/ / How to choose an orthosis for the wrist joint: advice and feedback from doctors

How to choose an orthosis for the wrist joint: advice and feedback from doctors

The complex structure of the wrist joint allowswe have to withdraw, bend and unbend the brush, make it circular movements. He is considered the most traumatized part of the human body. In case of damage and diseases of the joint-ligament apparatus of the hand, an orthosis is applied to the wrist joint. How is it chosen, and what is its main purpose?

What is an orthosis?

To orthoses belong orthopedic adaptations,Used to fix and relieve the load from the joints and spine after traumatic injuries and surgeries. They are used for certain diseases, as well as for prevention.

By appointment all the orthoses are divided into three groups:

  • orthoses for the spine (corsets, collar tires, reklinators, bandages);
  • orthosis in case of damage to the joints of the upper limbs (elbow pads, shoulder locks, finger retainers, wrist-like orthoses);
  • Orthoses for fixing the joints of the lower extremities (knee pads, ankles, hip orthoses, orthopedic insoles, shoes and others).

According to the manufacturing method, these devicescan be ready and individual. The first are factory products. A certain type of such prosthesis is prescribed by the doctor to the patient. Individual orthosis is made personally for each patient, taking into account its anatomical features and pathology.

Orthoses for wrist joint

The human wrist as the most mobile parthis hands are often damaged. The most common of these are stretching and sprains. If they are detected, an orthosis is prescribed for the wrist joint to ensure its semi-rigid or easy fixation. Outwardly, it resembles a glove that securely fixes the wrist, preventing displacement. Such an orthopedic device restricts movement, and if necessary completely immobilizes it, which allows to significantly reduce the painful sensations and contributes to a more rapid recovery of the joint after serious traumatic injuries.

Orthosis for wrist joint

Orthoses for wrist joints are divided into three types:

  • Rigid, which are used in the rehabilitation period after fractures. Thanks to them, the wrist is fixed completely.
  • Semi-rigid, used in rehabilitation after minor injuries.
  • Soft, used to prevent the occurrence of possible wrist injuries.

Latch in case of damage to the joint of the handit is necessary to buy on the advice of a doctor. Depending on the type of injury, the expert will always give advice on the degree of rigidity of the orthosis needed to be selected. Soft types are recommended more often when engaging in active and mobile sports or performing certain work, accompanied by a significant strain on the wrist. For complete immobilization, rigid types of devices are used, as, for example, the Orlett brace on the wrist joint. It resembles a mitten (a glove without fingers) with a metal tire and a convenient tightening, which provides the necessary level of fixation of the wrist. The orthesis is produced in sizes from S to XL. It is universal and can be used to fully fix both left and right hands.

Правильность выбора размера можно проверить, trying on an orthosis. Doctors always emphasize the special importance of the convenience of the fixator. The period of use of orthosis is also determined by a specialist. To shorten this period without consulting with a specialist is not recommended. Also attempts of independent changes in the construction of the device are unacceptable.

Indications for use

Orthosis for the wrist joint is applied ifno such contraindications as acute purulent inflammatory processes, tumors in the area of ​​application of the fixative, diseases in which hyperthermia is inadmissible is not revealed.

Orlett Orthesis for the wrist joint

For the wrist joint, light and semi-rigid orthoses with different degrees of fixation are used in the following cases:

  • joint injuries, ligament damage, hemarthrosis;
  • exacerbation of arthrosis;
  • rehabilitation period after gypsum fixation of the joint, after surgical interventions and traumas;
  • with damage to the peripheral nerves.

Fixation and discharge of wrist joints also carry wristlets. They are used in the following cases:

  • as a complex treatment of osteochondropathy;
  • for the treatment of injuries of ligaments and joint bruises;
  • in prophylactic purposes with excessive loads (physical or sports);
  • after surgical interventions on the joint.

Various designs of rigid orthoses are used for the following indications:

  • damage to ligaments and tendons of the joint;
  • bruises, sprains;
  • condition after surgical interventions on the wrist joint and the joints of the thumb;
  • instability of the wrist;
  • rheumatic fever;
  • inflammation of the joint and adjacent soft tissue (myositis, arthritis, tendovaginitis);
  • traumatic neuropathies (such as styloiditis, tunnel syndrome) of peripheral nerves;
  • prevention of flexural contractures of the hand;
  • increased production and sports loads.

    Orthosis for wrist joint

At children at damages also it is applied an orthosison the wrist joint. Children's fixator, as well as in adults, is used as a remedy for joint diseases and injuries, and, if necessary, as prevention.

Features of use

Different types of orthoses have received good reviews from patients and doctors. They do their job well when carrying out all the expert's recommendations.

Light wrist brace orthotics in traumatologyare used to treat partial damage to ligaments, subluxations, bruises, for prophylactic purposes, for example, in sports, for their prevention. They help to eliminate inflammation and pain, reduce the load on the damaged joint. Often they are assigned to people who work a lot at the computer. They often have wrist syndrome because of the uncomfortable position of the hand and excessive strain on the wrist. The reason for this is the pinched nerve and the occurrence of pain.

For more serious injuries, a hardorthosis for the wrist joint. The doctors' comments on the various designs of this type of fixator indicate their effectiveness. It is also important that orthoses are universal and comfortable for prolonged wearing. They are made of elastic material, more often it is aeroprene. Its porous structure consists of air micro-chambers, which do not interfere with air exchange, provide breathing of the skin and regulation of its humidity.

Orthosis for wrist joint reviews

The orthosis for wrist joint is distinguished also by otherspositive features. It has a compression action, it is often used to remove the swelling in the area of ​​injury of the wrist. Due to light compression, the retainer helps to remove the liquid that is stagnant in the tissues. Fixation of the wrist also helps to get rid of the pain.

Orthoses Easy fixation is warming and massageimpact and provide moderate compression of the joint. They are used for the prevention and treatment of arthrosis and arthritis, bursitis, stiloiditis and other inflammations and diseases.

The results of the use of the orthosis

Unloading and fixing a joint with an orthosisreduces pain. The damaged area is at rest, compression and warming contribute to the acceleration of blood circulation and lymph flow, which helps to obtain a positive effect from the treatment.

With offsets, the orthosis is used in complextreatment and helps eliminate the resulting deformity. It is also an excellent prophylactic agent, since it protects the wrist joint from traumatic injuries and postoperative complications.

However, its effectiveness depends on the correctchoice, which should be done only with the doctor after the patient is examined. It is the specialist who determines the degree of fixation of the orthosis and the mode of its wearing. Typically, the retainer is worn to the fullest recovery of the joint.

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