Stomatitis - inflammatory processes in the mucosamouth, which are caused by infection and are characterized by soreness. Inflammation involves the mucous membrane of the mouth, tongue, palate and lips. Stomatitis, the symptoms of which are terribly unpleasant, is very common in both children and adults. There are many reasons for its occurrence. Among them - other types of stomatitis (acute herpetic and foot-and-mouth disease), smoking, allergic reactions, vitamin deficiencies, dental diseases, various bacterial and viral infections. According to experts, traumatic lesions of the oral mucosa, as well as specific causes: syphilis, fungal lesions, tuberculosis, poisoning can also cause stomatitis.
Stomatitis: symptoms.
Symptoms of stomatitis can be different, thatdepends on the variety of the disease and its clinical picture. It is known that stomatitis can be catarrhal, ulcerative and aphthous. The first signs of the disease can be found in the tongue, inside of the cheeks and mucous membranes of the mouth. The catarrhal form is characterized by edema, redness and increased bleeding. Ulcerative stomatitis, the symptoms of which include a grayish coating on the tongue, is accompanied by fever. Frequent cases when catarrhal stomatitis develops into a ulcerative. The danger of infection is that it can spread to other organs. Among the effects of stomatitis - purulent formations and lesions of the oral mucosa.
What does stomatitis look like?
When stomatitis in the oral cavity there are smallThe sores are oval or round in shape, the center of which is covered with a thin white film. The edges of the sores are even. Education itself is very painful and prevents eating, moving your lips and tongue.
Treatment of stomatitis.
Stomatitis, the symptoms of which made themselves felt,requires immediate diagnosis and treatment. The slightest inflammation on the lip or cheek, which may seem frivolous, should be a cause for concern and treatment to the doctor. The period of exacerbation of chronic stomatitis is spring and autumn. This form of the disease can have serious consequences and complications. That is why chronic stomatitis requires serious therapy with antiviral and antibacterial drugs and regular visits to the dentist.
As prevention, experts advise to adhere to the rules of oral hygiene and regular examinations at the dentist.
There is also such a thing as fungal stomatitis. This disease is an inflammationthe oral mucosa, which occurs as a result of inadequate care of the oral cavity, debilitating diseases, the administration of corticosteroids and antibiotics. Pathogens are Candida fungi. In people, fungal stomatitis is called milkmaids. With thrush, the tongue is covered with white coating, under which there is a red surface. If you find a fungal stomatitis in children, on the mucous mouth, you can see redness, which soon become bloom. The child may refuse to eat because of pain, and his salivation increases.
In adults, fungal stomatitis appears on the backgroundthe development of diabetes mellitus or immunodeficiency and, as a rule, develops into a chronic form. If the time is not taken to treat the disease, the development of stomatitis can give complications. Sometimes fungal stomatitis affects the destruction of teeth. With fungal stomatitis prescribe the intake of nystatin, levorin, various vitamins, as well as iodized potassium. You can wipe the mouth with a solution of soda.
In any case, doctors advise not to stay withtreatment of any form of stomatitis, since even a small problem with the mucous membrane of the mouth can cause serious diseases, getting rid of which will be very difficult.