/ / Orthosis on the knee joint

Orthosis on the knee joint

Orthosis on the knee joint today, unfortunately,very often it is required not only for people professionally involved in sports, but also for ordinary citizens (especially in winter). After all, at the present time to get to our streets before work - is already sports: then snow, then ice, then covered with snow yesterday's ice crust.

Of future injuries, of course, medical orthopedic products will not be saved, but they will become indispensable in case of injuries already experienced or with other problems with knee joints. After all, the orthosis itself is a supporting bandage product directly for these joints, and contributes to a speedy recovery.

The direct purpose of this product isimprovement of the musculoskeletal function of the directly lower limb, which was broken due to flat-valgus deformation or other types of diseases and injuries. They are used to fix the limb, which is deformed, in a corrected position. Also an orthosis on the knee joint is used to provide a locomotion act of walking.

Orthoses are hinged and hingeless.The first - products in which the components are articulated with the help of hinges and tires. This makes it possible to produce an orthopedic device, in the use of which the mobility and the corrected position of the most deformed limb is provided in the joints.

Use these tools can be in theday, and at night. In addition, orthotics are distinguished for correcting, compensating, fixing and unloading (depending on the type of impact on the limb). The first type provides a phased, gradual elimination of deformations by changing either the shape of the orthosis or the mechanism of its action.

Fixing.This kind is designed to create rest for the damaged segment, favorable conditions for all the recovery processes, to reduce pain and reactive inflammatory reaction, to restore the support function of the segment, to correct deformations and displacements.

Discharge orthoses reduce the axial and localload on the corresponding area or segment. A compensating products - compensate certain segments of the limb in addition to all the above.

Orthosis on the knee joint, as a rule,It is used from the moment when the damage occurred, and until the full recovery is complete. This period includes the stage of treatment and the period of subsequent rehabilitation.

It should also be noted that this productis a fairly effective tool after when the plaster is removed. Mainly, it is due to the fact that these bandages can have a thermal and micromassage effect, and also improve blood circulation and metabolic processes in the skin and muscles.

An irreplaceable remedy is also an orthosis, andafter the transferred surgical interventions. Thanks not only to the fact that the joint warms, but also to reduce the load during direct motor activity.

Orthosis on the knee joint is often very successfulIt is used in the therapy of certain inflammatory processes having a different etiology, and also in cases of painful sensations in the knee joints.

Damage or destabilization of the joint canoccur when it is under strong pressure, at which the level of its strength is exceeded. The knee and ankle joints are most often injured. And the best fixators are the orthoses.

Thus, orthoses on the ankle is advisableUse for more serious violations of the motor activity of the joints. In comparison with plaster bandage, they differ in a number of advantages, including reliable protection, preservation of blood circulation around the periphery, elimination of skin lesions and shorter rehabilitation period.

In comparison with bandages, orthoses are a complexA design that combines plastic, metal and fabric. There are rigid (strengthened fixation) and semi-rigid orthoses on the knee joint. They are used in cases of serious injuries - sprains, dislocations and fractures, as well as with sufficiently pronounced instability and degenerative chronic diseases.

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