/ / What is the treatment for stomatitis in adults?

What is the treatment for stomatitis in adults?

Traditionally, stomatitis is considered "childish"disease. However, in practice, one in five people face this ailment in adulthood. What is the treatment for stomatitis in adults? In fact, specific methods of treatment depend on the causes of the disease, which, in turn, can be very different.

stomatitis in adults in the language
Stomatitis caused by infection

This is a fairly common reasonoccurrence of inflammation of the oral mucosa. As a rule, speech in this case is about bacterial infections, such, for example, as tuberculosis or measles. In this situation, doctors prescribe antibiotics effective for this or that infection. The exception is, perhaps, only herpes stomatitis, since the herpes virus shows resistance to antibiotics. What is the treatment of stomatitis in adults of this origin? The most successful practice is the use of antifungal drugs, for example acyclovir.

Allergic stomatitis

In medicine, there is also the concept ofallergic stomatitis. Allergens in this case can be very different: a new medicine or, say, toothpaste. You can get rid of the disease by eliminating its cause.

Traumatic stomatitis

What is the treatment of stomatitis in adults caused bychemical or physical effects on the mucous membrane of the mouth? Here, as in the case of allergic stomatitis, it is enough to eliminate the traumatic factor. Damage to the mucous membrane can occur as a result of chemical reagents falling on it, improper manufacturing of dentures, the use of excessively hot food, and so on.

Symptomatic stomatitis

This is one of the most dangerous species of thisdisease. In this case, stomatitis is just a symptom of some other internal disease. That is, to get rid of it, it is necessary to identify and cure the underlying disease.

than treat stomatitis in adults

Folk remedies against stomatitis

Let's talk about how to treat stomatitis inadults. As a rule, this disease does not appear "out of nowhere", which means that the stomatitis has disappeared once and for all, it is necessary to get rid of its root cause. Nevertheless, some folk remedies will help you relieve unpleasant symptoms.

For example, an old and proven meansis rinsing the mouth with an egg protein diluted in 100 grams of warm water. The procedure must be repeated every 2 hours. This is due to the fact that stomatitis in adults in the language suggests a reduced amount of lysozyme (bactericidal component) in saliva. A protein egg, like no other product, is rich in lysozyme. With the ulcerative form of stomatitis against a background of other diseases, egg white should be mixed with a teaspoon of honey, 5 mg of novocaine, and also vitamins B1 and B6 (one ampoule each). The mixture is whipped until the foam appears. A teaspoon of the drug is taken to an empty stomach and kept until it is completely absorbed.

treatment of stomatitis in adults

Very effective in the treatment of stomatitis herbaldecoctions: yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, oak, sage, horsetail, etc. It is also recommended to rinse your mouth regularly with clean warm water and soda (teaspoon per glass), potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or propolis tincture.

Many people are helped by rubbing the sores with aloe leaves or applying a gruel from raw potatoes to them.

How is stomatitis treated in adults?Drugs are prescribed by a specialist depending on the cause of the disease. And remember that when the first signs of stomatitis appear, it is better to immediately consult a doctor - folk remedies will only improve the general condition, but can not at all affect the real cause of inflammation.

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