/ / The drug "Ingoverin." Instructions for use

The drug "Ingoverin." Instructions for use

The medicine "Ingoverin 90" is relativelya new development of Russian scientists. The drug has a pronounced antiviral effect. Ingoverin is active against the influenza virus (A / H1N1 and its other modifications), influenza B, parainfluenza, adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial infection.

The active component of the drug is pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide.

The drug "Ingoverin 90" instruction allows to use for treatment of influenza B and A and other acute respiratory infections of the viral nature.

The medication is available in red (or blue) capsules containing powder and white granules with a creamy or pure white color.

Характеризуя медикамент "Инговерин", инструкция on application testifies to the presence of immunomodulating activity in it, based on increasing the production of interferon by leukocytes and, as a consequence, increasing its (interferon) concentration in plasma. The drug promotes the formation of T-killers (cells killing the virus). The drug "Ingoverin" (instructions for use indicates this) contributes to the acceleration of the functional maturation of neutrophils.

Противовоспалительное воздействие медикамента is associated with the suppression of the production of key cytokines, a decrease in the activity of myelopericidase. In case of influenza, the therapeutic effect is manifested by a shortening of the febrile period, a decrease in intoxication, relief of headache, dizziness, elimination of weakness, catarrhal phenomena, and a reduction in the number of complications and duration of the disease.

In the course of the conducted studies it was established thatmedicine "Ingoverin" does not have a carcinogenic or mutagenic effect, does not affect the state of reproductive function. The drug is not capable of providing immunotoxic and allergenic effects, does not have local irritating properties.

Upon ingestion, a uniformdistribution of the active component in organs and tissues. At the end of thirty minutes after administration, the maximum concentration of the agent in the blood is observed. Removal of the medicine is carried out in an unchanged form.

The agent "Ingoverin" instructions for use recommends taking internally, regardless of food.

The medicine should be taken from the moment of manifestation of the first signs of the disease, no later than thirty-six hours from its (illness) onset.

The drug, as a rule, is prescribed ninety milligrams once a day. Depending on the severity of the condition, the duration of treatment can be from five to seven days.

Among the side effects when taking medication "Ingoverin" instructions for use calls allergic reactions. As practice shows, these effects are noted in rare cases.

Do not prescribe medication to patients under the age of eighteen, as well as having individual intolerance to the components.

Due to the fact that the use of the drugpregnant and lactating women have not been studied, the use of the drug "Ingoverin" in this category of patients is not recommended. If necessary, take the product during feeding, lactation is stopped.

Medication "Ingoverine" has no influence onspeed of psychomotor reactions, concentration of attention and visual acuity. In this regard, restrictions on the use of drugs to persons whose activities are regarded as potentially dangerous, is not established.

Cases of an overdose of Ingoverin are not described.

Interaction with other drugs

The ability of the drug "Ingoverin" to strengthen the antitumor activity of cytostatics, reduce the toxic effect of the drug "Cyclophosphamide".

Despite the fact that reviews about the medicine from both specialists and patients are in most cases positive, the medication should be agreed with the doctor.

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