/ How many calories in mandarin: about mono-diets and unloading days

How many calories in a tangerine: about mono diets and unloading days

So, it's already spring, but for the winter many have gottwo or five extra pounds, well, or even from the fall they were not got rid of. So we are thinking about how to lose weight as quickly as possible. I would like for a few months of spring to create a miracle that will be visible not only on the scales. How to feel full, while losing weight?

In search of a delicious solution, we turn tofruits and vegetables. Indeed, this is a good alternative to fatty dishes. In addition, many fruits perfectly satisfy the desire to eat sweet. And even mono-diet on fruits is easier to sustain than mono-diet on low-fat cottage cheese. Carla Bruni talks about a diet on tangerines, namely - one mandarin a day and nothing more. Of course, this is not a diet, but a method of starvation. How many calories are in the tangerine? 40kcal for every 100g. From such a diet, a person with a weak will grow fat even more. One of the weight loss gurus has experienced the effect of starvation and claims that fasting is the best way to gain weight. If you are not a model, sick with anorexia, which is able to restrain yourself and not eat after hunger, you should not experiment on yourself. And then every day thousands of anorexic people go massively into the ranks of bulimics and can not stop in their overeating. Therefore, one mandarin a day is an unhealthy extreme. Despite the authority of the wife of the French president, it is better to not limit one piece of this fruit.

But if you buy for your unloadingdays a kilogram of one and a half or two, you will not feel wolfish hunger. Of course, knowing how many calories in tangerine, it is easy to calculate that in the recommended amount of orange small fruit will be 600-800kcal. This is very good for a fasting day. However, you need to be very spicy, citrus and in small doses - allergen, and even if you eat a half kilogram, the next day you can not recognize yourself in the mirror. Therefore, unloading days with citrus fruits should be done only by those who have never suffered from any allergies. And do not buy a supply of fruit for a week, enough - for a couple of days. Because the mandarin mono diet for more than three days is not worth planning. After all, in these wonderful fruits there is no protein, your muscles will not be able to recover, and you will lose at least 30 g of muscle tissue per day, which will reduce the body's need for energy. Hence, there is less to do in order not to postpone fat.

Of course, if you remember how many calories intangerine, you might think that losing weight on these fruits is easy and pleasant. However, believe an experienced person - on the fourth day of a mono diet you will get sick of tangerines. In addition, you can earn an exacerbation of gastritis, and you will not care about calories. In mandarin, too many acidic substances, so for our stomachs, it is literally not neutral.

Конечно, если вы не планируете разгрузочный день or mono-diet on small orange fruits, all these negative consequences will not be. How many calories are in 1 tangerine? Only 15-20 kcal. This is ideal if you have already eaten a lot of calories per day and your budget does not leave you many alternatives. The maximum of calories that you can get from a single fruit is 30 calories, and even that of a very large one.

Итак, мандариновая монодиета противопоказана тем, who has problems with the stomach, a tendency to allergic reactions, an inability to eat the same food for a long time. However, if you arrange a fasting day, you can miss up to 1kg of weight. That's just the effect can be seen not immediately, especially if you have started a discharge day against the background of dehydration. One day eat mandarins, then very moderately - unsweetened and low-fat food, and only after a day you can enjoy the effect. How many calories are in the tangerine? Just as much as you need for a good mood!

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