Bruises and bruises - a phenomenon in everyday life is not rare.Therefore, in any medicine cabinet, absorbable ointments and gels must be present. To date, we have a huge selection of such drugs. But in order not to waste money, it will not be superfluous to ask which of them really work.
Let's start with medicines that are designed directly to eliminate bruises and edema.
The first drug is "Bruise off", a gel with an extractmedical leech, pentoxifin and ethoxydiglycol. The resorption of bruises is due to an improvement in lymph flow and blood circulation. The gel is suitable for face and eyelid skin. The drug provides a reduction in swelling and inflammation after trauma and surgery. Available "Bruise off" of two kinds: with tinted effect and transparent.
According to the instructions to the drug, the gel promotes accelerated resorption of hematomas and edema. It is recommended to apply it five times a day, which is not always convenient.
Now a little about how effective the "Bruise"off. "Reviews of consumers in this case are not very encouraging.As it turns out, this drug does not cope with its main task.With it, getting rid of bruises quickly is unlikely to succeed.
As you know, the extract of leech perfectly removes puffiness. But the bruising does not affect its effect.
However, with gel "Bruise off" you have a good opportunity to disguise a bruise and not to scare others with your appearance.
Next on our list is the drug "Arcalen".Producers declare in its composition such natural ingredients as arnica and marigold, chestnut extract and lemon oil. The basis of the ointment is petrolatum, liquid paraffin and lanolin.
Unlike the gel "Bruise off," "Arcalen" hasnot only a resolving effect, but also an anesthetic. Therefore, it is often used to heal sunburn and abrasions. Sports doctors often use this ointment as a massage, with stretches and myalgia.
Note that consumers confirmthe effectiveness of the drug in their reviews. The ointment quickly removes bruises on the body, but it is necessary to use it on the face with great care. Unfortunately, herbal ingredients can cause allergic reactions. However, for people leading an active lifestyle, "Arcalen" is indispensable, as a means of a fairly wide range of activities.
To relieve the pain, it is recommended to alternate the gel from bruises with drugs based on diclofenac, ketoprofen, nimesulide, ibuprofen.
The plant has long been used in folkmedicine for the removal of bruises, due to pronounced resolving action. Use this tool can be in the form of powder. Badyahu mixed with oil or water and apply the gruel directly to the bruise. After 10 - 15 minutes completely rinse with water. This method has been tested not by one generation and the effectiveness of its doubts does not cause. However, in concentrated form, the powder of badyaga has a strong irritant effect and causes skin peeling. Therefore, against bruises on the face, it is better to use gels, which make up this plant.
"Troxevasin", "Lyoton", heparin ointment or"Troxerutin" in the additional submission do not need. These drugs are not intended to directly eliminate bruises, but in everyday life we often use them. By the way, anti-varicose ointments give a much better effect than special gels. They quickly resolve the bruising, and the swelling disappears, literally before our very eyes.
Having in his medicine cabinet one of the abovemeans, you can easily cope with bruises. However, if the drugs are not available for some reason, this is not a reason for despair. There are many ways to get rid of trouble quickly enough. Immediately after the injury, use ice. The cold narrows the blood vessels, and the resulting bruise is no longer purple-red.
In a day you can use warmingcompresses that have exactly the opposite effect. Strengthening the blood flow, hot baths and lotions accelerate the resorption of hematomas. With strong swelling, you can use a decoction of parsley. The pain of a bruise will be helped by a field horsetail. not bad helps and iodine grid. All these products can be used both separately and in combination with pharmacy products.