing the house with a set temperature and humidity.

This list is basic, which is included inSection "Housing maintenance and repair." What else is included is determined by the management companies. But even the main services do not always perform properly. Residents have the right to write a complaint in case of any inconsistencies regarding the quality of services. Then the housing and communal services authorities will be forced to report on their work.

Additional services

Often in the receipt include the item "Garbage collection". Its price is low, but many do not know what it is paid for. This service provides waste disposal.

In addition to the main services included in the paymentadditional. The appointment of new types of work is approved at the general meeting of residents of the house. This event allows you to discuss many exciting issues. For example, residents can refuse to clean because they will do it themselves.

How are tariffs created?

What utility tariffs will act is determined byby law. How are they created? It must be borne in mind that tenants of apartments belonging to municipal or state property pay an additional tax - renting housing. But they do not need to contribute money for the current repairs of an apartment building, since the owner of the house does this work.

garbage disposal Price

What do we pay for utilities? These include compensation for:

  • hire: only those tenants who have not privatized an apartment pay for it;
  • current repair of the entrance and other premises;
  • overhaul: this line of receipt should be only for residents of apartment buildings;
  • cleanliness: regular cleaning is done in an apartment building.

All submitted items must be in onecolumn, and not separately, otherwise it is considered a violation. If any rules are not respected, the tenants have the right to apply to the housing or utilities service or the tax service with a claim. When decisions on complaints are not received, it is necessary to apply to the court. And it can be done collectively.

If you understand everything, then it may takea lot of time, so most tenants just do not want to do it. And continue to pay for additional services. But where do the funds go? To understand this, you need to consider in more detail the types of services provided.

Intercom payment

Many homes have convenient devices.- Intercoms. But they require maintenance, repair, for which residents will also be charged. An intercom may be installed by government agencies, but this is very rare. If the tenants at the meeting decided to install this device, and also turned to a representative of the housing and communal services on this issue, then this will be included in the “Housing Maintenance and Maintenance”. What else goes there depends on the selected services.

what are the utility rates

Usually the intercom is installed by tenantson their own. For this, a responsible person is determined who collects money, negotiates with the firm and controls the entire process. After installation, you must pay for the maintenance of the device. In this case, a separate receipt is provided for payment for services.

Garbage removal

In the receipts there is another service - garbage collection,the price of which is rather small. This column must be included in the content section, otherwise it is considered a violation. Sometimes tenants refuse such a service, but there must be grounds for this.

list of works

Residents of the house can independently hire a companywhich will do this kind of work. Make it easy. For example, the house is located on the outskirts of the city, and garbage collectors may not reach here every day. Residents need to collect signatures and refuse service. Then you have to pay the company, and from the receipt of this column must be removed.

И есть другой вариант ситуации.Garbage removal, the price of which is spelled out in the receipt, is indicated in a separate column. Since the amounts for this are small, many will not even notice this inscription. But this is considered a violation of the law.

Housing and utilities

You need to understand what services the payment consists of.housing. Utilities - this is the fee for the content. But this government agency often violates rights and exceeds authority. If there were such situations, then residents can apply to higher authorities to restore justice.

what we pay for

Residents pay and seasonal work, which are also included in the content. These services include:

  • roof restoration;
  • repair of drains, ventilation, garbage chute;
  • installation of handrails, steps;
  • restoration of doors and windows;
  • care of the local area;
  • update fences, gates;
  • gardening;
  • control over playgrounds;
  • emergency maintenance;
  • watering trees.

The list of services must be inthe contract drawn up at the general meeting of tenants and representatives of the utilities. Some services can be removed from the list, and additional services can be added. Residents can control the execution of all works, since this right is in the law.


Often apartment owners are not interested in price.services, and the regularity of their performance. Indeed, many utilities do not perform the entire list of works. The reasons for such actions, they include the lack of funds, workers. The frequency and timing of the work must be specified in the contract. If there is no corresponding section, then the organization has adopted its own schedules for the performance of various services.

cleaning the entrance to the apartment building

There are recommendations for the implementation of cleaning public spaces. They can be used as a basis:

  • removal of dust from ceilings - twice a year;
  • window cleaning - 2 times a year;
  • floor cleaning every day;
  • sweeping - daily;
  • wall treatment - 2 times a year;
  • rubbing sills - every month;
  • mailbox processing - once a month.

Этот перечень услуг необходим для обеспечения cleanliness in common areas. If these works are not performed, then it is necessary to contact the higher authorities. They can perform and the tenants themselves, and then the payment should not be charged.

Types of work on time

Работы бывают сезонными, плановыми и необходимыми.The first are held annually when the house needs to be prepared for the heating season, and also after it. To do this, perform a readiness test of pipes and other activities. Scheduled repairs can be performed throughout the year. This is necessarily consistent with the tenants so that changes can be made.

Necessary repairs are required to eliminateproblems that have arisen by chance, and they need to be urgently removed. For example, communication was broken for the supply of water, gas or electricity. Such works are performed if necessary.

Upon receipt of receipts you must payattention to the content graph. You should also consider the condition of your home and determine if everything is done properly. Only when the tenants themselves protect their rights, one can hope for the decency of the work of the management company.

What to do with unreasonable price increases?

By law, residents have the right to file complaints inhigher authorities. If unreasonable overcharging for any services was discovered, a collective complaint is necessary. Typically, companies have to pay fines for such actions. And they are provided not to the state, but to affected citizens.

maintenance of the entrance

It is advisable to file a collective complaint,because it will be considered much faster. It is necessary to state the need for recalculation, as well as the validity of accruals. If the illegality of prices is proved, then the company pays compensation.

Changes in legislation

From 2016 in the payment documents appearednew line - TKO. Solid municipal waste is charged on the amount of waste per person. There will be no section of general house needs, since it was transferred for repairs and maintenance.

Now there is a law under which the house manager is obliged to pay a fine in case of poor-quality work. The same applies to cases of incorrectly counted receipts.

Thus, residents do not always succeed.to understand the receipt for payment for utilities. Not everyone knows what exactly the money is charged for. But besides the tenants no one will deal with this.

Every resident should be familiar with the contract,compiled with utilities. It is also necessary to regularly review the information in the receipts. If any violations were discovered, this should be resolved immediately. Meetings of tenants also help to learn a lot. If everyone is interested in paying for services, then tenants are unlikely to be deceived. It is important for residents to act decisively, and then their rights will not be violated.

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