/ / Arthrosis of the hands: treatment, symptoms and causes

Arthrosis of the hands: treatment, symptoms and causes

arthrosis of hands
Arthrosis of the hands (treatment of this diseasewill be discussed below) is more common in women than in the stronger sex. It should also be noted that such a disease is particularly troubling for people in old age.

General information about the disease

Osteoarthritis of the hands, the symptoms of which will be presented later, is characterized by the simultaneous damage of several joints, namely the phalange of the thumbs and the interphalangeal elements of the brushes.

As a rule, such a disease is accompanied bypain syndrome, especially with mechanical rhythm. In other words, the patient may have quite strong discomfort during the force load on the joints. As for the state of passivity and rest, in this case the patient notes a significant reduction in pain.

What happens if you do not treat the disease?

Quite often, patients are treated withsuch a neglected disease as arthrosis of the hands. Treatment of this disease should be carried out immediately after detection. After untimely therapy can easily become a cause of aggravation of the condition of inflamed joints, as well as the progression of pain syndrome.

Osteoarthritis of the hands: symptoms of the disease

It is quite possible to detect the presence of such a disease on the following grounds:

arthrosis of the hands symptoms

  • severe pain in the joints of the hands during lifting of weights and with active physical work;
  • crunches in the joints of the hands during their movement;
  • pain syndrome when weather changes;
  • marked swelling or swelling of the joints of the arms;
  • a constant tension in those places where the damaged joints are located, as well as in the muscle tissues located nearby.

If the patient has arthrosis of smallthe joints of the hands, then his fingers can change, deform, become short, etc. This is a clear sign of the disease, in this connection the patient should immediately consult a doctor.

The main causes of pathology

Существует несколько причин, по которым у a person can develop such a disease as arthrosis of the joints of the hands. It should be noted that the disease occurs not only in the elderly, but also in quite young people. This can contribute to the following reasons:

  • damage or injury to the hands;
  • congenital pathologies in the development of the joints of the hands;
  • long and regular power loads on the joints of hands, fingers and hands (often associated with professional activities);
  • the consequences of diseases such as gout, psoriasis, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.

Deforming arthrosis of hands: treatment with medicines

arthrosis of the joints of the hands treatment

The treatment of this disease is rather complicated and takes a lot of time. After going to the doctor, the latter is obliged to prescribe a complex therapy, otherwise it will not give a positive result.

As a rule, after diagnosing, the doctor prescribes to his patient the following medicines:

  • drugs that stimulate metabolic processes in cartilage tissues;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • biogenic stimulants;
  • analgesics;
  • vitamins, including calcium and other minerals.

When starting such medication, one should not expect a quick recovery. Especially it concerns those who have started arthrosis of the joints of the hands.

Treatment with folk remedies

Along with drug therapy for treatmentSuch a disease is actively used and folk methods. The most effective and popular of them is the use of compresses made on the basis of normal salt and honey.

deforming arthrosis of hands
To prepare such a curative,It is necessary to mix the presented ingredients in one dish in the proportions of 1: 1. Further, the resulting homogeneous mixture must be applied to a linen cloth, and then immediately applied to the damaged joints, while carefully wrapping the bandage. As a rule, such compresses are left overnight, and in the morning they are removed after sleeping.

Other popular recipes

In addition to honey and salt, for unconventional therapypresented diseases actively use clay. To do this, the damaged areas make applications of warm product that can withstand about 25 minutes.

Arthrosis of the hands, the treatment of whichprovides for the use of folk remedies, safely passes and thanks to warm baths with the addition of hay hay. To carry out such procedures, it is necessary to pour 3 or 4 small handfuls of the mentioned grass with boiling water, close the dishes tightly and allow to stand for a while. Thus, the broth should cool to a temperature of 31-33 ° C. After doing this, the liquid is required to be poured into the bath with warm water. By the way, the patient can leave hay dust or pass it through a small strainer. The duration of such treatment sessions should be no more than half an hour. It is recommended to carry out these procedures in a day or two.

arthrosis of the joints of the hands

Treatment of the disease with exercise

Osteoarthritis of the hands, the treatment of which is based ondrug therapy in conjunction with traditional methods, is much faster if the patient performs special exercises daily. It should be noted that such classes are almost always prescribed by doctors in conjunction with medicines and healing baths, compresses. These exercises do not require a strong load on the fingers and do not take too much time from the patient. In this regard, they can even perform an elderly person.

The first thing that doctors always advise theirin patients diagnosed with arthrosis of the hands, it is constantly drumming on a hard surface (for example, a table) with damaged fingers. To understand how to properly perform this exercise, we describe its essence in more detail. To do this, a patient with osteoarthritis of the hands must be comfortably seated on a chair near the table, and then place the extended arms on it. In this case, the brush should be as relaxed as possible. In this position, the patient is required to not very strongly drumming his fingers on a flat and hard surface. This exercise is recommended to be repeated several times a day throughout the treatment of the disease.

If the patient has the opportunityuse the help of people around him, then doctors prescribe a regular percussion massage. During these remedial measures, the assistant must place the patient’s hand on his lap, and then press it well with his own hand. In this position, the massage therapist should begin to apply light strokes to sore joints with a free brush (through his own palm). It should be noted that the first sessions should be carried out carefully and as carefully as possible. It is recommended to constantly monitor the condition and pain in the hands of the patient. As the patient recovers, these procedures should preferably be made longer, and the blows should be applied more and more strongly (it is only important not to overdo it).

arthrosis of the small joints of the hands

Thus, observing all the doctor’s prescriptionstaking medicine and using traditional remedies, making massage and doing exercises every day, the patient is able to recover very soon and forget what arthrosis of the hands is.

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