/ / Turtle bandage on the elbow joint, on the knee joint: superposition

Turtle bandage on the elbow joint, on the knee joint: overlay

Every person runs the risk of injuring an arm or leg.This can be a bruise with a violation of the integrity of the skin, bone tissue. With such injuries, the mobility of the elbow or the knee joint is disturbed. When an accident occurred and the joint was damaged, an urgent need to seek medical help, especially if the skin was damaged, and an abrasion.

turtle dressing

Why?Because a tetanus stick can get on the surface of the abrasion. She is extremely dangerous. Also, if the joints are damaged, a situation arises when, without qualified assistance, you can get an injury that will disturb a person for the rest of his life. Sprains are dangerous to health. But while waiting for the ambulance, you can help yourself by applying a bandage to the turtle. This article describes in detail what these dressings are. We will also describe what types of dressings are, their purpose and methods of use.

What is a turtle dressing and what is it for?

This bandage perfectly protects the connections notonly the elbow, but also the joints of the knees. It is made from a bandage made from natural ingredients. This bandage is strong enough, the material "breathes". At the same time the bandage itself has a high degree of elasticity.

A turtle bandage over the joint is applied thenwhen there is a serious elbow injury. Injury of this kind can occur during a fall, because the main support of the body during a fall is exactly the elbow. Such injuries can occur to anyone in any conditions - be it a sport, workplace or everyday situations.

turtle bandage on the elbow joint

So, in what cases need a turtle bandage on the joint (knee or elbow):

  • bruise in the joint area;
  • sprain;
  • hemarthrosis;
  • rehabilitation period after surgery on the joint.


What are the advantages of this dressing:

  1. When using this dressing is likelythat further medical care is simply not necessary. The dressing will effectively help fix the position of the joint and restore its function.
  2. It relieves pain, soothes the joint.
  3. Protects the skin from the penetration of harmful microorganisms.
  4. It has the property of fast recovery of damaged tissues.

In general, proper use of the dressing will allow the patient to quickly feel relief.

Turtle dressings are of different kinds. They are applied depending on the type of damage and its severity.


Protective dressings are used toprotect the skin. Accordingly, they are used for those injuries when the skin is broken (abrasions, cuts; deep wounds). The dressing has antiseptic properties, does not allow harmful microorganisms to penetrate the damaged skin into the bloodstream. This bandage consists of gauze and adhesive tape with a bactericidal effect, as well as a bandage.


These dressings have a squeezing effect.They are designed to stop the bleeding after injury. In order for such a bandage to optimally perform its functions, it must be tightly tightened when applied.


Such dressings perfectly fix the tissue of the injured area. Therefore, they are also called locking. They should be used in situations where a sprain has occurred.

turtle bandage on the knee joint


This is the most common type of turtle.dressings that have been used since ancient times. The bandage perfectly passes air and does not give the chance to breed to anaerobic bacteria. It is also flexible and therefore easy to use. The density of the bandage bandage allows you to well fix the ligaments, if there was their stretching. Turtle dressing is convergent and divergent.

How to apply this bandage?

A converging bandage is applied when a joint damage has occurred, and a divergent bandage is used for injuries to tissues located near the joint.

turtle joint bandage

Before applying the dressing it is necessary to strictly follow the sanitary standards. You need to wash your hands thoroughly. Ideally, wear rubber gloves afterwards.

After that, you need to calm down when it comes toself-help, or calm the victim. Since the process of applying a bandage can cause severe pain. The victim must be prepared for this.

Applying a turtle dressing should be neat and careful movement. Because any negligence can lead to pain in the area of ​​damage to the elbow.

turtle dressing

The left hand should take the end of the bandage.The head unwinding the bandage should be in the right hand. This rule works for right-handers, for left-handers it should be the other way around. The back of the patient dressing material should fit snugly against damaged skin. The bandage should not be stretched, no folds should be created.

We put a descending bandage

How should a turtle bandage be applied to the elbow joint? The overlapping of the descending is as follows:

  1. First, you need to bend the elbow joint about 90 degrees, but not more than 100.
  2. It is necessary to divide in the mind the shoulder region into threeequal parts. You need to start with the area that is located in the maximum proximity to the elbow. There you need to make several tours to strengthen the area.
  3. Next put tours in the form of eight. At the same time, the bandage should be applied in such a way alternately in the shoulder and elbow areas. But it is important to remember that crossing tours is always necessary in the area of ​​the joint.
  4. Each next layer of the bandage overlaps the previous one.
  5. The dressing can be finished when the dressing has reached the level of the joint.
  6. In the center of the joint is the final fixation.

Disposable dressing

The joint is bent in the same way as when applyingcoming down. Fixing tours are made in the elbow or knee. Next, eight-shaped tours are made at the top and bottom of the joint alternately, intersecting with each other at the joint. The final round for fixation is done on the forearm or on the shoulder.

It turns out that the difference between the descending and divergent types of dressings lies in the places where the dressing starts and when it is finally fixed. Otherwise, all actions are the same.

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